hephaestion2014's blog

Well, am now sitting in Waverley station thinking about the last two days in Glasgow and what I have learned.

1) long car journeys are not a nightmare if you have good company and are even preferable to sitting on a train for a couple of hours talking to no-one

2) rear naked chokes and leg scissors are not the best thing to have applied to you. Especially when applied expertly.

3) don't ask anyone "is that all they've got?" Especially when you are kind of fading. Lol

4) attack is better then defence, and something I have to work on. Got to learn to bring the fight to people, and know they won't break

5) friendships between wrestling guys are great, especially when they swap old war stories. (Love the sound of Belgium)

6) Glasgow is actually a nice city and not as bad as I thought it would be. The people are friendly though as a southerner I still find random people being friendly very odd.

7) and there are two blue police boxes in the city :-)

So thanks to everyone I met up there and wrestled. It was fun, sore but fun and it was good to met you. Till the next time ... :-)

Right, roll on Edinburgh. (Though I doubt ill get a wrestle, its all about the festival and friends, methinks)

Last edited on 8/06/2014 3:01 PM by hephaestion2014;
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Whilst I was supposed to be focusing at work, a stray thought popped into my mind.

Thinking about the heel/jobber dichotomy, I could imagine obviously a heel vs jobber match, and a heel vs heel match. Both of these are about power control and dominance.

But then I wondered about a jobber vs jobber match.

Now I know superficially the term jobber can be seen as weakness but I know from this site that a lot of the guys who identified as jobber are tough guys who could put some heels to shame, if they choose to.

So I wondered what a jobber vs jobber match would be like.

Perhaps I should stop musing about silly things and go to bed.

Last edited on 7/31/2014 9:21 AM by hephaestion2014;
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No, am not using this to tittle tattle or gossip about past exploits but to share something I wished I had learnt a little earlier.

Don't be scared to talk to guys who have had a lot of opponents or wrestled against some great people.

Have always been in awe, and think to myself what would they get our of talking to me, let alone wrestling me. But suppose that's silly.

As someone wisely said, we all have to start somewhere.

Last edited on 6/16/2014 7:07 PM by hephaestion2014;
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Now I know there is nothing more boring then someone else telling you about their dreams. I know this, but kind of want to purge my brain.

I often dream about wrestling, and usually it is actually g-rated stuff. Nothing rude, before you start lol

And it is often like an info dump, just people I know or have seen. Or a replaying of a match. I am not that creative in my dreams, usually cos I am too darn tired when I sleep.

But out of nowhere last night, lo and behold have the strangest dream ever which betrays my inner geek.

I dreamt that I was wrestling a cybernan, and I know perhaps this is a play on words of cyberwrestling in my mind. Which is strange as dont like cyber that much

Worst thing was that it was not even a modern cyberman, but the all clunky shiny ones from the 80s.

Well, am going to take a couple of lessons from that dream.

Dont wrestle robots, clothing can be an unfair advantage as gives you things to yank and pull and most importantly,my brain is a traitor.

It doesn't even let me win in my dreams.

Last edited on 6/10/2014 3:57 PM by hephaestion2014;
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