The Taxi ride

Just getting back from a trip away for a few weeks, I had to hale a cab from the airport, I just couldn't rally any friends to pick me up at 7am on a saturday morning.
My time away , was a long trip, part work , part personal time. Had a few great days out hiking in and around Mammoth Lakes. I enjoyed the time outdoors and the core and cardio exercise that came with it. So now back in Los Angeles I beckoned a cab – he pulled up, I shoved my luggage in the trunk and jumped into the back seat. The cab driver got my address and started on down the road, I was settling into the ride home which should take about 45-60 minutes . It was hot out already and I decided to pull off my sweat shirt and get comfortable in my tank top that I had on underneath. I'm pretty toned at 45y/o 5'9” 168lb 44c 31w and healthy 16a, fit from several days a week at the gym, cardio, core work and hiking mostly. I was watching the city go by and kept noticing the driver checking me out in the mirror as I panned around the sights around us. I hadn't paid much attention to him as he never got out of the cab when he pulled up. He looked away and I got a glimpse of him. He was a handsome guy, white , sandy blond hair, tucked up in a cowboy hat, thats about all I saw. We were about to drive up onto the highway, when he asked if it was ok if he pulled over and take off his jacket, I had no issue with it and he pulled to the side of the road. Not leaving the cab, he shucked his coat and exposed himself in a white tank top, to my surprise he was quite fit, he was watching me as he took off his jacket in the mirror and seemed to flex a bit as he settled into his cab, the drive at hand. We traveled onto the freeway and our eyes kept connecting in the rear view mirror, he'd flex a bit, exposing his tight biceps, i'd do the same. Was kind of fun and intriguing. Finally I broke the ice, How long you been driving cabs, he told me about 30 days, he moved here from Oklahoma , got the cab job and was settling into life in Southern California . Quite some biceps you have there, he blushed and smiled, thanks man , couldn't help noticing yours he said. He asked my stats and I repeated 5'9” 168lb 44c31w16a, I do alright I said, at 45 it's tough to keep it all together. Not being able to really get a look at him , I suggested his were impressive as well and asked his stats. He came back with almost identical stats at 5'10” 170lb 44c 31.5w and 16.5a, 36 y/o. Asked him of his sports background and training. The conversation was good, turned out we both ran track, wrestled, played some ball and spent a lot of time in the gym. He seemed to be most interested in the sport of wrestling and we discussed our high school match records. I told him I still wrestled from time to time as timing and opportunity lent itself. Mostly private training/matches, but enough to keep my game on ! He came back with a similar story.
We finally got to my place , he pulled up into the driveway, we got out and I opened the garage door to get into the house. We both stretched a bit both with a watchful eye on the other. This guy is in amazing shape, i'm thinking to myself. Be fun to tangle with him. He went around back grabbed my bags flexing a tight bicep as he lifted it out of the trunk. He looked at me and smiled. Where you want this thing he asked as he started to head up into the garage, which doubles as my gym, mats included. He got into the garage before me as I was collecting a few items out of the back seat. He set the bag in the middle of the room and took a look around. As I walked into the room he had jumped up to the pull up bar and started doing a few reps, You don't mind he asked as he pumped off a quick set of 10. I smiled and said no issue. He finished and walked towards me , I set the rest of my things on the table and turned to face his approach. He was flexing a bit and reached his hand out to shake mine. My names Luke he said, I'm Kevin as our hands clasped tight and shook into a bit of a muscle challenge. Our eyes met with surprise as neither of us gave to the pressure. Nice grip I said he smiled and said same. He was looking over my shoulder in the direction of the wrestling mats set up on that end of the room. He smiled and said wow you really have this place set up well , mats and all. I haven't wrestled since I got to LA, i've been staying on cousin's couch and just haven't the chance to set something up . Well that could be arranged I said as I step up and press my chest into his, his hands go down and we press tight into one another – squaring off chest to chest, arms interlace behind each others backs and we draw each other into a mutual bear hug . Pressure on we struggle to outmuscle the other and lift one of us off the ground, to our surprise it was a fairly even struggle and no one was able to gain advantage, so after several seconds we broke the hold and stepped apart. Wow never expected that I said, he smiled and suggested this could be quite a match. You have time for one I asked, don't want the meter running on me. He smiled and said he'd call in for a break if I was game to take him on . Bring it on I said. As he went out to radio in, I stepped into the house for a moment. Upon my return he had re entered the garage, shut the door behind him , shucked his shirt and jeans, was standing there in his tight white briefs ready for action. I laughed wow you don't mess around, he smiled and said no time like the present. How bout double or nothing on the cab fair I suggested, he hesitated a second, flexed his biceps and said your on, prepare yourself to dig deep for some funds pal, as he laughed. I stripped off my tank, kicked off my shoes and stripped down to my black briefs I had on.
We stepped onto the mats and flexed for one another , started circling and locked up in a collar elbow hold to start. The pushing and pulling began and we worked our way around the mat trying to gain advantage and create an opening for the next move. I pulled he stepped forward, I dropped and got a double leg on him driving him hard onto the mat, I climbed up over his legs onto his chest and got perpendicular to him, wrapped an arm over his shoulder and started to drive him into the mat. He bridged and rolled and got out from under me, we scrambled in and out of holds for several minutes, gaining control, losing control, near falls but no one gaining true advantage . As time went on the holds got tighter and less collegiate, headlocks were applied and we found ourselves in a pile in the middle of the mat. Squeezing tight neither was giving in, I arched back and got some leverage, I dropped quick and rolled to my right flipping him over the top of me onto his side, he landed on my right leg so I quickly got my left over his mid section and added a scissor hold on him. I arched back and started to stretch him out. The pressure was on, I squeezed my legs hard and started to feel him give up a bit. He released the headlock and tried to pry my legs off his stomach. I rotated a bit got further behind him and was able to work my hold into a full nelson. Scissored and nelsoned I stretched him out in front of me. Head pressed into his chest, for several minutes, sweat pouring from us and heaving for air, he finally tapped out .
I pushed him off me and he rolled to the mat onto his back, I rolled on top of him and just laid there with him chest to chest , arms interlocked I stretched them over his head, legs intertwined I secured him underneath me enjoying a full body press. I smiled, well bud, looks like I got myself a free ride home, hope that doesn't set you to far back in the day. He grumbled and moaned and began to put up a bit of a fight. I arched up and our cocks flexed together between our abs. I released his hands and wrapped my arms around him and got him in a bearhug/grapevine combo, he moaned as I pulled him in tight . He suggested if he gets me to cum 1st we'd be a draw on the funds and I pay my way. I smiled and said your on , but 1st lets shuck the briefs. We unlocked, separated and stood up. Briefs were peeled off and we flexed at one another and stepped up chest to chest again. Interlocked a mutual bearhug on one another and begin to drive into one another, once again lifting and hosting one another off the ground struggling for dominance. Off balance we crashed to the ground locked together, we rolled top over top, legs interlocked and the primal battle was on , humping and grinding, twisting, bridging we flipped and rolled one another across and back over the mat several times. Breathing was starting to get shallow, slippery we struggled to gain control, finally on my back he was able to stretch my legs apart and gain the upper hand, he drove down hard into me, trapping my cock with his, we began to grind into one another, arching bucking, gasping for air, locked tight I felt his body began to jolt, he was losing fast, but I was right there with him, one last buck into me, we both gasped and sprayed our loads together between our abs. Exhausted we layed there in a pile on the mats. A few minutes later we peeled ourselves off each other, sitting on the mats looking at one another, grinning from ear to ear.
How bout you come stay with me for a bit and get off your cousins couch I said to him. He pondered it for about 2 seconds and said your on. Lets discuss it in the shower as we get cleaned up, I said. Body pressed together, off to the shower we went.. .. Looks like I found myself a live in wrestling partner …...... to be continued !

Last edited on 1/18/2015 1:29 AM by wrestleuinla



ATONMAN (226 )

3/05/2017 6:17 PM

very nice story!


ATONMAN (226 )

3/06/2017 7:17 AM

Wish our taxi drivers where like him


Samar (31)

10/29/2020 6:29 PM

You should write the continuation of the story, after the taxi driver started to live with you ;-)
