canwrestle's blog

Hollywood Naked Wrestling Club: A Charlie and Caleb Story, PART ONE

Hollywood Naked Wrestling Club
A Charlie and Caleb Story

I caught the look on Caleb’s face as Neil led us out onto the balcony of his incredible Malibu beach house. I’d been here before, but to Caleb it was new, and the lavishness of the place was overwhelming to my sweet, unassuming boyfriend. Although he was doing his best to hide it, the look on his face was priceless and I fought back a smile at how big his eyes were. They didn’t have places like this, or people like Neil, back on the farm.

“How was the flight?” Neil asked as we took places at the table already set out with an array of dishes.

“Amazing, first class is another world. The only problem is I can never go back to coach now that I’ve seen how the other half lives."

Neil picked up a wine bottle and gestured to my glass, “You wouldn’t happen to have a beer instead?” I answered his unspoken question.

“Of course, Caleb, for you as well?”

Caleb nodded and Neil set the wine down and moved through the glass doors back into the house.

“This is incredible.” Caleb whispered, once he was out of earshot. “I thought first class tickets and having a limo pick us up from the airport was fancy, but I had no idea he’d be bringing us to a place like this. He’s a friend of your Dads?”

“Yeah, from back in the day, he was like Dad’s wrestling mentor when he first came out. They stayed friends, he was at Jake and Dad’s wedding.”

“And he makes movies?”

“Well he is an agent and a producer; he kind of puts movies together.

“Sorry,” Neil returned deftly carrying three bottles of Corona complete with limes. “I should have remembered you were a beer drinker Charlie.” He set them in front of us then took his seat. “Cheers!” he called raising his bottle and the three of us clinked the necks together. “So how’s the old man?” he asked after a healthy swallow.

“Good, he sends his best.”

“Still wrestling, I hope, not turning into a mature married man.”

“He couldn’t if he tried.” I smiled. “And Jake wouldn’t let him.”

“And what about you? A proud Papa too.”

“Yeah, two years now. Will is quite the challenge but I love him.”

“He’s the spitting image of Dave and Charlie,” Caleb interjected, “and has inherited the wrestling gene. His latest trick is to launch himself like he’s doing a cross body block at whoever is passing close. You have to be ready to catch him at the drop of a hat.”

I took a drink and caught Caleb giving me a sympathetic look. Leaving Will for a couple months was difficult and accepting this job had been an on again, off again proposition right up to when we boarded the flight out here. But Dad and Mel had told me that now was the right time to go. My busy two year old son would barely notice my absence. It would be harder when he was older. I believed them, but still my guilt at not seeing him every day was sometimes overwhelming. I wouldn’t have considered it had Caleb not agreed to come with me, and the job Neil offered had not been so lucrative.

“Sounds about right,” Neil laughed. “So you guys are okay to stay here tonight, I’ll drive you over to Mason’s place tomorrow morning.”

“Just me,” I answered, putting thoughts of Will aside. “Caleb has a show in Sacramento tomorrow night so he has to get back to the airport.”

“Oh right, yeah. You mentioned something about that.” Neil said looking at Caleb, “I’ll have a car take you back to LAX in the morning.”

“Thank you sir, much appreciated.” Caleb nodded, his boy next door looks and good old boy charm clearly working on our host already. I could see a twinkle in Neil’s eye and a pleased smirk on his generous mouth. Too bad we were not here for long, we could have had another oil wrestling night on the beach. Especially since Neil was single again. A picture of him, his dark skin and thick muscles glistening in the torch light, appeared in my head, and I felt a stirring in my crotch.

“And you’re sure you’re okay staying in his guest house? You wouldn’t prefer the studio get you a hotel?”

“Nah, its good. It will make the training easier if I’m onsite. So what’s he like?” I asked.

“Pretty much like what you see in interviews… intense, driven, but generally a good guy.”

“And are the rumors true?”

“Did I mention litigious?” The smile dropped from Neil’s face and I understood entirely what I was being told. Don’t ask, don’t tell, and discretion was a requirement. “He’s worked really hard to get where he is, and you gotta remember he came up in a different time. Right or wrong he feels he has a reputation to maintain, so I leave that to him and his conscious,” he finished giving me a no nonsense look. I understood better why he was one of Hollywood’s top agents. Sitting opposite him in a negotiation would be incredibly intimidating. It was cool, I was here to do a job and the whole situation put me in mind of Jay, so I had no problem putting the gossip out of my head. Caleb looked at me questioning, of course he had no idea what we were talking about. When the job offer came I’d had to explain who Mason Dean was. He’d never seen one of his movies let alone heard the rumors that one of Hollywoods biggest stars was a closet case.

“Really though, I think you two will get along fine. Did you read the script?”

I nodded, saved from having to give my opinion of it by a mouthful of kale and avocado salad. I’d finally gotten through the script on the plane and I thought it was pretty awful. The story was of a guy who runs afoul of a crime syndicate and has to enter an underground illegal fight club. It was a typical action / revenge story that we’d seen done better a thousand times before. The only interesting part was the lead character, an aging professional wrestler, ready for retirement, but pulled into one big climactic final match. That was why I was here. For the next month I was supposed to teach Mason Dean how to look like a pro.

“It’s a piece of shit,” Neil continued, “But if anyone can pull it off its Mason. And with you making him look as authentic as possible maybe we can make something of it.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“I’ve been asked by the insurance company to talk to you about keeping things as sane as possible, no bodyslams through a table okay. Mason’s reputation for doing his own stunts is absolutely true and I doubt even you will be able to keep him off the top rope. But try to keep him on the ground as much as you can. I’ve seen you wrestle Charlie, and your technical knowledge will appeal to Mason so focus on that. It’s one of the main reasons I offered you the job. ”

I nodded once more, pushed aside the salad and cut into the steak while Neil turned his attention to Caleb and began asking him about the shows he was doing while we were out here. It was an excellent cut of beef, marinated in some kind of tangy sauce and very tender. Living with someone who was as good in the kitchen as Caleb my taste buds had experienced an awakening and my palette had become quite discerning. This protein was as good as anything Caleb had created, but he certainly could have done something better with the salad… maybe something sweet to combat the sour kale and sharp avocado. Melanie liked to tease me about becoming a bougie bitch, before Caleb I was a pizza and burgers guy. Another pang of guilt passed over me. I wondered what Will was doing… probably fighting his mom about going to bed and demanding she read “The Gruffalo” one more time. Dam this is going to be long couple months, I contemplated. It was okay though, it was necessary and I was doing the right thing. I had a plan. I hadn’t spoken to anyone about it, not even Caleb or my dad, but I’d been mulling it over for a while now. It had been just a dream but when Neil called about this job I saw a way to make my dream a reality.

I wanted to buy the warehouse and the Elite promotion from Max. For all intents and purposes it was mine already, mine and Melanie’s at least. We ran the shows and I used the facility to train like I had since retiring from the ring, and Max left us pretty much alone to do it, however technically he was the owner and I wanted to change that. I guessed that becoming a father had prompted this desire, but for whatever reason I wanted it to be mine officially. I was sure he would gladly have sold it to me, as the father of his grandson and his friend, he’d probably have given it to me if I’d asked, but I wanted to pay him what it was worth. Additionally I wanted enough money to refurbish the place, turn it into a state of the art gym facility. Top level equipment for my non wrestler clients and at the very least a new ring for my wrestlers. I envisioned a school, like Larry’s place, only with hot water in the showers. As for Elite I wanted to kick it up a notch as well. Take it from the Polish community center to bigger venues, record the shows professionally and post them. I also wanted to open it up, hire more diverse wrestlers, and present high level matches with a focus on technical wrestling. This job, and the ridiculous amount of money I was getting paid to do it, would make all that possible. So for the next couple of months I’d grit my teeth and power through, missing my quirky little family back on the east coast, but knowing I was building a future for myself and a legacy for my son.

I finished the steak and set my knife and fork down, but before I could grab my beer Caleb reached across the table and took my hand. He gave it a squeeze and I looked up to see him smile at me reassuringly. I wasn’t usually so quiet and he’d read it correctly as once again doubting my decision to come out here. I gave his big palm a squeeze back and smiled to show him I was alright. I thought about how when we’d first met I’d written him off as young, naïve and just a one night stand, I couldn’t believe how stupid I’d been. After Will, he was absolutely the best thing that had ever happened to me. I thanked my lucky stars he’d persevered and I hadn’t completely lost my chance with him at the Rainbow Wrestling show.

“How about a tour?” Neil asked. “Charlie you’ve seen the place but Caleb are you interested?” Of course he was, and after finishing our beers the three of us set off with Neil leading the way.

Apart from a separate office, the walls covered in photos of Neil and his famous clients, an Oscar and a Golden Globe in a lighted trophy case, the main floor was pretty much one big room so we moved upstairs, depositing our bags in the bedroom that had been Jake and Dad’s when I’d vacation here ten years ago. We finished up the tour on the beach level, in the stunningly equipped home gym that clearly Neil still made good use of.

“And this is my own version of the dungeon,” he said, touching one of the mirrored panels opening a concealed door, “Isn’t that what you called the basement at your dads place?”

“Yeah, that’s right… It’s where I spent years having my ass handed to me.” I laughed.

He gestured us through to a good sized room covered wall to wall with a mat. Both Caleb and I automatically kicked our shoes off at the door and went inside.

“Wow, amazing!” Caleb sighed. I had to agree. I had not been in this room before, but I’d heard about the intense real competitive submission battle Neil and my dad had fought in here the day after the oil wrestling night. I once again pictured them, this time in singlets and my cock swelled beneath my jeans. My dad would never tell me who had won though. Neil followed us in and stood against the wall with his arm crossed, smiling at the delight on our faces. Caleb walked in a circle around the mat then turned to face me. He smirked, then raised his eyebrows questioning. In response I bent low in a ready stance, one leg in front, and tensed my muscles ready for the lock up I knew was about to come.

Like a large blond puppy he launched himself forward and the grip fight began. Wrestling with each other was never something we didn’t take seriously. There was no malice behind it, but every time we tussled it was with the full intention of winning. This was a completely happy place for us, and no one I’d met seemed to love it as much he and I did, except for maybe my dad.

He shot in on a leg and I sprawled back, taking a step to the side and catching an underhook. He countered by giving up on the leg and turning into me. This was what I wanted and I quickly moved to a headlock, twisted my hips into his crotch, bumped up and tossed him onto his back. He was prepared though, held onto my shoulders, bringing me down with him using the momentum to flip me over.

“Hell YES!” I heard Neil holler as I struggled to keep Caleb from locking in some kind of submission. He was pressing down on my chest, trying to get his legs across my belly, so I shrimped to the side away from his attack. I got my knees under me and twisted to face him. I slammed my chest into his and powered him over, I held him for only seconds though before he repeated the same maneuver and my advantage was lost. This intense back and forth lasted for minutes and the sweat started to flow.

We ended up on our knees opposite one another, a grin on both our faces. We grip fought some more until, with speed and a little luck, I managed to pass his arms and lock in a front choke. He responded by sitting back on his ass, opening his legs and then closing his big muscled thighs around my waist. I groaned at the instant pressure on my ribs so I tightened my lock on his neck, flexing my bicep and twisting my shoulder into his chin. With the duel submissions in tight we fell to the side.

“Ah you fucker, give it up!” I gasped, feeling like my internal organs were being rearranged. He mumbled a response, I’m sure telling me to do the same thing, but I couldn’t make out the words with my arms crushing his face. Whatever the case, the stalemate went on as we cranked on our respective submissions and got even sweater.

I felt my arm strength burning out. I wasn’t going to win this way so I pulled back on the choke slightly and felt him capitalize by moving his chin down, blocking me from getting it locked in again. I let go completely and postured up, moving my hands down his torso. I tucked one elbow into his thigh and gained some reprieve from the body scissor, but instead of working to open his legs completely, as the other hand passed his hips, I let it slip into the waistband of his jeans. My fingertips felt the elastic of his briefs, and I wiggled under that as well, finally reaching my intended destination, his fat cock. I grasped it and heard the sweet moan I’d hoped to illicit. Instantly the pressure around my ribs decreased and with just a slight tug and a twist, his legs fell open completely. He crunched up and grabbed for my wrist but I didn’t fight him. I let go of his dick, pulled my hand out of his pants, then backed away.

“CHEAT!” he grumbled.

“I don’t know… Neil, what do you say? This is your place, so your rules apply. Was that an illegal move?”

“No sir,” Neil laughed, “In my dungeon that’s standard procedure.”

We were back on our feet and after Neil’s pronouncement Caleb flashed me another grin, this time charged with something more sexual.

“Alright then,” he grabbed the collar of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head. “I can play by those rules.”

His beautiful muscled upper body never failed to make me weak in the knees. In two years he’d also gained in size. His chest in particular was thick, with a deep crease down the center and perfect round nipples that were deliciously sensitive. He did not process a six pack anymore, he ate to well for that, and his stomach was slightly rounded now, but it was solid, with a gorgeous little treasure tail of blond hair running from his belly button down into the pants he was currently shucking off. I shook my head to clear the haze of desire that was clouding my judgement. I would get to experience all the joys of the man I loved eventually, but right now we had some wrestling to do. I followed his lead and began to undress as well.

“Now this is what I’m talking about,” Neil hollered, “Been too long since this room has seen this kind of action.

In just briefs we circled each other warily; no longer did Caleb have a bad habit of rushing in. I could see the wheels turning behind his eyes as he worked out his plan of attack. Eventually the need to get our hands on each other overwhelmed us and we moved in once more. I shot in first this time, and he neatly side stepped the attack, his big palm coming down on the top of my head. He pushed me to the side as he ducked under my arm and came behind me. His hands clasped around my waist and I squatted low, pushing on his forearms to break his grip and prepare to fight off a suplex. Instead of the takedown though he stood taller, pulled his fists into my gut and lifted my feet a couple inches off the mat. All the air was forced out of my lungs and once more my insides were being crushed. The belly to back bearhug was a move he was using with more frequency these days and I blamed my dad. It was one of his favorites and he’d probably been showing Caleb how to make it excruciating. He shook me around a bit and I moaned, the sound seemingly spurring him on to flex his thick arms and squeeze me tighter. At the same time I felt the hard lump of his cock press into my ass as he added a grind to the bearhug. Instinctively I pushed back with my hips into his crotch, the submission was pain but the frottage was exhilarating.

The assault continued, but eventually I felt my feet touch the mat again. He was strong but he couldn’t hold me up forever, especially not with the blood now rushing to our cocks as we each got harder. The suplex came, he sat back pulling me with him, twisting to the side and my body hit the mat. He scrambled to get a mount but I blocked his pass and gained control of a wrist that he left unguarded. We turned and rolled. I got behind him and brought the wrist up sharply to his shoulder blades. He wailed and tried to break my grip but I held on and climbed his back. Now it was my crotch nestled in the two perfect mounds of his ass and me grinding into him. I also buried my face in his neck, drinking in the beautiful smell of him, warm and earthy, like being outdoors after a spring rain, and I tasted the salt of his clean sweat on my lips. I reached around and added a choke to my hammerlock, not tight, but enough to control him, then I hooked my feet around his knees and rolled him over on top of me. With his crotch exposed I brought my legs around his waist and planted my heels on either side of his bulge. I used them to massage his cock and was rewarded with more moans and gasps of pleasure.

After a while I heard a whimper that wasn’t coming from Caleb. Turning my head I caught sight of Neil watching us hungrily. He was crouched down on his haunches with one hand tucked into the athletic shorts he was wearing, the front of which displayed a bulge that rivaled mine and Caleb’s. He was so hot, in his sixties now, but still incredibly sexy, and, remembering his massive dick from the night of the oil wrestling, I decided I wanted to see it again… maybe more.

Caleb must have sensed my distraction, and the loosening of my hold, because I was brought sharply back to the match when I lost the grip on his wrist, and he twisted around inside the loose choke so we were belly to belly. Instead of cock to ass, it was not crotch to crotch and the grinding continued. I held onto his head but he snaked his own arm around my neck getting a choke of his own.

We could have kept this up for hours without either of us forcing a submission from the other, we'd done just that many times. But having a clear winner didn't always matter to us. It was the struggle that counted. The desire and the love of matching against each other. I would happily have continued on liked we were, trading control until we both came in a great gush, but this seemed like an opportunity to switch things up.

“Look at Neil,” I whispered into Caleb’s ear. He turned his head.

“Ahhh fuck,” he moaned, just as enamored by the sight of him as I was.


“Hell yeah,” he grinned.

I lifted the back of my head off the mat and locked my lips onto his. I pushed my tongue forward and he matched my aggressive kiss passionately. Once more I thanked my lucky stars I’d found him, or he’d found me.

In seconds we were up and advancing on Neil. The look on his face moving from confusion, to panic, then to absolute delight was priceless. He stood and put his hands out as we got closer.

“Ah now boys, you don’t wanna do this,” he smirked, the arrow in his loose shorts pointing directly at us.

“Come on old man, let’s see what the guy who taught the guy who taught me can do,” I teased.

Quicker than I expected someone his age to move, he lunged forward and we engaged chest to chest. While I struggled with his front Caleb moved in on his back. He got an arm around his neck and pulled him over while he hollered about us being afraid to take him on one on one. Locked up tight he was helpless as I pulled his shorts off, he was commando underneath and the magnificent cock appeared stiff and leaking, sending a shiver of anticipation through my body.

He wasn’t going to give it up easy though and he twisted, fighting hard to escape Caleb’s headlock. The two of them rolled away locked in battle and I took a second to remove my briefs letting my own hard dick free of its fabric cage. I dove into the fray and the struggle became a ménage of twisting and coiled bodies. Caleb was tugging on Neil’s shirt trying to remove it as I fought to control his powerful legs. I heard a rip and hoped it wasn’t a designer shirt, as the material shredded. Caleb went over backwards holding part of it, leaving Neil now free to crunch up and engage with me fully. He was so strong, certainly as much as either Caleb or myself, and I thought again about him and my dad wrestling and wondered how hard my dad had worked to get a submission from him. If he did, they so could I, I reasoned, and the little motivation was enough to check his attack and put him back on the mat. Quickly I moved into a mount position, high on his chest so my dick was in his face. He bucked and kicked but I rode it out and kept him pinned. Caleb moved around behind me, he’d taken his briefs off as well and was equally as aroused. He sat on Neil’s stomach, positioning his ass over top of the big brown cock and began to grind on top of it.

“Ah shit.” Neil moaned, his breath coming in short pants. I took my dick and gave it a few pumps then used it like a bat and smacked his bearded face with it.

“You bastard,” he cooed.

“Looks like your pinned old man,” I teased, then I flexed my biceps and growled. While his grinding continued Caleb brought his hands up and ran them along my arms, massaging the mound of muscle before moving them to my chest and cupping my pecs. His face dropped into my neck which he began to kiss and lick furiously. I pumped my cock some more.

"I'm going to cum on your face," I hissed.

“Fuck no” Neil moaned and twisted. A powerful bump of his hips sent Caleb and I sprawling. The wrestling began again.

He scrambled up and caught Caleb in a headlock, I dove in and locked up his waist, but got caught in a body scissor. The three of us struggled and rolled across the damp mat, slithering around on top of each other like a nest of baby snakes. He was doing well, but he couldn’t control us both and eventually Caleb got his head lose and I slid though his powerful legs. I held his ankles and got to my feet, Caleb got his arms and together we flipped him to his stomach. Once there I adjusted my grips and put him in a Boston crab, his feet tucked nice and secure into my armpits. Caleb moved to sit on his upper back, facing away from me, locked his fingers under Neil’s chin and pulled. Neil was now bent into a U and in some serious trouble.

“Submit!” I hollered.

“Fuck you bastards,” he mumbled.

Caleb and I upped the pressure, leaning closer until our backs were touching and the howls of outrage and pain from Neil increased.

“Alright I give, I give!” he finally screamed.

With a victory whoop we let go and Neil collapsed, Caleb stood and I turned toward him.

Our dicks met first, smacking against each other and poking into our stomachs as we moved in and began making out once more. Below us I saw Neil twist to his back so he could watch, his impressive cock still at full post. Caleb broke away from our making out and stepped over Neil. He got down on his knees, grabbed our host by the ears, and moved him to sitting. He coiled one leg behind Neil’s knee then reached around his back, and locked his hand around the thigh of the other leg. He pulled, splitting the big man apart. I got down in front of him. His dark brown shaft, wet and pointing up toward the ceiling, was ready and lay before me like tonight’s dinner had been earlier.

I started with his balls, taking each one into my mouth, sucking and running my tongue around it before moving to the next.

“Oh fuck,” he whimpered, unable to move locked in Caleb’s tight spladle.

I moved to his cock, starting at the tip, licking around the mushroom head then running my tongue down the prominent vein to the base. I moved back to the top and closed my lips around it, relaxed my throat, then moved down till once more my nose was buried in his thick patch of wiry pubic hair. From the sound of his panting and moaning, Neil was about to blow so I kept it up, sucking and tonguing his cock, enjoying every squeal of pleasure and gasp my oral was giving him.

I was correct; it wasn’t long before I felt the explosion. My mouth was filled with his cum. I pulled off, swallowed, then used my hand to milk the last drops out of him. His body was racked by convulsions and when I felt I’d drained every last ounce from his delicious balls, I let go.

Released from the spladle Neil collapsed completely. I moved past his legs and once more sat on his chest. Caleb positioned himself with his knees on either side of Neil’s head so we were facing each other. We went to work jacking ourselves. Leaning forward, Caleb’s balls were resting on Neil’s forehead and mine were on his chin, we began to kiss and make out while we pumped. I bent low and sucked on Caleb’s nipples, while he nibbled my neck and earlobes, areas we knew were highly erogenous for the other. We both ejaculated, as I’d threatened covering Neil’s face with our loads. But he didn’t seem to mind, the “ah fuck yes”, and the moan of delight at the cum facial, telling us this was exactly what he wanted.

Spent, we lay back on either side of him, our heads each on a furry pec.

“Damn boys, that was a good time. But if I had a partner you’d be in trouble. Maybe I should get your dad out here,” he sighed.
I smiled, I didn’t doubt that it would have been a very close match if not for our two on one advantage. I pictured Neil and my dad facing off against Caleb and I. My cock sprang back to life, that would be a good time, I thought to myself.


Last edited on 2/07/2024 3:58 PM by canwrestle



SeattleFight (477)

3/26/2023 7:23 PM

So hot. How about you and I do a match like Neil and Charlie’s Dad?


canwrestle (102 )

3/27/2023 7:56 PM

(In reply to this)

Always ready for a real.submission match my friend. Not many of us old guys still fighting for real


synxiec (74)

3/26/2023 10:27 PM

I see you're at it again :)


canwrestle (102 )

3/27/2023 7:57 PM

(In reply to this)

Not sure about "again" I never stopped. Just was craving some Charlie while I put the finishing touches on the wonderfully made sequel 😋


synxiec (74)

3/27/2023 8:40 PM

(In reply to this)

👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 interesting


mondo321 (2 )

3/27/2023 8:15 PM

Great story!


Wrestleme123 (0)

3/28/2023 3:21 PM

Super hot as usual 🍆🍆😯


LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

4/12/2023 12:02 AM

Great story and great profile. Thanks for representing us older guys!
