hephaestion2014's blog

Some are born great, some have greatness thrust upon them.

Some are born to enjoy the gym, others have to be thrusted into one and have a friend stand in front of the exit.

I like the gym in theory I like lifting heavy things, I kinda do that for a living. They just never really feel like my places.

I'm not dissing the gym or the people who use them. I'd love to be a muscle bear.

But then I'd also like to br 6'7" with red hair and different coloured eyes

It just felt as a space not really my place. Hard to explain but it felt like as a kid when all the cool kids would gather around the football, or when men at parties discuss the roads that they have taken to get there and engine stuff

Maybe a Pure Gym might be the gateway gym; It has treadmills; rather than a weight lifting focused gym.

So don't be too scared fellow wrestlers, I'm not the hench uber heel muscle bear just yet.

I'll just be watching the tiktok experts lying in my bed listening to Nick Cave till I wake up magically a James Smith lookalike

Last edited on 4/28/2022 8:54 PM by hephaestion2014;
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You're My Favourite

Just to say,
As it is world poetry day,
I'll keep it short,
I'll keep it sweet,
But here's a little poetic treat
Just to confirm
with nae much bother
You are my favourite
big ole jobber.



Last edited on 3/21/2022 6:35 PM by hephaestion2014;
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