canwrestle's blog

Hollywood Naked Wrestling Club: A Charlie and Caleb Story PART FOUR

Hollywood Naked Wrestling Club
A Charlie and Caleb Story PART FOUR

Caleb’s big thighs opened and closed around Jay’s waist as my ex-boyfriend moved in on my current boyfriend.

I could see the bright red welt on Caleb’s calf where Jay’s lightning-fast low kick had landed. It forced him off balance and allowed the standup specialist to drop low and catch a double leg. He’d then driven forward - ramming his head into the solar plexus and Caleb was taken off his feet and forced onto his back. But with all his training Caleb recovered quickly and instinctively went to guard. Jay’s progress was checked and my boyfriend’s ankles locked together just above my ex’s waist. A wave of jealousy washed over me, as this position put them cock to cock, but my feelings were tinted with excitement. I hadn’t yet taken off my shorts and my already swollen cock pressed uncomfortably against the fabric. Watching them wrestle had me incredibly charged up.

The grip fight began as the two men struggled to gain some leverage. “C’mon Caleb, get off your back!” I yelled. Jay was trying to posture up, while Caleb attempted to keep him low, and get control of an arm. A few times Jay managed to get a hand free, which he used to throw a few punches to the gut, but if he was hoping to weaken Caleb with body shots he was going to have to throw a lot more - Caleb took hits in the ring for a living. Finally, Jay managed to extract both hands and sat up quickly. Caleb countered by crunching his abs, and then used his hips to pull his opponent back down. Jay swung his elbow, probably aiming for the chest, but with his forward momentum he caught Caleb’s chin instead. The crack of the heavy blow reverberated around the mostly empty space, and was followed by shocked silence - the one rule of the club was no head shots. My body tensed, and instinctively I reached for the bottom rope, about to haul myself up onto the apron and climb through - whether to make sure Caleb was okay or to punch Jay in the nose, I hadn’t decided. I stopped when I heard Jay say. “Oh shit, sorry.”

Immediately Jay backed off. He looked sincere, so I relaxed and let go of the rope. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Mason smirking at me.

“Sorry Calvin, are you alright?” Jay said, leaning over Caleb who had propped himself up on an elbow.

“Yeah yeah, all good,” he answered, rubbing his jaw, ignoring the incorrect name again. He looked at the hand put forward, I saw his eyes narrow. He ignored the offered help and stood on his own. Jay rose up as well.

“That rule about no hits to the head?” Caleb spoke loudly, “is that set in stone?”

I looked at Jay’s face, and there was a moment when the challenge registered, but then the stone wall of stoicism I was so familiar with from our time together reappeared, and he looked completely nonplussed.

“Well it doesn’t have to be I guess,” he smiled.

“I mean if this is supposed to be a no holds barred match, seems silly to have any rules at all.” Now Caleb was smiling, but like earlier there was no nose crinkle.

“I agree.” Jay answered, not showing any reaction nor any concern for his movie star looks. I suppose he could easily pass off any bruises or black eyes as training accidents. It would be good for his image as well, an action hero who actually saw action.

“Great,” was Caleb’s equally casual reply. I’d told him about Jay’s background when I’d told him about how we’d met. He knew he was a former Olympian, trained in Judo and kickboxing, but apparently he wasn’t intimidated. It was a mystery to me that someone as kind and gentle could become such a beast in the ring. But then I supposed that was why he left all his aggression there.

The two men retreated to opposite corners to regroup. Mason yelled across the ring for the man who was timing to reset the clock. Then, just as they had a few minutes ago, they strode toward each other, this time with fists up.

Seeing them together I realized there wasn’t much difference in size, Caleb maybe had an inch in height, was thicker, his muscles denser - particularly that beautiful rounded chest I loved… the physique of a pro wrestler. Jay had gained in mass since I’d last seen him, and probably weighed close to the same as Caleb, but his muscle was toned to perfection. His abs rippled, with wide lats, flawless heart shaped shoulders and quads that looked as hard as metal cables running down his long legs… the physique of a movie star.

It also occurred to me that they shared a similar background in combat sports. Both had trained and competed in legitimate sports, but now both fought for show as a job, but I didn’t doubt that either would have any trouble throwing aside the fake stuff tonight. The punches, kicks and submissions would be as real as you could get. Caleb may have said he wasn’t trying to prove anything, but I had serious doubts about that, and Jay knew his name wasn’t Calvin, he was playing mind games.

A loud crack drew my attention fully to the action, Jay had landed another short swift kick, this time higher on the thigh and I saw Caleb dance out of range, a grimace on his face. Those kicks hurt, I knew from experience. Jay advanced, forcing my boyfriend back till he hit the ropes. Another kick followed, this one a straight front strike aimed for just below where Caleb’s arms were guarding his face. He saw it coming though and dodged to the side. Jay’s foot got only air as Caleb twisted, throwing the first punch of the match, a wild hook that missed its target but kept Jay from following up as he moved back toward center. I saw a momentary look of surprise cross my ex’s face. He only knew Caleb as a professional wrestler, probably wasn’t sure what his legitimate fight skills were - but he knew now. He shook off the shock quickly and once more advanced with his fists up.

In truth I was also taken aback. Caleb and I wrestled all the time, in training and for fun, but I wasn’t much of a striker so I didn’t expect him to be quite so good at defending. His ring style hadn’t changed much since I’d first started developing it with him when he’d joined Elite. It was based on utilizing his incredible strength, big explosive powerbombs, suplexes and spinebusters that got the crowd hyped up. He would then follow up with limb-bending submissions that made his opponents scream, moan and tap out. He was still wrestling under the name Kaleb, keeping the K and the drifter persona, hailing from parts unknown and all that. But he’d dropped his last name and the psychotic part of the character. He was just too popular with the crowd for him to keep working the heel angle. They loved him. He was one of Max’s top draws, the CWA champion for most of last year, only dropping it a couple months ago so that Max could build up to a card where he’d get it back. He’d only been able to come on this trip because he was supposed to be off somewhere healing his wounds, getting ready for his triumphant return, otherwise Max would never have let him take two months off, or work for other promotions out here.

The next few minutes got used up while the two men tested each other out. Jay moving forward, feinting with a leg or a punch not really intended to land, gauging range and clocking reaction time. Caleb was doing the same, but with an eye to finding a way through to a takedown. The atmosphere in the room was tense, much more so than the previous fight, while I saw Neil move up onto the apron and hold the ropes so he could get a better view. He was followed by Mason, then the others, so I joined them, taking a second to kick my shorts off, letting my stiff cock free before moving up. As the feeling out continued, the guys, now arranged along the ropes, began to get more vocal.

Whether satisfied with what he’d learned, or spurred on by the men now calling for some action, Jay finally let fly with a kick he intended to make contact with - A big roundhouse coming from the back leg, the top of his foot catching Caleb on the cheek. I saw and heard the impact but my boyfriend was saved from the full force as he was moving when it landed, dropping his level and diving in on the standing leg. Still it must have hurt. He managed to get a hold of the thigh, but then fell to his knees without managing to take his man over. Jay responded by sprawling back, his weight dropping heavy across the back, and his hand snaking around Caleb’s neck in a front face lock. Caleb got his footing and rose up, still gripping the leg but Jay did not go over. Instead he used his free leg to hit Caleb’s exposed abs with multiple knees.

“BACK OFF!” I screamed, watching Caleb tenaciously clinging to Jay’s thigh - he was taking far too much abuse.

I don’t know if he heard me, but he followed my instructions anyway, letting go of the thigh, then used his hands to pry open the front face lock. Another couple of knees and he managed to back out. Caleb gave me a quick glance, there was the tiniest bit of uncertainty in his eyes when they found mine. I nodded my head, “Shake it off, keep working, you got this,” I yelled.

He had no time to think though, Jay was moving forward, a slight smile on his face. He used a couple jabs to back Caleb up further then, with a neat little turn, Jay spun around, and his leg shot out in a spinning back kick that landed fully in Caleb’s solar plexus. The sound of the foot hitting the wall of muscle was followed by the sound of Caleb’s air being forced from his body. He flew backwards, hitting the ropes, then dropped to the canvas clutching his stomach. Another tense moment occurred, while we waited to see if Jay would follow up. He didn’t though, taking a few steps back to the center, smirking more openly now and my blood boiled. I clutched the ropes tightly, working hard to stop myself from ducking under and knocking the smile from his face.

Caleb got to his feet, and Jay waited for him to come forward. Once he was in range he let fly with another kick but this one got only air as once again Caleb was dropping low for a single. Jay did the same thing as before and sprawled back, getting another front face lock, but before the assault with the knees began, Caleb let go of the leg and matched Jay’s position. He got his own front face lock and drove forward.

Bent low I could see their cocks hanging down between their bent legs, it was a spectacular sight. Caleb used his free hand to throw some kidney punches, Jay responded in kind. Then knees were brought up to deliver more abdominal abuse. I held my breath watching these two beasts hold nothing back, my own cock was completely hard and dripping, I understood what Caleb had meant about watching me fight those guys after the wrestling show in Florida. This was so hot.

The stalemate continued, but then Caleb showed off some of his incredible strength and I almost shot my load watching him. With his hold on Jay’s neck he tilted his weight back and lifted. Jay’s feet left the ground a few inches, and then he was tossed a good few feet across the ring, landing not far from where I was standing, as Caleb completed the snap side suplex. Jay hit the canvas with a loud crash but moved quickly to get back to his feet. Caleb was not moving on him though - he’d made his point and was standing in the center of the ring, waiting. Jay was no longer smirking.

Once again they faced off, now fully aware of what the other could do. Jay tried another kick but Caleb was prepared and ducked under. He stepped through, locked his hands around Jay driving him over and to his back.

“YES!” I hooted, this was where my boyfriend was going to shine.

Jay wasn’t a complete novice on the ground though, for I had taught him a lot when we’d been together, and he pulled guard. Caleb slammed his upper body down and the two began to fight with their arms. Caleb got one of Jay’s wrists pinned, but before he could lock on a shoulder submission, Jay turned into him. His arm wrapped around Caleb’s neck and he began choking him. Forced to abandon the shoulder lock, Caleb twisted and the two rolled across the ring. Jay opened his guard and attempted to get a knee shield, but Caleb managed to pull out of the choke and sit up. He pressed down on a leg and brought his knee across, pinning the thigh to the canvas. Jay crunched up and threw an elbow that hit Caleb’s jaw, but it was not hard enough to stop my boyfriend’s progress. He slipped his other leg past and was now in a full mount. Jay bucked but only managed to shove Caleb further forward. Now his crotch was in Jay’s face, and his big bottle sized cock smacked against the movie star's chin. Envy washed over me, and I gripped the ropes harder to keep myself from totally losing control.

Jay's hips were now free of any weight, so he bridged and twisted. Caleb was thrown to the side but he held onto Jay's head, getting a little help with a handful of hair, and then he straightened his legs. He pulled forward and locked his ankles together. Jay's face was mashed up against Caleb’s dick. I saw his massive thighs tighten and heard him growl.
Jay continued to twist till he was on his knees, but now Caleb had secured the headscissors. It was a painful hold but not quite deadly, Caleb would need to get a figure four if he wanted the submission. I saw him moving to the side, trying to get the right angle to bend one leg behind the knee of the other. Jay pushed forward, up on his toes. Caleb was forced onto his shoulders, his chin pushing painfully into his own chest. With a loud roar, Jay gripped the constricting quads and tried to pry some space open. He managed to slip a hand into the small space between the thighs directly in front of his chin. With the other hand he took hold of Caleb’s cock. The growls of effort turned to shrieks, as Jay twisted on my boyfriend’s dick. The pain he was dishing out, added to the space he’d created was enough to weaken the headscissors and he was able to pull his head back.

Jay didn’t let go, he held on tight and once free, twisted, forcing his opponent to turn part way to his stomach. Then using his great martial arts balance he spun on one leg, stepping over Caleb’s ass and forced him flat to the canvas. Jay sat back, still with the leg and cock gripped tight and Caleb’s spine was bent painfully in a single-leg Boston. I could see that Caleb was fighting it hard, using his massive glute and hamstring strength to keep his back from being bent to a point where he’d be forced to tap. Jay howled and lent further but he was losing ground. I saw frustration on his face as he dropped both his grips on the knee and cock, then dropped his ass down, landing with a thud onto Caleb’s back. He twisted, reaching for the neck, and his cock slipped into Caleb’s ass. I grunted without being aware I was making a sound, only realizing I’d done it when I saw Mason flashed me another crooked grin, he was enjoying my discomfort.

“Don’t let him get you like that!” I screamed.

Jay maneuvered to lock up a choke or headlock but Caleb caught his hand and held him off. At the same time he raised his hips and bumped Jay off his back. They both ended up on their side as a messy fight for control ensued. It ended when the two writhing men rolled together to the edge of the ring, becoming entangled in the ropes.
Caleb was on his back, while Jay scrambled to get on his chest, using the bottom rope to help him. He pushed it down and it came across Caleb’s throat as he moved into a mount position. Instead of letting go, he held on, adding his other hand and pushing the rope down harder till Caleb was kicking and flailing his legs as his air supply was cut off.

“What the fuck!” I howled.

“No holds barred, remember.” Mason responded.

“That’s not a fucking hold,” I growled.

“You wanna stop them?” he asked.

I did, but Caleb would not thank me for stepping in. It took all my self-control, but I stayed on the apron. I was gripping the top rope so tightly my knuckles were turning white.
With one hand, Caleb was pushing back on the rope trying to get some space, with the other he was alternately punching Jay’s side or reaching up and pushing back on his chin. The choking, however, was relentless as Jay pushed down on the rope with all his upper body strength. Caleb added knee strikes across the back of his opponent, desperately fighting for air. Finally I saw his hand close into a fist. With as much force as he could muster, he caught Jay on the chin. It wasn’t a great hit - flat on his back like that he didn’t have much power - but it was enough to knock his tormentor from his perch and he was able to roll out from under the rope.

There was a pause in the action. Jay was on one knee, shaking off the hit, while Caleb lay on his back a few feet away sucking in great gulps of air. He managed to sit up, then climb to his knees, but he got no further. Like a sequence worthy of all those martial arts films he’d made before his big break, Jay leapt forward, a powerful side kick landed full on Caleb’s chin. He was knocked flat on his back, and this time he wasn’t moving.

It’s over, I thought. He’d been knocked out and wouldn't be able to continue, but there was no ref to step in and call it. Jay moved quickly into a mount. He took hold of Caleb’s arm and lifted him enough that he was able to get his legs under my boyfriend’s head. Then Jay threw himself sideways, bringing his opponent with him and rapidly moving his legs to a figure four. It was the triangle choke that Caleb hadn’t been able to complete earlier, but Jay had it locked tight, including control of the arm.

Now off his back I could see Caleb’s eyes were open, he was conscious, but he was in big trouble and there was panic in his eyes. Jay brought his knees together, constricting the throat further. He positioned the arm he had under his own armpit, adding a nasty bend to the elbow. Not only was the hold deadly but it was humiliating, as his large uncut cock was pressed tightly against Caleb’s lips, which were already beginning to turn blue. I held my breath, desperate to call out encouragement but sure the uncertainty in my voice would betray me. The kick might not have knocked him out, but he was going to have to tap or the triangle choke would.

“TAP!” Jay grunted. “C’mon TAP!” and when Caleb refused he lifted his hips off the canvas adding more strain to the elbow and more construction in the choke. The room was silent, the only sounds were the growls of Jay, and the labored breathing of Caleb as he fought to stay conscious. Seconds passed, it would be a blow to his pride to be put out like this, but I could not see any way he could escape.

I thought I was through being surprised by him. I thought that in the two years we’d been together I knew all there was to know, but I was wrong. The depth of his desire to fight for me, as well as his determination and strength, were far greater than I gave him credit for. First he got his knees under his hips, then, by driving forward, he got to his feet. He began to straighten his back and with Jay’s tight grip on his arm, my ex was lifted up - first his hips then his lower back. With a roar, Caleb stood tall and Jay’s shoulders and head also came off the canvas. I breathed again, sucking air in a gasp. I was saved from another smirk from Mason as he was too riveted by the action in the ring to have noticed. Caleb gained a few more inches in height by curling his arm back toward his chest. Jay was now at least a couple feet off the ring floor, and so when Caleb kicked his legs forward sending his opponent crashing back to the canvas and dropping his full weight on top, the impact was enough that the figure four dropped open, the grip on the arm was gone, and Jay was now the one struggling to breathe.

“YES!” I hollered.

Caleb fell back, and then rolled, putting distance between him and the other fighter. He hit the ropes and stopped. His chest was heaving, he was drenched in sweat and the arm that had been tortured was hanging loose at his side. Opposite him Jay was curled into a ball holding his crotch. Caleb’s head must have made contact with his balls when he dropped on top of him. Good, I thought.

“C’mon Caleb get up!” I heard - it was Neil yelling. The other men joined in, a few calling out Jay’s name. I remained quiet, back to holding my breath.
Slowly both men got to their feet, Caleb using the ropes to help, the bad arm now cradled close to his chest. I hoped it wasn’t damaged. Staring daggers at each other Caleb and Jay moved to the center.

Once in range, Jay let fly with another kick, this one a high roundhouse to the side that Caleb had left open. Had it landed it would have been the end, but it missed its target. With perfect timing Caleb dropped low and shot in. He got a hold on the standing leg with his good arm, but moved deep enough that his shoulder was placed directly under Jay’s crotch. He stood up, and Jay was lifted high, falling across Caleb’s shoulders. He twisted trying to drop off his perch but the wrestler held on, shook his bad arm to get it moving, then reached up and snagged a grip on the kickboxer’s neck. It wasn’t a perfect rack, but it was close and Jay was bent across the big round shoulders of his opponent painfully.

Caleb moved around the ring, coming close to where I was standing, whether on purpose or not, he brought Jay’s face within inches of where I was standing and I saw the panic was in his eyes now. This wasn’t a position he was familiar with. I didn’t think I’d ever racked him before, considering he was a little too big for me, but with Caleb’s remarkable strength he was helpless up there. The two moved away from us back to center. Caleb growled and shook his opponent, pulling down harder on the head and the thigh.
“Submit!” he demanded, Jay howled and moaned out “No, no,” which prompted further shaking and bending from my boyfriend. “Submit!” he yelled again, and with a choked little whine I heard Jay say. “I give, okay I give.”

It wasn’t over though, the rules of the fight were that it went till one man quit. I saw Caleb switch his hand positions, placing his palms under Jay’s head and ass. Then, like he was completing a power lift he dropped into a split stance and pressed Jay up. The muscles in his arms popped and bulged as Jay was lifted above his head. I heard Mason whisper “holy shit,” and now it was me grinning at him. Caleb held him there a few seconds, then stepped back, dropped his arms and Jay came crashing down onto his back from a height well over six feet. The impact shook the ring so much I had to grip the rope to keep from falling off the apron. Jay instantly curled into a ball. None of his Olympic training could prepare him to take that kind of hit, and he had to be done. He rolled onto his belly and Caleb moved onto him.

He dropped an elbow across his back, further wrecking his opponent. There was no resistance when Caleb took hold of his ankles and folded his leg up, hooking a foot behind his own calf, then dove forward forcing Jay’s twisted limbs into his ass. Caleb dug under Jay’s shoulders and put him in a full nelson. It was a great finisher, as he’d used it in his matches a lot recently, but this time he was not holding back. Jay’s chest was spread wide, his legs excruciatingly bent and locked, and his lower back maximally twisted and stretched.
Caleb didn’t demand the submission this time. Like his ring character, he just grimaced and pulled the submission on tighter. Jay’s face was a picture of suffering, the strain too much to handle.

“I quit, I quit,” he moaned, “you win, I quit.”

With one last growl and one more pull, Caleb released the hold and Jay collapsed. Carefully extracting their entangled legs, he stood over his beaten opponent. I noticed he was favoring his arm again, probably having fought through whatever pain he was in to finish the match, but now feeling the full effect of Jay’s armbar. He looked over to me, I was beaming, and a wide smile broke across his face, this one complete with a nose crinkle. He raised his good arm and flexed his bicep for me. I smiled wider and nodded my head.
Mason had moved through the ropes and was already at Caleb’s side. He took the flexed arm and raised it.

“You're the winner, Caleb!” He shouted to thunderous applause and cheering from the other men.

Caleb acknowledged them, and then dropped his arm and turned to where Jay was lying on the canvas. He bent down and put his hand on the back. They exchanged a few words, impossible for me to hear with the noise from the crowd. He then helped Jay get to his feet. Now side by side, both of them looked over to me. There was an unspoken question hanging in the air, and I knew what it was. Based on what had happened after the last match, Caleb was now free to fuck or do whatever he wanted to Jay, and they were looking at me to gauge my reaction. The ugly green monster reared its head inside me. I didn’t want that to happen, I had no explanation for why, and I just didn’t. But I would not stop them. Caleb had won, it was his right, and maybe he wanted to fuck Jay. It was a bitter pill to swallow but I had to give my consent.

I nodded my head indicating yes, it was okay, and did my best to smile, but inside I was boiling with doubt. What if Caleb liked it, what if he wanted to leave me? I saw my answer register on both their faces, and Jay looked quite pleased. He turned toward Caleb, his chin forward and his cock already begging to rise. But instead of a kiss, he got a handshake. Caleb extended his palm and waited. There was a moment of confusion on Jay’s face, but as always, he pulled it together quickly and masked whatever he was thinking with his usual sober expression. He took Caleb’s hand and they shook. I realized that the others were all watching this drama play out eagerly and I was blushed with embarrassment. BUT inside, my heart was busting. I’d given him permission, but he wasn’t taking it. He wanted me. Maybe we’d been wrong about our choice to model our relationship on Dad and Jake’s. It worked for them, but maybe monogamy worked for Caleb and me.

He made his way over to me. I leaned across the ropes and we kissed, the salty taste of his clean sweat tanging my lips. Our cocks met as our hips pushed forward, pressing against each other as tightly as we could. The action in the ring was continuing, Mason calling for another challenge but we paid no attention to it.

“How’s the elbow?” I asked.

“Sore, but not damaged, I’m gonna need some ice,” he answered.

“And for your jaw, that’s quite the bruise.” I smiled, pointing to the dark purple spot where Jay’s side kick had landed, nearly knocking him out. “Wanna ditch the party and I’ll play nurse.”

“You don’t wanna take a turn? Maybe fight Mason or Neil?” he asked.

“Not tonight.” I answered, “I wanna take care of my man.”

“Oh yeah?” he smiled, “that’s me right?”

“Yep, that’s you, and only you.”

Quietly we slipped out of the building, the only person that noticed was Neil, who smiled and gave us a wave. Mason had been challenged by the young director and was busy destroying the kid, who looked pretty happy about it. Back at the guest house, I took care of Caleb as promised, bandaging a small scrape on his cheek, icing his chin and his strained elbow, and then we showered and fell into bed. Too exhausted to do more than cuddle and kiss till we both fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning excited to get home to my son and my family. Sitting in the back of the car on our way to the airport I remembered a dream I’d had the night before. The Elite wrestling warehouse was mine now, and the new ring I’d commissioned had been completed. In my dream, I was standing inside it, admiring the clean canvas, the tight ring ropes and the shiny new turnbuckles. But when I looked down I wasn’t in my wrestling gear - I was in a suit. My Dad was standing next to me, holding Will in his arms, and both were also dressed in suits that would match mine. I looked over to the dressing room and saw Caleb emerge, similarly attired, flanked on either side by his tall, doppelganger father, and his mother in a flowery caftan and feathered hat. Some music played and they began to joyously walk toward us…

Last edited on 2/07/2024 3:54 PM by canwrestle



Wrestleme123 (0)

5/29/2023 8:45 PM

It is about time for Charlie to make Caleb his official man.


canwrestle (102 )

5/29/2023 11:57 PM

(In reply to this)

Yeah I agree. But for now I have left Sean and Freddy hanging so I gotta get back to the next part of their story. Rest assured though I will be thinking of how to make the Caleb and Charlie's nuptials a wrestling extravaganza


daytonwrestler (41)

5/29/2023 11:36 PM

Great characters, and I love your descriptions of the wrestling. Well done, as usual! Thanks for letting us keep up with Charlie.


canwrestle (102 )

5/29/2023 11:58 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanke for following along. And for taking the time to comment. It's very much appreciated.


SeattleFight (477)

5/30/2023 11:21 AM

Brilliant. Really makes me wish I was there. With you!


synxiec (74)

6/01/2023 1:14 AM

I enjoy Caleb so very much. The amount of nonverbal communication going on for this chapter was lovely. Your writing is just a joy to read.
