canwrestle's blog

Hollywood Naked Wrestling Club: A Charlie and Caleb Story, PART TWO


Hollywood Naked Wrestling Club
A Charlie and Caleb Story

“Daddy watch this!” Will ordered as his face filled my computer screen till the whole thing was just his big brown eyes with the impossibly thick lashes.

“Monkey, you’re too close, move back so Daddy can see.” Melanie’s voice directed.

My heart did a little flutter. I hadn’t been gone that long but he was speaking so much clearer then he had been before I left - his words crisp and more grown up. Or maybe it was my guilt fueled imagination. He disappeared for a second, and then reappeared on the couch next to his mother. He turned away, put the top of his head on the cushion then kicked his legs up till he was doing a headstand against the back, his face a mask of concentration.

“Whoa buddy that’s amazing!” I told him. He smiled then plopped over to his side. “Good job, but only on the couch, right? And, no headstands on the floor, okay?” But before I finished the sentence he was gone again, distracted by some toy off camera. This was the way all our zoom calls had gone so I wasn’t surprised. He was getting better though, and this night I’d gotten a whole five minutes.

“You doing okay?” Mel asked.

“Yeah. Missing you guys though.”

“How’s Mr. Movie Star?” she asked with a smirk. I knew what she was asking. She wanted to know if he had made another pass at me.

“He’s good, a gentleman. Quite a good wrestler, too. He could have made a career of it if he hadn’t chosen to be an actor.”

“Well he can always fall back on it if this movie star thing doesn’t work out,” she joked.

“True. I’ll be sure to take his number so we can book him for the Polish Community Center.”

“Ugh, speaking of which. We have to cancel next month’s show. They had a flood in the basement, which fried the electrical and it’s going to take a couple months to repair it.”

“Damn,” I answered, “We really need to look at another venue.”

“Where?” she gave me the exasperated look I knew very well. We’d had this discussion before.

“That arena out on the highway, the one where the Battery Boys made their three man tag debut.”

“We can’t fill that Charlie, not unless the Battery Boys want to make a comeback. The Polish plumber and your collection of newbies isn’t a big enough draw.”

“Well if your Dad didn’t poach every guy who shows promise before we get a chance to cash in,” I grumbled.

She was right of course, she usually was, but I hadn’t told her about my plan yet. And it may not have included all the Battery’s, but the return of one of them might be enough. And with new lights, sound and a professional camera crew I felt like it was possible.

“Come say bye to Daddy.” Mel called to wherever Will was, and then looked back at the screen. “Lets talk about it when you get home okay, time for bed, bath and beyond; hopefully, short on the beyond tonight.”

Wills face reappeared. “When are you coming home Daddy?” he asked.

“Soon Monkey, only a couple more sleeps. I promise.” He pondered this information for a second, and once more my heart fluttered. He’d asked the same question almost every night, but still it never failed to hit me like a well-aimed kick. But a second later he turned and asked his mother if he could have a fluffy bath – his word for bubbles – and he was off like a shot without so much as a look back when she told him yes. Mel and my dad had been right of course, at two he was too busy and too egocentric to really feel my absence, but for a guy with abandonment issues like mine, diagnosed by Jake of course, that knowledge didn’t change how I felt. After some ‘goodbyes’, ‘I love you’s’ and ‘see you soon’s’, Mel logged off and my screen went blank. At the same time I heard the shower turn off and a few seconds later Caleb came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

“Did I miss Mel and the Monkey?” he asked seeing me sitting on the bed with my laptop open.

“Yeah, she called when you were in the shower. He did a headstand for me.”

“No fear that kid,” he smiled, taking the towel from his waist and using it to rub his hair. He was gorgeous, and I wondered if I’d ever get tired of seeing his naked body. “Mmmm” I murmured, closing my computer and moving it to the night table. “Just like his Daddy.” Caleb let the towel drop and crawled onto the bed beside me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer, and resting his damp head on my chest. I could feel his cock against my leg.

“So that was interesting today.” I said.

“Interesting?” he answered, “It was boring. I had no idea that’s how movies were made. All those ‘takes’… doing the same thing over and over---then all the waiting around till they were ready to do something else five thousand times. I could never be an actor.”

He wasn’t wrong. In addition to coaching Mason, and choreographing his one in ring wrestling scene, both Caleb and I had been given small parts as professional wrestlers in the movie. They were non-speaking roles but it meant an added paycheck. We’d spent twelve hours today in an empty sports arena filming a locker room scene that would amount to maybe four or five minutes of screen time. We were to be back again tomorrow morning at five for another twelve hours, then again the next day. But, it was the last of the wrestling stuff so it meant our part of the project was done and we’d be leaving on the weekend. I knew that making movies was tedious from my experience with Jay, but Caleb thought it was going to be more exciting. He’s been like a scalded cat all day, jittery and on edge.

“I didn’t mean the shoot,” I explained, “I’m talking about what Mason said---about the party. From the way he was talking I don’t think its drinks and hor’dourves with Meryl Streep and Robert Downey Jr.”

“Who?” he answered.

I gave him a playful cuff.

We lay together not talking, the day may have been boring but it was also exhausting. I could tell from his breathing, and how heavy his head was against my chest, that it wouldn’t be long before Caleb would be out cold. I should take a shower now before I need to disturb him, I thought, but didn’t move---I was enjoying his cuddles. I absently starting stroking his hair and he murmured his approval. I let my mind drift. I thought Mason had been acting funny.

He really was a good guy. I’d enjoyed the time we’d spent training. When Neil and I arrived he’d come out to meet us himself. By the size of his home, high up in hills of Beverly, I’d expected a butler to greet us. But, it was just him, in shorts and a t-shirt, the lopsided grin that was his signature, wide across his still quite handsome face. After introductions Neil left and Mason brought me to one of two guest houses at the back of the property. A smaller version of the main house set on top a small hill, overlooking an enormous pool, a third house, tennis courts and a driving range. After depositing my bags he’d excitedly walked me over to another structure, newly built over the driving range, inside of which was a full sized wrestling ring.

Our training had begun there the next day and it didn’t take long for me to determine that Mr. Mason Dean was a natural athlete. He’d wrestled in high school, knew the fundamentals already, and he threw himself into whatever new stuff I showed him with no fear and total commitment. Neil had also been correct about keeping him off the top rope. It was impossible and so I’d settled for a jumping drop kick, and a suplex off the top as the safest high risk maneuvers. I thought maybe I’d found someone else who loved wrestling as much as I, my dad and Caleb, but I figured out later that it wasn’t so much the wrestling he loved. It was just this was the new thing he’d decided to conquer. If the movie had been about an aging scientist he’d probably have found a cure for cancer by now. That drive was just part of his personality.

As to his sexuality, there had been the incident that I’d told Melanie about; however, I hadn’t told her that, for a brief moment, I’d considered taking him up on his offer. It was only our second or third day of training and we were taking a break sitting side by side in his newly built ring. At first I’d thought he’d attempted to put his hand on my leg but over shot and got my dick instead, however, there was no embarrassed 'sorry' or quick retreat. I’d looked at his face and could tell by the smile, not his famous crooked grin, that he was serious and this was him hitting on me. I’d grown up watching Mason Dean movies and here was my opportunity to live out the fantasy of probably millions of other gay guys who’d done the same thing. Nor would it have been cheating. Caleb and I had already had that talk and we’d both agreed that what we wanted was a relationship like Dad and Jake’s, open, but built on mutual respect and honesty. If, when Caleb had returned from the road, I told him I’d fooled around with Mason Dean he would have been fine with it. It would only be a problem if I tried to keep it a secret.

We sat there, Mason’s hand on my crotch. It was only a few seconds but it felt longer. He was shirtless, and although now in his late fifties, his body was impeccable and a tantalizing bead of sweat ran down the crease where his pec muscles met. Caleb’s chest was fuller, that crease deeper… and I realized that Mason was a fantasy, Caleb was my reality. He was all I needed, or wanted. And, even if it was technically ‘okay’, I never wanted to do anything that could possibly hurt him. Apart from playing together, like we had done with Neil, I had not fooled around with anyone else, and as far as I knew neither had he. Maybe later, I decided, maybe if Caleb wants to as well, but for now I wasn’t interested.

I had shuffled my leg, crossing it over the other and he was forced to pull his hand back. I’d told him pointedly that my boyfriend Caleb would be joining us for the training sessions after he’d finished a road trip up north. I saw Mason’s face register the message I was sending. I wasn’t upset---in my mind you couldn’t blame a guy for trying. Thankfully, he didn’t take my rejection badly either. We got back to work and from that moment on he’d been all business. Even when Caleb joined us a few weeks later nothing happened. By then we were all so busy preparing for the movie that an opportunity for the three of us to fool around had not presented itself.

However today, during a lunch break, when he’d come over and joined Caleb and me for a few minutes – the length of time he ever allowed himself to rest--- his smile and his attitude had reminded me of the crotch grabbing incident. As a thank you for our work on the film he had a surprise for us, he’d said, the words dripping with innuendo, something that he knew we’d enjoy. Apparently Caleb hadn’t noticed anything odd, but then he was notorious for taking things at face value, it was one of the things I loved most about him.

An annoying beep woke me and after a moment of confusion I recognized the sound as my cell phone alarm. Although Caleb must have turned over at some point, we had both fallen into a dead sleep exactly as we had been the night before. His ass was now nestled into the crook of my stomach, but he was still completely naked and I was still fully dressed.
“Caleb” I called gently tugging on his shoulder, “it’s morning, the car is going to be here in twenty minutes.”

He murmured and growled, so I left the bed but let the alarm keep beeping. It would force him to move. I got into the shower and when I came out, he was up and dressed, his hair messy and a disgruntled look on his sweet face.

“I hate this.” He grunted.

If the day before had been long and boring, this second one was worse. I thought at one point Caleb might actually quit when the director made him walk down a corridor twenty seven times. The shot was from behind, focused on Mason walking toward the camera, which was a good thing because the look on Caleb’s face was pure and utter exasperation and annoyance. Finally, he’d achieved the look of “Kaleb” the psychotic drifter character I’d tried to make him play when he first started his career. But in his present mood I didn’t think he would have found that fact amusing, so I didn’t point it out.

When we finally finished for the day, after supper, a short zoom call and showers, we crawled right into bed. With a decent night’s sleep behind us, the third day of filming was actually pretty fun. Caleb and I were done being actors early, and the rest of the day was spent filming Masons wrestling match. The director, a young guy, handpicked by Mason, and deferential to the star on pretty much everything, asked me to sit with him during the shooting. He consulted me on every camera angle, when to go wide and when to get in close, and then checked after every take if I thought we needed to do it again. Mason, and the famous pro wrestler turned actor who’d been cast as his opponent, performed the match I’d choreographed ten or fifteen times. I was impressed with their stamina and it all went off brilliantly. After we’d wrapped Mason, dragged me into the ring and introduced me as his trainer and the guy who’d put the match together. The genuine applause and cheering from the hundred or so extras filling the arena seats felt good. Standing in the ring also felt right, and the excitement of putting my plan into action when I returned home the following day built just a little more.

Mason took me aside just as Caleb and I were getting into the car that would take us back to his place. He wasn’t coming home yet; he had at least eight hours more work before he would allow himself to be done for the day.

“Probably going to be late tonight, remember the party is at six tomorrow, pool side.” The sly smirk was on his face again.

“Honestly, Mason parties are not really mine or Caleb’s thing. I appreciate the idea but…”

“I insist,” he cut me off, “it’s in your honor and I promise you’re going to enjoy yourselves thoroughly.”

“But I don’t really have the clothes for a Hollywood party.” I protested weakly, wilting under his intense glare.

“It’s not that kind of party,” he winked.

He did not wait for an answer, with a hearty slap on the back and a flash of the crooked grin he was off.

“I couldn’t get us out of it,” I told Caleb when I joined him in the back seat.

He sighed and patted my leg, “It’s cool, we put in an appearance, and then we sneak away---and first thing in the morning we’re on a flight back home and we can both hug the monkey till he can’t breathe.”

We spent a quiet night, packing and getting ready to leave, and the next morning Mason put a car and driver at our disposal so we could head into LA. We hadn’t really done anything touristy while we’d been out here, so we packed as much as we could into the day. Sunset Boulevard, Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, the Hollywood sign and shopping for Will at the Beverly Center. Caleb talked me out of an oversized King Kong plushie that would have requited its own seat on the plane, so I settled for a sweatshirt that said “Future Star”, a reasonable sized King Kong and a blue tooth microphone that Melanie would murder me for.

We got back to the mansion just before supper, had a quick nap, showered then dressed to go to the party. Mason had said it was casual, so we took him at his word, shorts and tank tops. The only concession to being fancy we attempted was I shaved, and Caleb put gel in his hair. We waited a while, assuming that nobody showed up to Hollywood parties early, then headed down the hill to the pool.

The sun had set when we came around the large hedge row that separated the patio from the guest house, but Mason had torches and lamps set out, and it took my eyes a second to adjust to the brighter light. The first thing I noticed was that the guest list was small, their seemed to be only a few people standing in groups talking; the second thing I noted was that we were not underdressed. Everyone was similarly attired in swim wear, some without shirts even. The third thing I realized was that all of them were men. I had just enough time to give Caleb a quizzical look before Neil’s loud bass boomed out.

“There’s my boys!” he called, moving toward us with a drink in hand. He was one of the shirtless people and I once more got to appreciate his massive pec muscles and perfect dark nipples. “I saw some of the rushes from yesterday, its brilliant. I knew I was hiring the right man for the job! We just might have a hit on our hands.”

I smiled and blushed at his compliment, happy that he was pleased with my work. “Well I gotta thank you for giving me the chance. It means a lot.”

“And Caleb, the camera loves your face, you should let me hook you up with an agent, get you some film work back east.”

“Ah well thank you sir, I appreciate that but I don’t think it’s for me.”

Neil wasn’t going to take no so quickly though, and he began to tell Caleb what having an agent could do for his career. I took the opportunity to look past his big round shoulders at the other guests. I saw Mason, deep in conversation with a man that I recognized from something---probably another actor, just not as famous. Then, just to the right I saw a well-known reporter. He was also shirtless and I was impressed at how built he was; he certainly didn’t look that buffed when he was covering the White House. The two men standing with him I did not know; they were older, probably Neil’s age, but also still really hot like him. Further down were the last two guests. The young director of our film and someone I knew extremely well. My chest tightened and my pulse revved like someone had stepped on my gas pedal.

He was Hollywood’s star of the moment. His face plastered on billboards and his presence on every late night talk show ubiquitous. He was also my ex-boyfriend.

Last edited on 2/07/2024 3:57 PM by canwrestle



synxiec (74)

4/17/2023 7:33 PM

THIS ENDING?! Excuse me?!


canwrestle (102 )

4/18/2023 2:06 AM

(In reply to this)

Its not an ending... its a cliff hanger. HAHA


synxiec (74)

4/18/2023 2:30 AM

(In reply to this)

Well okay ending to this section. Shhh. I’ll bite you.


Wrestleme123 (0)

4/22/2023 9:15 PM

I hope you let Caleb submit the shit out of the cocky ex.


Heel4youguys (2)

4/30/2023 7:25 PM

Hope you will include this in another book?
