It had been a long week at work, but I got a few hikes/runs in, in preparation of my weekend trip to the river. Having 4 days off , I was going to pack in to the spot that I grew up visiting each summer with my family and few friends from time to time. But this time, I was going alone , My name is Jim, If all goes well, I hope to fish, hike, jog and just relax for a few days .

I got an early start, before the sun was up, traveling about 6 hours in my truck to the spot I needed to park it . It was warm day, I pulled my shirt off, loaded up the back pack and started my long walk in to the camp site, along the river, in Kings River Valley. It took a few hours, but I made it. The space was still the same, flat open space, thick grassy terrain, shaded by tall trees surrounding the camp sight. The path hadn't been used much but I found my way. I got to my spot in early afternoon and settled in to set up camp. I still use the tent we used as kids, big, spacious room for 10-12 sleeping bags. Kind of silly to bring such a big tent for just myself, but there is history in that tent, and I wanted it with me. I'd camped in the spot almost every summer as a kid, but hadn't been back in years . Work, life just got in the way. I'm 36 now, married > divorced, working more than I should, I live a good life, stay fit , standing 5'9” 170lb. I workout , gym, home workouts (core work), jog , hike and still get in a bit of grappling/mat action when time allows.

The early summer had been good to me , I kept active out doors, locally in preparation for this trip, healthy tan and toned body, ready for the weekends activities. I got the tent up, gear packed away and settled into digging out a fire pit, so I could prep dinner and settle into a night by the fire. Relaxing for a bit, my thoughts drifted, I reflected back on the summer I met Randy here in the valley, both our families were camping and we met while exploring the area along the lower creek, we were of similar age and stats and shared a world of interest, so we became fast friends. We spent our days fishing and hunting , exploring the great outdoors. We wrestled and challenged each other several times down by the river and had a great summer . I've often wondered about him, but we never saw each other, after that one summer.

The afternoon was getting on, so I moved down by the river with my fishing pole, ready to catch some fish for dinner. It was a great day, warm, soft light through the trees, the fish were biting and active, I snagged a few fish and was content with having enough to eat for dinner. I was enjoying my time and fresh air. As time passed , a few deer surfaced and were grazing across the river, a fox had surfaced earlier and had run along the river bank. It was nice to be out here , absorbing nature. Suddenly there was a commotion, the deer scattered and I saw a shadow of someone forging through the trees towards the river bank. Another hiker had forged into the area and was walking towards my camp site. He waved as he got within sight and I acknowledged him back with a wave and hello. As disappointed as I was that someone else was in the area, I was pleased to see this guy was so fit. He appeared to be about my height and weight , a handsome athletic guy. He crossed the river and came up the path towards me. I stood up and greeted him as he got closer. He stopped about 5 feet away, took a sip of water, brushed the sweat off his brow, we caught ourselves looking one another over. He definitely was fit, similar build to myself, blond hair, blue eyes , well defined muscle on his frame with nice hairy pecs , a healthy V shaped body. I have dark hair , blue eyes, a 44 in hairy chest, 30 waist and solid 15.5” arms. I invited him closer with a hand shake. Surprised to see any one out here I said, you caught me off guard. He suggested the same, hadn't expect to find anyone here either. He reached out and our hands clasped , tight and firm hands shake. We both smiled, I said welcome.

Mind if I sit a bit, with you before I go set up camp up the river, he like myself had been hiking in for hours . He had started in the same spot I did, he acknowledged my vehicle along the side of the road. I offered him a piece of ground and he pulled off his pack and settled down next to me. Conversation lit up and we talked about our current lives, just shooting the breeze, time just flew by. We both caught ourselves looking each other over often. There was something familiar about this guy and I sensed he felt the same about me.

It was getting dark and conversation had gone on for hours, talking about life and such. I offered to have him stay for dinner and set up camp here for the night going up river at this hour would be difficult. He agreed and we forged up to the camp site. He pulled a few things out of his pack and we settled down near the fire after it got going and we starting fixing dinner. He had some whiskey and poured us each a healthy double shot to sip on. We finally got around to the subject matter of this meadow, turned out he had spent time as a youth here as well. He shared a story about his 1st summer here in the valley, while camping with family, how he wondered off and met this kid from another camp site and how they wound up spending their time together fishing, hunting, and exploring the great outdoors. All of a sudden my eyes fixed on this guy and it dawned on me, we had never exchanged names, I stood up and just blurted out “Randy”, he looked up with surprise, a fast smile came to his face and he stood up with a big smile on his face. Jim he asked? What the ….... what are the odds of this ? We both laughed and lunged towards one another into a big ol mutual bear-hug. We put the squeeze on one another, lifting and hosting one another off the ground . Laughing and just enjoying a good embrace of 2 friends, who parted paths but never forgot each other. We broke our hold and stepped back a step and just stared at one another . Our chests heaving from our attach on one another. I reached out and put my left hand on his upper right bicep. He tensed it a bit, man you look good my friend, I said. The years have been good to you. He reach out and did the same to me, likewise he said. We both beamed of excitement to have run into one another again.

With out warning we both just slammed into one another again arms crossed over and under one another we embraced again in a tight bear-hug. Just like old times I said, I took ya then I can do it again. He laughed , I don't recall that he said and dug into me, our pecs mashed together tightly. Battle on I claimed and we struggled into one another for leverage. Our shirts off , warm night it felt great to have our chests grinding together. We wrestled as kids, but never got into any mischief m2m man, so I was a bit worried when I sported wood from the embrace. I tried hard to refute my feelings, but the energy that was unfolding between us was amazing. He drove in hard and stood up – bringing our abs together, I tried to avoid what was gonna happen next, but to my surprise when our cocks collided I felt his cock as hard as mine pinned against one another . We looked at each other to get a feel for the others reaction, both cautious but eager to accept the challenge. I drove my cock hard into his and we melted into one another embrace.

We twisted and turned , lifted, hosted and spun around neither wanting to let go of the other. Cocks ground together and struggling to get out of shorts . We remained tight in battle for several minutes, finally to sweaty to hold on we finally slipped and stepped apart. Heaving for air, hands on our knees we just beamed with pleasure of this chance encounter.

Your strong he says, we size up so amazing, just like as kids. I was thinking earlier this afternoon about our times together here, it's a great memory. But now we are here, catching up and ready to explore it all at another level. I look at the tent in his shorts and smile, he blushes a bit and looks me over. Guess we share similar interests he said as he looks at my shorts . Yeah I guess we do. Care to see who's champ of the camp site ? I ask. He smiled and said willing and ready. Shorts are a bit restricting he says, how bout we....lose the shorts. I suggest we lose the briefs as well. He grins , we both straighten up, kick off our shoes and strip off our shorts and briefs. Lets take it out onto the arena floor, the grass was short and thick, provided us with a natural mat to tangle I. I have to worn you I said, after our time together here that summer, I took up wrestling and spent my junior and senior years on the wrestling team. He laughed and smiled , said so did I ! . With that we began to circle one another , sizing one another up, looking for a takedown. Several lock ups, tussle and escapes occurred. Neither gaining control. We got each other in a mix of holds, cradles, nelsons, arm and leg locks. We tangled in and out of holds for what seemed liked hours, hot sweaty full of challenge and lust for each other, the kid we explored body contact with so many years ago. We wind up chest to chest again, interlocked over and under again , arms wrapped around each others back with fingers locked together. We pull each other in tight and attempt to trip up the other. Off balance we both tumble together to the grassy mat below us. Neither letting up , we struggle and roll top over top attempting leverage control. Legs interlock in mutual grapevines and we find ourselves in this primal battle, chest to chest, abs slammed tight and our hard cocks raging in battle between us. Primal cock fighting at its best, arching and grinding, slamming together. Both of us wanting to get the other to cum first. So equal in strength / leverage / skill neither gain control. With great strain, flipping each other back and forth, we finally arch back and slam into one another again, grinding hard, hot , sweaty I feel his body surge as mine does the same. We both gasp for air, bury our faces into the others neck/shoulder and squeeze tight. I feel him shutter as I do, we arch back – slam one last time as cocks unload our battle fluids onto each others abs. Struggle and roll, milking each other dry. We collapse onto one another. Fully wrapped up, not wanting to let go.

We lay there for awhile embracing and massaging one another, exploring our bodies through embrace and wandering hands. After several minutes I finally spoke, man i've dreamed of this day for years, every time I came to this meadow after our time together I often wondered what it would be like to tangle like that, and now out of luck, here we are. He pulled me in tight, so have I he said, so have I. I've longed for this encounter and regret having lost touch with you. We separated stood up, gave each other one more embrace, How bout we get cleaned up down by the river. He patted me on my back and we headed off that way. Guess you found your camp site I said , we have 3 more days together I said.... to be continued …

Last edited on 1/18/2015 1:30 AM by wrestleuinla



ATONMAN (226 )

3/06/2017 9:24 AM

wrestling on the grass in the nature is GREAT!
