SileX blogja

The Knee Situation, Vol 4

Previous installments:

Yes, this is the FOURTH installment of my saga on The Knee Situation. I'm not planning to overtake George R. R. Martin, and if you are tired of reading it, well, just consider how tired I am with living with it.

I'll be brief. There's a piece of advice for dealing with chronic pain at the end of this post, you can scroll past the rest.

Things I can do:

  • Walk without pain. This so awesome, yet the only way one can come to appreciate it fully is to live without it for a year and a half.
  • Extend and bend the knee almost completely.
  • Negotiate stairs with some discomfort.
  • Cycle.
  • Live a relatively normal life again.

Things that I'm still working on with my therapist:

  • Running.
  • Putting weight on the knee in a bent state.
  • Full on competitive wrestling.

So my therapist and I have worked out a rhythm. I meet her, she gives me a series of exercises that put me at about 3-4 on the pain scale. Then I do those exercises at home every day for a month, going down to 2-3 in the process, and then we meet again for a new set of stuff.

When am I going to be fully functional again? That is hard to tell. Months. Unless something drastic happens, I won't be writing about the knee again, I'll just delete the part in my profile about The Knee Situation when it's over.

That is all.

Oh wait, right, about chronic pain. It's a bitch. Nothing prepares you for living with it. It changes you, and not for the better, because a part of your existence is always busy dealing with it. There are days when it absorbs you and you cannot deal with anything or anyone else, because it just wears you so thin, and that is when you take it out on the ones around you, the ones that support you. That is the sad, sad part. The only advice I can give, the thing I learned about myself is, be aware of it. Because maybe that helps.

Last edited on 4/11/2018 8:15 PM by FighterGuyy



synxiec (74)

4/11/2018 8:22 PM

I’m An Avid Reader Of These For Notes. I Suppose It’s Also Because I Care About Your General Well-Being. Do Keep Us Updated On Developments.

Also: Awareness Always Helps Because It Makes Things Somewhat Manageable. You Can Let People Know When To Leave You Be And Such. That’s Helpful For A Lot Of Things.

Hang In There.


surrey71 (21 )

4/11/2018 9:17 PM

I can appreciate your situation Sile, I have a deteriorating spine condition, there’s days I literally don’t want to know or hear from anyone!
I have pictures of my MRI scans, all labelled on my PC as my “demon”.
It is the creature I try to fight the hardest, but I don’t usually win that match!
I hope your situation improves, I really do - and I hope it is VERY SOON!!


matthias (119)

4/12/2018 1:13 AM

Knee injuries suck. Best wishes for the recovery!


PSBBO (3 )

4/12/2018 5:08 AM

Step by step. You will continue to improve. I am one of your biggest fans. I am wishing you well.


active (0)

4/12/2018 8:16 AM

fighter guy i am only too aware of chronic pain living with it for 15 years now after my accident and all that helps is constant exercise , not joking, the more i exercise the more relief i get and of course the more stronger you get,
i have had numerous physio sessions and they all said with my injury and the pain you must move exercise and feel the benefit , well the benefit is my pain from my injury gets over taken by the pain from my routine of weights and core work, i sooner have that pain than the physical pain of my injury. i have been told i will fight this for my life so it was a case of get on with it or fall to the way side, and that was never going to happen i never give in to anything i am the master of my body not the other way around , so crack on i am sure your a strong guy but the sad fact is pain can make you turn on those you love but i always step away from them when in pain and they now know to just leave me alone until i have dealt with the pain .


jobberasian (27)

4/19/2018 3:01 AM

Glad you can walk and cycle without pain. I'm sure you will still be a great wrestler even with the knee injury vs most.


LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

4/22/2018 9:18 AM

Thought I left a new comment here the other night, but just wanted to say I hope you and your knee are recovering nicely. More importantly, hope your abs are up for more punishment! :) Wishing you the best! Minnesota (USA) wrestler


retserof (37 )

11/10/2019 10:44 PM

Blogged recently about my knee injury (pain in bended state) and someone pointed out your blog, getting mine seen by a specialist this week. Thanks for some insights.


SileX (204 )

11/11/2019 7:16 AM

(In reply to this)

Knee injuries are not a joke. I hope yours is nowhere near as bad as mine was. Get well soon!
