canwrestle's blog

Hollywood Naked Wrestling Club: A Charlie and Caleb Story, PART THREE


Hollywood Naked Wrestling Club
A Charlie and Caleb Story

It was just over two years since the motel room in Florida, and I hadn’t spoken to Jay since. I’d seen him, of course, after his super-hero movie came out it was impossible to avoid him. Even today, shopping for Will, I’d had to walk past a huge display of Rising Sun action figures, backpacks, lunch boxes and clothing emblazoned with his face. I was over him. I loved Caleb, but now, standing twenty feet from the first man I’d ever been serious about, I had to admit there was no such thing as being completely over anyone. It would never have worked for us, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t still attracted to him, physically and emotionally. Seeing him in the flesh again had my pulse racing and everything that had drawn me to him came rushing back as fast as my galloping pulse.

Caleb’s distinctive laugh drew my attention away from Jay. He was still in conversation with Neil and my first thought was how awkward this situation would be for him. Who wants to hang out with your boyfriends ex? I quickly prepared an excuse for Neil to pass onto Mason about why we had to leave, but before interrupting their exchange I made the mistake of taking one last look at Jay. He was looking at me. He smiled, waved, then mouthed “hi”. I was caught. There wasn’t much I could do except nod my head in acknowledgment of his greeting. A second later I saw him touch the shoulder of the young director, say something, and begin to move toward us.

“Is that?” Caleb said. He was done talking to Neil and was now looking at Jay approaching. I only had to time to nod apologetically before my ex-boyfriend had crossed the short distance to where I was standing with my current one.

“Hi,” Jay said with an awkward little smile. Neil moved to the side making room for him in our circle. “I swear I had no idea this gathering was for you. Really, I promise. I don’t have to stay.” It occurred to me that this was probably just as uncomfortable for him.

“No, it’s good. I’m glad you’re here, it’s nice to see you.” I responded.

It seemed juvenile to ask Jay to leave. There was nothing between us anymore, we should all be able to handle this like adults, I reasoned.

“Oh do you guys know each other?” Neil asked.

“Yeah,” we both answered, then chuckled nervously. Jay spoke again.

“Charlie and I were friends when he was wrestling in Japan and I was making all those awful soaps.”

“Oh right,” Neil answered, I could see the wheels turning behind his eyes as he leapt to the correct conclusion. I also noted the term, “friends”.

“Actually, the first time we met was in a ring. We did a shoot wrestling match for a television show.”

A bubble of irritation moved up my throat, first at Jay for still not being able to say ‘boyfriend’, especially considering where we were and who he was talking to. But also at the mention of our match --- I’d seen a few clips used in news stories about Hollywood’s latest action hero, but they only ever showed the parts where he’d knocked me down.

“Which I won,” I added, trying to sound like I was making a joke but not doing it very convincingly.

“Hi,” Caleb interjected into the awkward silence I’d created, “I don’t know if you remember me, we met in Florida, in the motel.”

In our time together I’d gotten pretty good at reading Caleb’s expressions. It wasn’t too hard. He was incredibly honest and generally I could tell from the set of his mouth, the crinkle on the bridge of his nose, and the tightness of his jaw whether he was annoyed, bored, amused or happy. He was pretty chill so it was usually the later, but as he spoke and reached his hand out for Jay to shake, I discovered an expression I was not familiar with. He wasn’t angry but his nostrils were flared and his chin was pushed forward.

“Right yes, Calvin, the tag partner.” Jay answered taking the offered hand. A vein I hadn’t seen before appeared on Caleb’s forehead.

“It’s Caleb, and sometime tag partner yes, but mostly just partner partners.” He was smiling but there was no nose crinkle, and the muscles of his arms were bulging. However, if he was exerting any excessive force in the hand shake, Jay’s face betrayed nothing.

“Oh,” Jay said, “lucky guy.” He didn’t take his eyes off Caleb so I didn’t know which of us he was referring to as lucky.

Neil let out a little cough laugh, then tried to cover his amused expression by saying, “Well, small world.”

Another awkward silence followed, Caleb let go of Jay’s hand, and we all just stood looking at one another. I was about to say something about his movie, although I hadn’t actually seen it, but Mason spoke before I could. He’d left the other actor and moved toward us. “You’re here, great we can get started.” He was grinning, looking quite pleased, then he turned back and announced to the others. “Gentleman it’s time! Follow me.”

He led the way, the young director moving quickly to walk beside him, the rest of us falling in line, heading away from the pool toward the building that housed the ring. Jay was in front of us, walking with Neil.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered into Caleb’s ear, the still slightly puffy one from his high school wrestling days. He didn’t answer, just shook his head and shrugged his shoulders like he wasn’t sure what I was sorry for. There was no time to explain though, the short walk was over, and Mason had opened the door.

“NICE!” the other actor called moving inside and catching sight of the ring. “Hope you’re going to leave this up permanently, Mason, because the driving range wasn’t helping your golf game anyway.” Hearing his voice, rough with the slightest hint of Boston in it, I realized that I knew him as one of the stars of a long running television drama set inside a prison.

“Yeah,” Mason answered with a laugh, “well I know something I can still beat you at.”

Chairs were placed around the outside of the ring and everyone moved to take one, The two older guys on one side, the actor on another, with the reporter and Neil on the third side. I hesitated but felt Mason directed Caleb and I to the fourth side. The young director shot us a dirty look before joining Neil, leaving Jay with the other actor. But, before anyone sat, everyone started removing their clothes. Some didn’t have far to go, Neil only kicked off his sandals and shucked his shorts down before he was totally naked. I avoided looking over to Jay and instead addressed Mason who’d begun the same process.

“What’s going on?” I asked him.

“Initiation,” he smiled, revealing an impressive uncut cock that slapped against his leg with a meaty thump. “Are you going to join us?” He flashed his famous grin, but, before I could answer, he stepped away, climbed onto the ring apron and rolled under the bottom rope. He stood and did a turn with his arms out. The others, now just as naked as our host, took seats, some clapped or called out encouragements like “Hell yeah! and “Let’s get it on!” .

“Gentlemen, fellow fighters, welcome. As you can see we have two new members joining us tonight,” everyone turned to look at us, but I kept my eyes on Mason. I was beginning to think I understood what this was. “Caleb, Charlie,” he continued, “we would like to extend to you an invitation. After getting to know you both over the last couple months,” he stopped talking for a second, glanced over to Neil, and then continued, “we feel you would make excellent additions to our roster. The philosophy of the club is simple. For some men, wrestling and fighting comes naturally, it is what we were born to do. However we’ve become civilized, that path has been blocked, it’s no longer acceptable, and the opportunity to express that side of our nature does not exist. Some years ago Neil, myself and few others discovered our mutual passion and, slowly and carefully, we found others who shared our views, thus our Hollywood Naked Wrestling Club was born. Every so often we get together to express that part of us, the one deemed inappropriate. As you can see membership is very limited, discretion imperative, and we would like you to become our latest members.”

The seven men clapped and cheered his speech. I took a second to look at Caleb. I expected to see the wide eyed look of shock he’d displayed at Neil’s beach house but it wasn’t there. Instead, he was looking across the ring at Jay, with the same enigmatic expression he’s been wearing earlier.

“Now! Before you answer boys,” Mason continued after the applause died down, “Let’s get a match going, a demonstration of what we do here … who’s up first?”

“Right here!” The other actor stood. “Dan, you ready to settle this?” he called across the ring.

“Of course,” the reporter stood and answered him. “It’s going to end badly for you Vic, just like it did last time.”

There was a murmur of excitement from the others, and then Mason shouted “Excellent, our first challenge has been issued and accepted. Vic, Dan, the ring is yours.”

There was more clapping and calling out, some for the actor Vic, and some for the reporter Dan as they moved toward the ring and Mason stepped through the ropes.

“This is going to be a good one, Vic has been pretty much undefeated the last couple years until Dan handed him a loss at our last event. Choked him out and Vic hasn’t taken it so well,” Mason said, once he’d returned to the chair between Caleb and me.

“What exactly is going on?” I asked --- although it was now pretty obvious.

“Isn’t that clear?” Mason flashed me the grin. “You know you and your Dad are not the only guys who like to wrestle?” He laughed and gave my shoulder a pat. “Neil told me about you both and about what happened the night you arrived. Basically this is the same thing, just a little more organized.”

“So it’s just wrestling?” Caleb asked.

“Well we only have one rule,” Mason answered, “no strikes to the face. We all rely on them too much for our jobs, but other than that it’s no holds barred, so to speak. There is no limit on submissions --- you get as many as you can. A match ends when one man quits or cannot continue for some reason. For private matches we don’t use a time limit, but in the interest of giving everyone a chance to fight we limit the bouts to twenty minutes for these formal events. If, by the end of that time, neither man has quit, then we act as judges for the match. We vote based on skill, dominance, and number of submissions. Watch the match though, you’ll get the idea.”

Unsure, but undeniably excited to see these two men wrestle, I turned my attention back to the ring. They were standing in opposite corners, having taken the time to stretch while we’d been talking, both looking very impressive.

At first glance you would have given the match to Vic. He was probably somewhere in his mid forties, and maybe twenty or so pounds heavier then his opponent, with a hard thick body and excellent muscle definition. He was also quite hairy, with a full chest of brown fur that ran down his rippled stomach to the full bush that surrounded his thick uncut cock. Dan looked a bit younger, and smaller, outweighed, but, as I’d observed outside, very buff, with a super slim waist and impossibly wide shoulders. He must have had the suits he wore on the news channel custom made. He was also much lighter, his skin a pale pink compared to Vic’s warm olive, and hairless, with only the faintest trace of light brown stubble surrounding his longer, thinner, cut cock. But, if the smaller, lighter, reporter had won their last match, he must have some serious skills to compensate for the size difference, I reasoned, and, in spite of my lingering bafflement, and my unease seeing Jay again, I was looking forward to seeing them displayed.

There was no bell or official call to start, both men moved toward each other by unspoken consent and then slowly began to circle. At the same time everyone left their seats and moved up to stand against the ring apron. A few slapped the canvas and called out for whoever was their favorite. I gave Caleb a quizzical look. He was still wearing that enigmatic expression. He shrugged his shoulders and then joined Mason, so I followed.

It was clear this was a mismatch in styles right from the start. Immediately Vic moved in on Dan, not caring about the danger of getting taken down, simply trying to out muscle his rival. Dan was a technician though, with an obvious background in freestyle wrestling, so he fended off the direct attacks, choosing moments to shoot in and get Vic’s legs. Mostly, with brute force, the older man fought off each takedown. But, he did get caught a few times, and he hit the canvas hard. Dan did not follow through however, choosing to move away each time and wait for his opponent to get up again. It was a strategy that probably worked in his favor the last time --- wear the big man down then move in for the kill once he was gassed. Dan must have sensed that moment had come when he caught a high crotch, switched to a double, brought Vic crashing to the canvas, but this time stayed on top of him.

Using speed and leverage Dan worked Vic in a bunch of holds, a shoulder lock, a vicious straight arm bar, some chokes and a head scissors. Apart from their flapping dicks, it looked like a typical wrestling match. However, much like when they were standing, Vic powered out of each submission before tapping. Larry had taught me that nine times out of ten technique will overcome muscle, and I knew that was true from my own experiences in real wrestling. I expected that this was the same and eventually Vic’s strength would fail him and Dan would get a tap. But apparently, this was that tenth time, and after a brutal and exhausting period of Dan dominating, a savage stomp on the reporter's groin turned the tables.

Dan had an ankle lock, one of Vic’s feet tucked neatly into his armpit, his legs tightly controlling the other man’s knee and his upper body twisting in the opposite direction. He had to be coming very close to ripping multiple tendons and ligaments but still Vic didn’t tap out. The lighter man demanded the submission, but the actor, his face a mask of pain, answered that demand by kicking out hard with the sole of his foot, viciously connecting with Dan’s cock and balls. The poor guy howled in pain, the leg lock was gone and he curled up in the fetal position. I’d seen lots of crotch shots, given some, and been on the receiving end of a few, but there was no attempt to pull this kick, and poor Dan was hurting bad.

Vic got to his feet, favoring one leg, having definitely suffered from the ankle lock, but he shook it off. He took a second to collect himself and then dropped down on his curled up opponent. He smashed his elbow hard across Dan’s upper back, then forced Dan to his stomach. With his opponent helpless, his bare ass wide open, Vic took the opportunity to give the reporter's cheeks a few good slaps, the crack resounding through the room like a whip. Then, he took both wrists and pulled them up, making the backs of the hands meet, and forcing more wails out of Dan. He dropped his hips down on the ass of the wailing man and I saw his cock slip into the reporter’s asscrack. As he continued to torture the shoulders and chest, he began to thrust forward adding humiliation to the hold. Dan was not only just losing, he was also getting fucked.

He fought and twisted trying to pull his hands out of Vic’s tight grip but he had no strength in this position and soon the rhythmic frot was taking its toll, and his screams became moans. Eventually, deciding he’d tortured his man enough, Vic released the hold and stood. With a handful of hair he hoisted Dan up, then deftly lifted him so he was perpendicular across his own chest.

Starting at a run Vic upended his opponent and slammed him to the ring floor with relish. One of the first things I did when I’d arrived here was get under the structure and open the springs to the maximum. It was safer, helped to absorb impact and made some moves easier to execute, still, even at is most springy, the power of this slam was enough to knock all the wind out of Dan and make him even more helpless. I waited to see if the poor guy would continue or if he would throw in the towel. Vic paced around him, the frot had made his cock rock solid and it stood out from his crotch like the hands of a clock at three fifteen. Amazingly Dan began to stir, he was apparently much tougher than he looked. With a growl Vic moved in and lifted him again, this time locking his hands around the slim waist of the lighter man, then charging the corner slamming his back into the post. He let loose with a flurry of gut punches, each one connecting to the rippling abs of the reporter. Dan tried to cover up but Vic took his wrists and held them out, then used his knee to continue the abdominal abuse. When the beaten man dropped forward, barely able to stand, Vic pressed his forearm across the throat to keep him in place, then clamped his other hand on the already battered cock and balls of his opponent.

“Is it always this brutal?” I asked a gleeful looking Mason.

“Nah, but Vic can’t wrestle for shit, he’s just a brawler. You gotta put him out before this happens… looks like poor Dan missed his chance… although Vic’s particularly mean tonight. He really doesn't like losing.”

A howl from the ring brought our attention back to the match. Dan was no longer in the corner, instead he was flat on his back, desperately trying to peel Vic’s foot off his crotch. The actor had both legs split wide and was grinding his heel into the reporter's cock.

“I give! I give!” Dan screamed.

“You what?” Vic growled keeping his foot in place.

“Please I give,” was the answer.

With a sneer, Vic held the legs wide, then dropped down head first, smashing his forehead into the reporter's groin. Once more Dan was in the fetal position holding his crotch.

“You quit?” the actor asked.

The room was silent, everyone listening closely for the answer. It has to be yes, I thought --- he can’t take anymore.

“I asked you if you quit bitch?” Vic hissed, leaning close to his fallen opponent.

Through the moans and whimpers Dan snarled “Fuck you!” and unbelievably rose up, launching his whole body forward and ramming his shoulder into Vic’s chest. The room exploded with cheering, I couldn’t help myself and clapped along at this amazing display of determination from the smaller guy.

The hit was enough to knock Vic on his ass and Dan leapt on him. His fist flew as he delivered some gut punishment of his own. The actor bucked with his hips and the two went rolling across the ring. There was a messy exchange, with elbows and more punches, but with speed, Dan passed Vic’s legs, forced him over and mounted his chest. Vic reached up to pull Dan down but the reporter grasped the wrist and threw himself sideways. The bigger man’s arm was trapped and Dan thrust up with his hips forcefully. The armbar was almost perfect, Vic was in trouble. The strain on his elbow showed on his face as he cried out and twisted under the legs of his opponent. He managed to get one shoulder up and reach across his body to clasp his hand. Dan pressured with his legs trying to force him down but Vic was apparently as determined as Dan was. These Hollywood guys took this naked wrestling club thing pretty seriously. There was yelling from all sides, some urging Dan to break the arm, some screaming for Vic to fight it.

Dan lifted one leg and tucked the foot up against the bicep of the arm Vic was using to hold off the armbar. He kicked out but Vic kept a firm grasp on his tortured hand. With some of the downward pressure taken away from his torso he also managed to twist even further, then I saw his hips turn and he got his knees onto the canvas. “Shit,” I murmured. Mason had said Vic couldn’t wrestle for shit, but he was doing all the right things now to escape this submission. Slowly, he got his feet under him. Dan clung to the armbar desperately. It had to be nearing the twenty minute time limit and I imagined that if it came down to a vote, if they were both tied with one submission, most would give Dan the win. I sure would. However, Vic was on his feet now, pressuring down on Dan, folding him like a piece of paper. Slowly I saw him begin to pull his arm back. The coach in me wanted to scream out to Dan to switch off to a triangle, or let go of the arm and reach around for an ankle pick, but before I could Vic was free, and Dan paid the price for his stubbornness.

The smaller man tried to scramble back after he lost his armbar, but Vic dropped a knee onto his opponent’s thigh, then threw his weight behind it to keep him in place. Ignoring the fists that Dan was throwing to his sides, he continued to push until he was able to lock his arms around the waist. Then he leaned back and stood bringing Dan up with him in a powerful bearhug. He held him suspended off the ground, growling and shaking his man, his fists tight in the small of the back as he crushed the ribcage. Dan was fighting it, pushing on the chin and shoulders but, like watching him melt, slowly the fight went out of him and the movement stopped. It was hard to hear exactly what he said, but he mumbled something that could have been “I give” or “I quit” and Vic unceremoniously dropped him. As he crumpled to the canvas one of the older men across from us stood and yelled “TIME!”

Vic flopped to the canvas, spent, favoring one arm as well as one leg now. We all clapped for them but neither seemed to have the energy to acknowledge the applause. Mason left us and climbed into the ring. He moved to Vic bent down and asked him a question, the answer to which was the actor shaking his head no. Mason stood and raised his hands for silence.

“Gentleman, both fighters made it to the twenty minute mark without giving up so it’s up to us to vote. By a show of hands who gives this match to Vic?”

I glanced around the ring - all the hands went up, including Caleb’s. I hated to do it, I always favored the technical wrestlers over the brawlers, but undeniably Vic had won this. He’d gotten two submissions and had dominated the last half, not with any real wrestling in my opinion, however, this was a no holds barred match so he’d done what it took and I could appreciate that. I raised my hand as well, but in the back of my mind I was thinking about Dan, and how much fun he’d be to wrestle with. I wondered if his job ever brought him close to us.

“By unanimous decision… your winner Vic!” Mason said while performing the traditional hand raise. Vic got to his feet and acknowledged the cheering, then he limped over to Dan. He helped him get to his feet, then raised his arm as well. He was a bruiser and a bully, but apparently still a good sportsman. They hugged, then kissed. I raised my eyebrows, somewhat surprised. Although the frot earlier had been a pretty good indicator that this club’s wrestling was charged with eroticism, it hadn’t been explicitly mentioned. There was cheering and cat calls from the audience, the kissing progressed to making out, and both men began to stroke the other's cock.

“Take it outside you horny bitches!” Mason yelled, “we need the ring.”

There was some laughter, the two men broke apart and then both headed out of the ring. They did not return to their chairs, but, hand in hand, kept going right out the doors.

“Do I have another challenge?” Mason called. I was still watching the door, musing on the fact that these two men had been beating the crap out of each other only seconds before but were now going to fuck. I knew that feeling of course, discovering it as a teen while watching my Dad wrestle another man. Still the dichotomy always amused me.

“Am I allowed to challenge Sir?” It was Caleb’s voice and my attention shot back to him.

“Of course, son, you’re part of the club now.” Mason answered with his famous grin.

“Caleb.” Was all I got out before he said it.

“I would like to challenge Jay.”

“Caleb!” I repeated louder but he ignored me.

“Sure, I’m up for that.” I heard Jay say, but I didn’t look at him either

“Challenge issued and accepted. Caleb, Jay, the ring is yours boys.” Mason announced.

Caleb had started to undress, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to where our chairs were. “What are you doing?” I asked once he’d untangled himself from his shirt.

“Participating in the club,” he said innocently.

“Caleb, you know that I don’t have any feelings for Jay, right? I don’t love him. I love you.”

He looked down but I saw a slight hint of color bloom across his cheeks and the corners of his mouth turn up ever so slightly. He looked back at me. The odd expression from earlier was gone, it was just my sweet, kind, open and honest boyfriend again.

“Remember in Florida,” he said, “when you fought three guys just to get to me? You didn’t have to do that Charlie, you could have just told me and I would have gone with you. But I’m glad you did, it’s still one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen.”

It was my turn to look down and blush.

“I know you love me, and I love you. I’m not trying to prove anything. I just want to kick that cocky son of a bitch’s ass… he called me Calvin !? that okay with you?”

I answered his question by grabbing his shoulders and pulling him toward me. We locked lips and I kissed him as hard as I could. I felt him push into me, returning the passion and intensity equally. I hoped he always would and what we felt for each other would never weaken or fade. Apart from maybe Neil, nobody here knew my history, and wouldn’t understand the dynamics underlying this fight, so seeing us kissing, they probably thought I was jealous or maybe worried about my man. But they could think what they liked, I wasn’t worried and I was too deep in love with this guy to care what anyone thought. I broke away, then reached down and unbuttoned the fly of his shorts. I pulled them down, and tossed them aside. Caleb didn’t move, he let me continue to undress him, understanding the symbolism behind my actions. Slowly I removed his sneakers and socks, then finally I took hold of the waistband of his briefs, and stripped him of those as well. I grasped his beautiful cock and gave it a tug while we kissed again. Both hard now, I patted his ass and sent him off to the ring where Jay was waiting.

Mason was already standing along the apron. I joined him, keeping my eyes on Caleb as he moved through the middle rope.

“Oh my,” our host murmured, almost breathless with anticipation.

I had to agree with him. How many guys get to see their boyfriend fight their ex-boyfriend in a naked wrestling match?


Last edited on 2/07/2024 3:55 PM by canwrestle



synxiec (74)

4/26/2023 6:00 PM

MY BOY CALEB IS A REAL ONE (I'm obviously very excited about this one)!


FightFan1970 (8 )

5/09/2023 3:02 PM

Love the books, let us know when the next chapter is up
