Physical Therapy

I got injured about 4 months ago at work , wrenched my neck pretty bad so i've been going to physical therapy a few times a week since . Pretty routine stuff , stretching and working out the kinks in my neck, exercises to build up strength and endurance as well as improved mobility. Therapists came and went as I rotated into the schedule . The 1st guy I worked with was name John, I worked with him the longest. He was fit, like you'd expect a sport therapist to look like, early 50's Nice toned / fit physique , shirt sleeves stretched by his bulging arms , big chest that tapers down to a slender waist . We are similar in height and weight but he definitely has fitness on his side . At 57 5'9” 170lb i've been in good shape, gym , cardio , hike, run, bit of grappling kept me going strong . Suspect the injury was just a recap of a prior wrestling injury from years ago. Anyways John worked with me the 1st few sessions pushing and pulling on me, stretching out my neck , shoulders and back. His pressure was strong and very physical. It was an effort to just relax and let him do his job of stretching me . Having wrestled so much, I had a tendency to push back a bit which caught his attention and created dialogue of our sports history . We talked about sports and fitness and discovered a similar background in high school of track , football and both of us wrestled a bit on the junior and senior team . He worked on me for about a month , before there was a schedule conflict and we kept missing each other during my sessions. It was great having the consistency and we got in some good banter a bit as he worked on me and I pushed back a bit.
Anyways on occasion we'd pass in the hallway and we'd push on each other , he'd test my grip or put a hand on my shoulder and push me back a bit with a quirky smile taunting me with suggested takedown . I'd respond any time any where . He'd laugh and say mend up 1st . Definitely was something brewing . I continued regular sessions and did my routines building my strength and flexion back.
It was my last week in therapy and I was scheduled for a mid day session . I got a call asking if I could come in the last appointment of the day as there was conflicts . I accepted the change and showed up at 6pm as scheduled. The place was pretty much cleared out. The receptionist checked me in and said that my physical therapist would be just a few minutes . She excused herself and left the building , locking the door behind her. I waited a few minutes when John showed up at the hallway door , He stepped into the waiting room , looks like it's just you and me here now he blurted out . I stood up moving towards him, he crouched into a wrestlers stance and said you ready for your final workout . Hell yeah I said , if your man enough . He laughed and stood up and walked towards me , I extended my hand for a handshake, but he pushed it aside and went right into a bearhug slamming his chest into my and wrapping his arms around my back ! Squeezing and lifting me off my feet . Oh i'm man enough to handle you . You sure your man enough to handle me as he squeezed tighter . I flexed my chest into his and said bring it . He put me down and we exchanged some push and shove activity . He asked how my therapy had been , talked about the few weeks passed we missed and asked if I was ready for the session of a life time . I looked at him funny and he grinned and said follow me . We passed all the rooms we normally used for therapy and went to the end of the hall. Upon opening the door a full size wrestling mat was exposed in the middle of the room . I blurted out , what the F.... , he laughed and said it was his personal room for workouts , complete with weights , cardio and the mats .
I was looking at the client list this morning and saw this was your last day, also saw how improved you were , so I had the receptionist change your schedule to this evening so I could work on you one more time, hope you don't mind he said . I turned looked in his direction and said i'm looking forward to this workout session . Good he said , he walked over to a chest of drawers and pulled out 2 singlets , 1 blue , 1 black he tossed the blue to me and said put this on . Eagerly I obliged .
We suited up and both turned as we were pulling the straps over our shoulders . He walked towards me and said we must stretch 1st to make sure your game for this . So he had me sit on the mat and he began to stretch my arms back and forth , extended back so my shoulders would flex a bit . He than sat on the mat directly in front of me and put his feet into mine and reached out for me to grab his arms , we pulled and stretched one another for a several minutes . He then got up and came behind me , had me put my legs out straight and he pushed on my shoulders and upper back stretching me forward . He was satisfied I was ready for a wrestle and said it's time to get to it . I jumped up and turned to face him . Adjusting my growing bulge in my singlet I was a bit embarrassed but notice he had the same issue. I smiled and said it's all good brother ! Awesome he said , he adjusted his singlet
pounded his chest with a big smirk on his face . He began to circle me , lets keep this a bit quiet until we're sure your'e ok he said . I'm game with that as I stepped up and offered him my hands to lock up in a test of strength.
He looked sooooooo good in his singlet with the tapered V shape ripped body. It was all I could do not to just grind my cock into his . We locked up and struggled into one another . Surprising to both of us our strength was pretty even, no one really gained an advantage as we pushed each other around the room . After about 5 minutes we broke and headed back to the center of the mat . We locked up collar and elbow and began our quest for a takedown . We exchanged several holds on each other trying for leg lifts , take downs and just tossing each other off balance. Finally I got a leg sweep in on him and dropped him onto the mat, I was quick to land on his chest and turned to be perpendicular to him so I could work my way up his chest for a pin . This guy was strong and hard to keep on his back, He bridged and tucked in on me so we were chest to chest and more parallel with each other. At this point we both got our arms wrapped around each other and secured a good bearhug on each other . Legs were flailing and we tried to out maneuver each other for control . We wound up rolling back and forth on the mat for several minutes neither gaining top position for long. It was a hard fought round and both were getting exhausted . We broke and rolled away from each other , got to our knees and rested with our hands on our hips staring at one another . Your tougher than I expected he said. I thought i'd for sure be giving you a lesson here tonight for all the banter you tossed my way . Looks like I have my work cut out for me tonight he said . I smiled and said i'm happy to be back in the game this quick. I'm ready for round 2 when ever your'e ready. He tossed me a towel and we wiped off a bit of sweat and moved in on each other to lock up again collar and elbow.
We locked up again , He got a good grip behind my neck and pulled me forward , I resisted but thats what he wanted, He dove as I sprung back and got a double leg takedown on me and slammed me onto the mat , he dove on me grabbing my outside leg and pulling it up and towards my chest as he wrapped his left arm around my neck attempting to cradle me . I struggled and stretched the best I could not allowing him the full cradle. I kept pushing into him and we slid across the mat , I reached with left arm across my body and hooked his right leg and pulled him up and across me , as he was off balance I wrapped my right arm around his neck and worked my own cradle on him cranking him in as tight as I was in his grib , we struggled for leverage using our free legs but eventually they found their way together and locked up. As we tightened our grips we rolled each other onto our shoulders each getting a near pin before the other leveraged across and rolled out into his own advantage. It was quite the heap of sweaty muscle rolling around on the mats . Finally he got me high up on my shoulders and got his leg free allowing him to stick the pin on me . I consented the loss and collapsed on the mats , he lying on top of me , stretched out , he massaged my neck for a bit , asked if I was ok, which I agreed I was . He wrapped his legs around mine into a grapevine and pressed his bulge into mine . You think you can handle another round old man he said, I stretched our legs out and lifted my left leg and rolled him onto his back. Surprised I pulled that off he grinned and said I guess there will be another round. I climbed up on top of him , sat on his chest and flexed at him .
I stood up , offered him a hand and pulled him up to a stance . I stepped forward and shoved my chest into his, round 3 pal . I peeled the straps down on my singlet and pounded my chest . He smirked and pulled his straps down and did a double bicep pose kissing his own left bicep. We circled again and locked up collar and elbow. We pushed and shoved a bit , I pulled him forward and ducked under getting him to spring up and I got under and behind him , coming up and hooking an arm getting him in a ½ nelson , I got my right arm free and brought it up under his right arm and locked my arms in on him. He struggled but I had a good grip and lifted him off the ground. I rolled us back onto the mat and pulled him back into my chest. I wrapped my legs over his thighs and stretched his legs out with mine. He was bucking and trying to rock side to side but I had him secured in my grip. He rolled to his right taking me with him , He got on his stomach. I released my legs on his and turned away from him , I released my outside arm on his neck and began to roll him onto his back again with a ½ applied on him. I drove hard and got him flat on his back ! He bridged but I was able to get him off balance and shoulders crashed to the mat again. Pinned I yelled out. He struggled a few moments but finally caved to my pin. We rolled apart and lay on the mats exhausted and drenched with sweat. After we caught our breath he blurted out, you got a tie breaker in ya !
He stood and walked over and grabbed a few bottles of water . He tossed me one and we both took a good long drink . I stood up and adjusted my singlet a bit which was soaked and stretched all over the place. I'm game to shed the singlet if you are he said . Without hesitation I peeled off my singlet and tossed it into his chest. He laughed and did the same to me. We began to circle and our cocks stood erect and straight out challenging each other , we closed in on each other and this time our chests slammed together, arms interlocked around each others backs forcing our abs and cocks to slam together . We lifted and hosted each other , slammed cocks and abs together and struggled for dominance , neither letting go of the bearhug on each other , we struggled with legs to trip the other to mat, finally together off balance we rolled onto the mat , momentum forcing us to roll across the mat top over top, legs finally connected and we counter secured a grapevine on each other. Now the battle was on , same hold on each other we leveraged back and forth top over top . Gaining / losing control of each other . Cocks trapped between our abs each being pounded and ground into one another . Bridging , bucking to out leverage each other was bringing us both to full arousal , I think he was thinking the same thing I was as we both started grinding harder and harder into one another hoping to get the other to cum 1st and weaken their hold for the next pin. We battled for quite some time as our breathing started to get a bit gaspy and our bodies began to shutter. I rolled him onto his back as i'd done so many times in the past few minutes , I arched up and ground my cock into his as he bucked up into me . As our cocks collided this time , we both gasped with erotic pleasure and erupted our cum onto each others abs. We both collapsed on each other .
Hot sweaty and tangled in a heap we lay there for several minutes, massaging each others body and enjoying the physical pressure and pleasure. I have to admit something he said . I told the receptionist today I had an emergency and had to leave and to reschedule for tonight. When confirmed of the change I ran home and dusted off these old mats and brought them back to the gym . I'm glad you rallied your PT so we could end this way . I'm afraid though you're going to need some more PT time, so i'm going to put you on the schedule again for next week. 6PM ok with you …..... ? besides we need another tie breaker round !

to be continued .

Last edited on 10/21/2016 8:27 AM by wrestleuinla



Slim66 (14)

11/26/2016 2:58 PM

HECK, YEAH!!!! Let the games begin..,


briansp (56 )

12/05/2016 1:35 AM

Hope I have a PT as hot as yours!


tokugawa (0)

1/11/2017 12:01 AM

Hmmm. I think I need some PT!


ATONMAN (226 )

3/06/2017 9:23 AM

great PT! ...wish to have a similar one
