Submission_Guy_82's blog

Members with no past opponents

So yet again we’ve got members trying to be ‘exclusive’ to others. They’re allowed to look at profiles and message just as we do. In fact some of these members also contribute financially to the site, so please don’t question why they’re here.

Members aren’t obliged to meet, it’s a community full of diverse people with varying interests. If someone just wants to come online and chat then that’s fine.


Last edited on 8/05/2023 9:36 PM by Submission Guy 82



SkullBeef (12)

8/05/2023 10:29 PM

The tea is hot today 👀🍵

But thank you for this. My account was originally for lurking and talking with like-minded people. It wasn’t until recently that I wanted to actually partake and meet with people. But ain’t nothing wrong with both.


Submission Guy 82 (56 )

8/05/2023 10:51 PM

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Exactly my point :) sadly others seem to object to this


BamaJDon41 (10 )

8/06/2023 4:15 AM

I once did a check and found that almost half the members have never met anyone for a match. At this point that would be close to ten thousand members with no past opponents. It's not as if there was anything unusual about that at all. It would be an exercise in futility for anyone to feel superior to half the population.


PureContest (0 )

8/06/2023 6:33 PM

No opponents here, but I kicked in a donation to the site. I just got too curious about it and set up an account, not thinking about logistics or anything. I think I really just wanted to explore and try to understand this side of me, which I still can’t quite get my head around. But most of the people I’ve communicated with here have been so nice, supportive, and understanding. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it’s pretty interesting that a site about “fighters” can be a lot kinder than mainstream social media in some ways. I’ve been encouraged by the people, messages, and profiles here. I feel a lot less weird about it than I did, and have been given some valuable perspectives. I can understand people being frustrated about someone like me who seems like they aren’t meeting, but who knows what could happen? I’m just out in the middle of nowhere, pretty busy with work and other projects, suppressed my interest in wrestling or fighting for decades because of how intense some of my feelings were, plus being very private and introverted. So there’s a lot to break down for me. But just reading about matches, watching videos, messaging, chatting — I think it helps break down some barriers. I think it’s helped me out mentally, which I didn’t expect. So that’s why I decided to donate, because I see the site as a positive thing for the participants, even if I’m not one just yet. I see the concerns for safety which I think are genuine. So I hope the people with a lot of opponents keep doing what gives them some happiness. I’m not sure if I’ll stick around or even if it’s really for me, but I have no regrets checking this site out. I’ll definitely leave after awhile if having no opponents makes things worse, but I hope the site continues either way.


Submission Guy 82 (56 )

8/06/2023 6:52 PM

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Well let me know if you want to chat man :) more than happy to connect with new members💪🏻😊


BamaJDon41 (10 )

8/06/2023 7:11 PM

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Totally get where you're coming from. Been there done that. Seeing some of the members here with a large number of past opponents can be discouraging when finding just one match is difficult. Some guys are just in the right place at the right time or else they have the mobility and freedom to go where they want to go. For many, a site like this will never be much more than a wish list. But even those who've met a lot of guys can't meet everyone they'd like to meet.


SkullBeef (12)

8/06/2023 10:39 PM

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Are you me? This is exactly how I felt with joining this site. I didn’t think of the logistics or anything, I mainly wanted to lurk and explore wrestling from the sidelines I guess. Without much thought. It wasn’t until I was getting messages from people that maybe I should partake, at least give it a try. And the community has been supportive, much more supportive than other social media sites as you’ve found out. I had my first match a few days ago and now I’m hooked. And to think I just wanted to lurk.

You look cool and I’d love to chat. Maybe meet up some day if you’re ever in my area?


LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

8/30/2023 5:53 AM

(In reply to this)

Well said.


surrey71 (21 )

8/06/2023 11:25 PM

I’d add, that in U.K., some members have a lot of opponents through “group meets”. Unfortunately some matches in these meets are only a few minutes long so to avoid one person blocking up too much mat time.
So, IMHO, a few minutes isn’t a proper match, so people who have over a hundred opponents might not have had long gruelling matches with all of them.



8/07/2023 5:21 AM

That part. Their contribution is valuable.

This is such a great discussion point because Submission_Guy_82 because I think Meetfighters in name sounds very attractive - and fighters want to fight real people.

Whether their contribution is monetary or emotional connection - it helps the community.

On the same token, everyday people too just want to connect on all things wrestling / roleplay SM / lucha.

I love that the site has a chat community designed just for that.

And as Skullington mentioned, seasons change. Someone can be a fighter, voyeur, or simply open to connection and stimulation from conversation with a like-minded person.

After an extended break, I decided to re-join the community to support my husband’s fantasy pro dream with no intention of meeting anyone again.

And although it’s stated expressly in this new profile that I’m ‘just watching’ etc — match requests continue to ensue.

I guess one perspective is to take it complementary that someone wants to meet but I’m just glad I’m not the only one that feels it’s giving ‘pester’.

see you in the chat x


Haarek (1)

8/07/2023 7:27 AM

I have a passion for gutpunching and trampling on the stomach.
Growing up long before the Internet, I thought I was the only person in the world who was into gutpunching. Now I know there are more than 2000 guys into the same worldwide. But the distance is a challenge. is a place where you can communicate with likeminded guys, share experience and chat about common interest.

I want to meet anyone here for gutpunching, and stomach related activities. Chatting with them feels good too.

During the years I have been gutpunched by around 20 guys. None of them are here in But not many of them actually into gutpunching. Some of them find gutpunching as a weird fetish, but they tried gutpunching more to test how much my stomach can take.

It feels good to chat with likeminded guys here.


lighthouseguy (6 )

8/07/2023 5:11 PM

I agree that being a lurker only is fine, UNLESS he says he wants to meet, lots of messages and pics are exchanged, tentative dates are discussed, but (if you're a slow learner like me LOL) you finally realize the reason there are no past opponents is because he doesn't really want opponents, just jack off material. When a guy is under 30 and he has nice profile pics, being on the site for a year or more with no opponents showing is a pretty clear indication that's what's going on. Don't misunderstand, as long as there's no misrepresentation of intentions, I have no problems with guys who chose not to have actual matches.


gymrat (37)

8/08/2023 7:42 PM

well, there's even a tag for it – "just watching". Now those who state they are looking for X or Y and are not... that's misleading and a waste of others' time.


Submission Guy 82 (56 )

8/08/2023 7:46 PM

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Excellent point mate!


PureContest (0 )

8/09/2023 2:25 AM

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That’s a good point. I just removed all my other tags except “Just Watching” to make it more clear. I really don’t see meeting up anytime soon, although I won’t rule it out. I don’t want to waste anyone’s time. However, even though I’ve always had that tag, I was still getting challenges, some from overseas. I mean, really? Highly unlikely lol.


gymrat (37)

8/09/2023 2:39 AM

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ah yes'm the guy from 4200 miles away, who will travel 22 km for a match - "let's wrestle !" uhhhhh?



Submission Guy 82 (56 )

8/09/2023 4:13 AM

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To be honest I’d travel 4200 miles for a match if I could afford to 🤣



8/13/2023 2:18 PM

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Add the ‘Just Watching’ tag and you will still get messages from men who (simply put) absolutely do not care about other’s preferences.

My new profile after a 2 year break is 111 days old and expressly says: admin use only / just watching / not interested in real life meetups.

Still messages for meetups persist.

This thread is shining a big light on

1. “overly assertive” men in this community

2. not everybody wants to be in the 100+ pasts opponents (body count club).


jcapo (2 )

8/09/2023 5:59 AM

Also, you may have past opponents that are not members here.


Haarek (1)

8/12/2023 8:52 AM

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True. Members here are from all over the world, with a huge distance.. But there are not many from my country.

Having a fight, often beeing a part of sexual activities - also means that you're outing someone.
And I never gonna do that. No opponents can also mean that you're having a lot of fun!


Instinctively (1)

8/09/2023 8:04 PM

Strongly agree, the pressure a lot of members apply around meeting is unacceptable. I've outright said "no, I'm not interested" to people for them to be like "okay, next time then". We're all adults and we shouldn't have to explain no means no to grown men. Even since my back injury and the amount of people that have said something to the effect of "we can do something light". Nah, I'm not willing to risk making it worse.
Lost count of th amount of times I'm asked "what are you looking for", to reply that my primary is to enjoy the chat room, for that to basically be ignored.


Lyonid (0)

8/10/2023 2:36 PM

Important post. I personally am very anxious about meeting for the lack of mobility, time, and trust. Yet still I keep logging in because the community is fascinating and important. Never pressure anyone into meeting up. Don't expect people to look for opponents. I'd love to add that you should not feel obligated to show who you have met. For many it can be something very intimate that requires discretion. Review-type posts about members and how good they fight or look are not a must. Some people just don't vibe with that.


Proton (0 )

8/11/2023 9:51 PM

does "user since" still count if i pause my account?
since ive to take a break of least 6 months



8/12/2023 8:59 PM

Absolutely, your perspective truly captures the essence of what makes our community so special. Embracing diversity and differing interests is what enriches our interactions and makes this platform a vibrant space. It's wonderful to see members contributing in various ways, be it financially or through engaging conversations. The notion of being 'exclusive' goes against the very spirit of inclusivity that defines our community.

You're absolutely right, each member's presence here is valuable regardless of their level of engagement. Whether someone wants to connect in person or simply enjoy meaningful conversations online, every choice is valid and respected. Celebrating this freedom of choice is what makes our community a welcoming and enjoyable place for everyone. Thank you for highlighting these important values that bind us together.


Calixto (26)

8/17/2023 1:26 PM

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I doubt even my HR dept could cram so many meaningless clichés into so few words. I’ve cut n pasted it - it’s bound to come in useful some time. Thanks!

Interesting thread though.


Wildman (0)

8/15/2023 1:38 AM

Great post . I've had lots of matches, but don't have the need to tell others what happened.


gymrat (37)

8/15/2023 2:51 AM

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it's not a matter of telling what happened. It's a recommendation. The best way to sort solid people from others, and to gain some insight into what goes unsaid.....
