wrestleuCa4Fun's blog

My story New Neighbor !

I'd been mixing up my workouts both at the gym and working out in my garage a few days a week, doing home workouts now for a few years , not a full gym but enough to do some good core work, pull up bar, mats for stretching, dumb bells and such. I have a good routine going and have kept myself in good shape. My garage sits at the front of the house and I often workout with the door open. My street is a rather busy, with a park across the street, I run there as well and often catch site of others working out in the park, running the perimeter .

Today I was in the middle of my workout , jumping rope at the front of the garage, shirtless, in my cut off sweats , when I noticed someone new jogging on the back side the park, he was making his way around towards my place and we acknowledged each other as he passed. The parks not that big so wasn't long before he passed again. I was in the garage doing curls he looked over and again we nodded at one another, he looked back again as he passed. He was fit , looked to be about same age , my size – myself standing 5'9” at a fit 170lb. From a distance he looked similar in stature, dark hair, tan a nice fit body, had a on white tank top , strong looking legs. I continued my work out. A few minutes later I see him walking across the street a few houses down and up the sidewalk passing closer to my home. I wave as he gets closer and he walks up the drive. As he approaches I verify my thoughts that we are close in height /weight and physical structure. I step forward in the garage and meet him ½ way .

We are looking one another over and make small talk, I asked how his run was , he asked about my workout and asked to see my set up . I offer him a drink of water and invite him into the garage, he has a look around. I can't believe my eyes looking this guy over as he looks around the room. He's in great shape . Haven't seen you around the park before I say, he tells me he's just moved on the block a few houses down. A job transfer and was just getting settled in. Well welcome to the neighborhood man, my name is Scott, i've lived around here for 10 years now . He responds I'm Mark, he turns and we shake hands. I nice firm grip, we look one another over again. You picked a good neighborhood and house, you move in alone ? He confirms he's single , he asks me I confirm the same . Nice set up you have here Mark says, got everything you need for a good workout, He looks around the room taking everything in. Then it happened he took a good look at all the sports pictures on the walls and started walking around looking them over. I'm a photographer by hobby and have photographed many an athlete and sporting events over the years and had some nice photographs of athletes and sports . Mark asked about the photographs and my sports background. I told him about my hobby and that I played some high school sports, volleyball and done some grappling over the years . I asked the same of him and he played some ball , football and done some wrestling. He was fixated on my wrestling photos on the wall and asked if I wrestled . I told him I did some in high school as well . He turned and looked me over again, smiling. You still wrestle he asked , I said when opportunity lends itself. I was thinking to myself , this can't be happening of all the luck , this guy just drops in out of no where and is a wrestler. You I ask , he said he was a bit rusty but had wrestled a bit for workouts when he could as well.
He sets himself up in a wrestlers stance and suggests we might have to have a go at it on the mats some time . I walk up to him smiling , I think I can arrange that and give him a friendly push. He steps up laughing and we take a good look at each other once again. Both taken back a bit by what was unfolding here we laugh and joke a bit standing there talking about the sport . Turns out we are identical height and weight have similar experience we found ourselves , jousting verbally how the match would end up . I suggest there is no time like the present , I have mats , we are both warmed up from our workouts . Lets get to it . He reaches a hand out , we clamp hands again – sizing each other up with a test of strength and he says your on.

I close the garage door and I turn – he's pulling off his shirt and kicking off his shoes .He does a double bicep flex and taunts me . He's got nice firm pecs around a 44 inch chest , slim waist around 31inch almost a six pac and nicely developed arms around 15 ½ . We are both at 5'9” 170lb . I've got a hairy chest myself 43 in firm pecs , a tight 31.5 waist and solid 15arms myself. I kick my shoes off – do a double pose back at him and pound my chest. After a few minutes of posing and taunting one another, we unfold the mats that were resting on the side wall and we step up onto the mats. Shorts cool with you I ask, Mark agrees and says for now . I catch a spark in his eye as he winks at me I've got speedos on he says, I pull my shorts down and show him the same. Without a word the shorts come off and are kicked to the side of the mats .

We begin our rounds on the mat in the refs position, not aggressive but trying a few holds and rides on one another, sizing each other up both gaining and losing control, discovering that we are pretty even in skill and strength. We work each other into and out of several holds , nelsons, cradles, scissors, mixed in some headlocks ,arm and leg locks, just enjoying some good clean wrestling mat time, to men mixing it up. After about 30 minutes we break and take a rest, chat about our strengths and weakness of our give and take.
Now rested I ask if there's gonna be a round two. He jumps up and says now or never. Dam glad you stopped by I say. Mark agrees and we step up, begin to circle and shove chests into one another and press hard into each other. Arms go out to sides and we lock up hand to hand for several minutes , Grunting and straining we spin around the mat – driving hard into one another gaining control , losing control , pretty much a draw at this point . We unlock hands and separate Mark smiles and acknowledges we are rather even in strength I laugh and agree. How's this for neighborhood welcoming I toss out . I quickly move for a double leg takedown, he moves to the right and dodges my efforts , we square off again and go chest to chest , this times arms interlock opposite each other and are drawn into a mutual bear-hug. The battle and pressure is on, tight hold each lifting and straining to get the other off the mat , leverage gained , leverage lost back and forth we struggle, finally legs interlocked we trip one another and hit the mats hard on our side neither letting up we roll on the mat, first left , then right struggling for top position, legs interlock and we are now trapped in opposite bear hugs and grapevines . We leverage back and forth struggling for top control only to lose it to opposite leverage. This goes on for quite some time, both hot and sweaty, tiring from the battle between us . Our hairy pecs matted together from sweat and the struggle, abs pressed tight against one another as we endure the leverage battle between us. Our cocks pressed tight up against one another as we grind and grapple our bodies together . I notice his cock hard against mine . My 7”cut cock is raging hard pressed tight against his. Sweaty we lose our grip and separate .

We get to our knees huffing and puffing smiling at what we just endured and look one another over . He's looking at my cock and says I see you like that primal battle as well. He's sporting some healthy wood himself around 6.5” of thick cut meat. Doesn't get much better than that Mark I say. We stand and step up to one another – our cocks collide between us, we rub them together a bit just looking at one another's reaction . I'm liking the greet and meet neighborhood stuff Mark says. We laugh and step closer to him, you ready and willing to lose the speedos and go at it in the buff – I grab his ass and bring his cock in tight with mine , we grind into one another . Raging hard on to hard on – chests press tight into one another we muscle strain and grind into each other . He leans forward and says lets do it. We separate step back and drop/peal our soaked sweaty speedos off. Our raging hard cocks drop out and salute each other . We lung at one another instantly our hard cocks trapped between our abs as we once again secure opposite bearhugs on each other. We strain into one another, Mark hooks my leg, hosts me off the ground and tosses us both on the mat, he lands on top and drives hard down on top of me . Our legs interlock and I gain grapevine advantage we struggle again left and right, I finally gain leverage and flip him on to his back. I arch up and drive down into him our cocks trapped deep between our abs we begin to grind feverishly into one another – my face planted next to his on his shoulder I grunt and say i'm gonna make you cum 1st he bucks wildly into me and returns the challengee. We leverage back and forth several times top over top. Finally resting against the wall I get him on his back and drive hard down into him – bear hugs lost we clamp hands together and I drive his hands over his head and stretch his hot sweaty muscled body out under mine . Pec to Pec, Cock to Cock we hump and buck into one another – our cock heads dripping with precum mixing with our sweaty bodies as they glide and slide together. His breathing becomes rapid and almost gasping, noooooo noooooo he gulps out as I drive hard again into him. I feel his body shutter i'm barely holding out myself and as he shutters I begin to do the same. I plant my face in his neck and gasp for air – we once again drive hard into one another our cocks pressed tight between we stiffen and begin to spew massive amounts of cum between our abs. We grind and drive every last drop of cum onto our sweaty soaked abs. Exhausted and spent I collapse onto my new neighbors body, I roll us over, him on top of me and embrace him into a manly hug. We lay their breathing and massaging one another regaining our composure. How's that for a meet and greet I ask. Mark laughs and says can't wait for a rematch and workout. Anytime I say, anytime , been waiting for the likes of you to move into the neighborhood. Mark squeeze me tight in his own bearhug embrace.

To be continued..........

Last edited on 1/18/2015 1:26 AM by wrestleuinla



scottparachute (10)

11/28/2018 8:18 PM

it was August 2001, i'm 36, 5'11" 170 lbs. I'm enjoying a meal at a local diner. 2 guys at another table send over a slice of blueberry pie. I ask them what the story is. they reply that I look like a nice enough guy. Matt is about my height, 23 y/o, 185 lbs., blonde hair blue eyes, broad shoulders. Paul is 20 y/o, maybe about 5'5", 135 lbs. dark hair and brown eyes. both are dressed identically in denim shorts and t-shirts, and are architectural students at UNLV. Matt just graduated, Paul has a few years to go. Paul says that he likes to wrestle purely as exercise, and he notices my well-developed biceps, since I am wearing a muscle shirt. He further states that he lives close by, and has a garage with mats that he uses for that purpose. I playfully poke Paul's mid-section and see that it is firm. He proposes a match with me, where he and Matt tag in and out as needed. Matt says he hasn't much wrestling experience, but would like to try it. He wants me to follow them in my car to Paul's house. I reply that they have got themselves a match.
I trail them in my car and we all arrive at Paul's garage, which is set up just as he described at the diner. We strip down; Paul is wearing silk boxers and is very hairy (almost to the extent that he looks like he is wearing a shirt), Matt is wearing Black Boxer Briefs and has a noticeable gut but barn door shoulders (he was probably an ex-high school football player), and I just wear an a-shirt and tighty whiteys. We begin the match with Paul vs. me.
Paul and I engage in some gut-punching, and we are impressed with each other's abs. I remind Paul that there is more to wrestling than just gut-punching, and I begin to toss him around the garage. We remain on our feet the whole time. When I have him pressed up against the wall, I slip my hand in between the wall and the small of his back. My legs feel the silk of his boxers, and my a-shirt feels the hair on his body. My back is turned to Matt. I whisper to him that I will soon toss him over to his friend, so that he may tag out. Paul was too cute and too good-natured to injure.
Paul tags for matt, who adjusts the waistband on his briefs, and approaches me. right away, he grabs me in a bear hug, which has little effect on me since I have a well-developed core. He breaks the hold, and I say "here's your, hunk", as I grab him in a bear hug. This causes him to groan, as I feel the love handles around his waist. He grabs his sides in obvious pain.


scottparachute (10)

11/30/2018 8:34 PM

(In reply to this)

while matt is doubled over, I engage him in a headlock. I ride him to the wrestling mat, and he lands on his stomach. I land on top of him, and drive his face into the mat, and also work on his barn-door shoulders. When he has had enough, I bend his well-developed (but not very muscular) legs back at the knee, until he finally taps out.
we sit on the mat and talked for a while, and I ask him where Paul went. Matt replied that Paul gets super-perspired when he wrestles, so he went to take a shower. I gave Matt a rub-down and we agreed to meet again for more wrestling.


Samar (31)

11/03/2020 12:43 PM

Interesting and exciting story ... I want more 😉
