Dear friends at MeetFighters,

I want to tell you a story about an accident that happened to me. This is not a pure self-pity story; I will tell you the bad part first, but if you bear with me, I will tell you the good part. Deal? Deal. Let's go.

So it happened in October that I tore a ligament in my right knee during a match. I didn't know that was what had happened at the time though. I just knew that it was agonizingly painful and I couldn't continue the match. Or walk unassisted. In fact, my leg seemed to be useless for anything but giving me pain.

The next morning I went to a chimp dressed as a doctor. The chimp then did what they do: it ordered the wrong test, then based on the wrong test it drew the wrong diagnosis, and based on the wrong diagnosis it prescribed the wrong treatment. The wrong treatment made a bad situation worse.

Note to self: don't trust chimps. They are assholes.

So suffice it to say that my knee was not improving much. By the time I got to a doctor who actually knew what he was doing, I was due to travel out to Australia, where I spent some weeks limping around but otherwise having a splendid time. Thanks to all Aussie MeetFighters friends who agreed to meet up with me even though I couldn't really give them anything resembling a good competitive match.

Then back to Budapest, getting an MRI, getting the second opinion and finally in December, getting the first surgery for the knee to clean up the broken remains of the ligament.

Then came the physio, and finally I progressed enough that the surgeon gave the green light to do the second surgery, the one that would replace the ligament with a graft taken from my hamstring. In about six months' time, I will be able to run again and regain most of the function that was lost in October.

All in all, this little adventure would cost a bit more than a year of my wrestling life. This concludes the bad part.

The good part starts in December when I met a guy. I gave up on finding a boyfriend who was A) local B) having that ne sais quoi and C) into wrestling. It turns out that if you settle for two out of three, there's an entire world out there, and in that world I found someone special for myself. He didn't seem to mind that i came to the first date on crutches. He saw me for myself and still decided I could be good for him. For that I am happy and grateful.

As part of my physio, my therapist has recommended that I do an ever-increasing amount of indoors cycling. Not having an indoors bicycle at home, I joined a gym that was within limping distance from my domicile. Since I had to go there most every day to spend some time cycling without getting anywhere, I also started doing some upper body workout every day. Turns out that if you do that, it actually helps with your physical condition! By February I started regaining the muscle mass I lost due to inactivity and not being able to do jiu-jitsu anymore. By end of March I was starting to feel stronger than I was before the accident. I improved enough for my friends to notice and compliment on my condition.

In conclusion, I miss wrestling terribly, but I am not unhappy with where I am at in my life. The second surgery is coming. It will be painful, and I will have to walk with crutches and start physio over from zero again. But then, slowly, I will get everything back, and in October, I will start fighting again stronger than ever.

This is the story of my Knee Situation. I will be here to chat with you guys and hear your stories, and when the surgeon gives me the green light to do so, I will jump at the chance to wrestle you again.

Stay strong and happy wrestling! :)

Last edited on 4/09/2017 9:08 PM by FighterGuyy



Earth (22 )

4/09/2017 9:15 PM

best luck for your upcoming 2nd surgery Sile.
We will be here and waiting for you.
Get well soon and never give!
You will be back, stronger and faster than ever, as you’re say :)


funscrapseverino (24)

4/09/2017 9:23 PM

best luck for your upcoming surgery - hope it all goes well...


toxic (13)

4/09/2017 9:27 PM

Get well soon!


ladron fr (52)

4/09/2017 9:55 PM

Hope you'll be back on the mats stronger than never..
Good luck man.


edscissors (30 )

4/10/2017 6:45 AM

A disastrous moment ... so many consequences. And yet you sound remarkably cheerful. Good luck with the next bout ... of surgery ... and a speedy, full recovery. I'm sure we all send you our best wishes.


lusowrestler (101)

4/10/2017 12:31 PM

As a fellow bjj practitioner I can sympathize with your pain, both mental and physical.
I am fortunate to say that u haven't had any serious injuries, including knees, as a result of training bjj, although I do have an old back injury. But I see many of my training partners having knee problems, including some severe enough to need surgery.
I wish you a swift recovery and I'm sure you'll be rolling and wrestling soon.


Vanman (87 )

4/10/2017 12:58 PM

Sorry to hear about the injury, do exactly what the doctor orders! No point on rushing it and making it worse.

Hope the relationship works out as well.


fightguy (19)

4/10/2017 4:31 PM

Best of luck on the upcoming surgery...and the recovery process...AND with the new relationship...which is really great to hear about!


synxiec (74)

4/10/2017 4:57 PM
  1. First Thing: luckiest. Guy. Ever. (Your bf)
  2. Second thing: the bad news wasn't even bad news the way you took that so solidly took that in stride.
  3. Third thing: I should hurry up and fight You before you get better :P
  4. Final thing: I'm glad to hear things are professing. Get better and kick ass. :)

NJWoodbridge (141)

4/11/2017 4:04 PM

Sorry to hear of your injury and troublesome treatment, and best of luck progressing back to where you want to be. You have been an inspiration to many of us and with your positive attitude during this time you still are! And to think something really wonderful came out of it (the BF), then I suppose you can even consider yourself lucky.

Of course, I cannot help thinking. Gosh, if a guy as fit and experienced as FighterGuyy gets injured, what hope is there for the rest of us? lol

Good luck with upcoming surgery and the "fun" you'll have the the physical "terrorist." All the best,



The Kestrel (47 )

4/12/2017 8:02 AM

What a lovely story! At least you have someone to help kill the time with you now, and no doubt you'll be handing out ass kickings come the end of the year 💪


scottimike (26 )

4/12/2017 11:12 AM

Great sharing mate the mixed life news ...I'm happy for you...and I hope your knee does well , its a great mix you write about ..."2 out 3 aint" bad as the song goes...and to think you were almost in paradise NZ .....Go well you deserve it amigo.


tallwrestle (18)

4/13/2017 12:19 AM

Get well soon. Your outlook is great, and if life is just a series of bouts we go through, then you're already a winner in this particular match. FighterGuyy 1 - Torn knee ligament 0! Good luck with the new relationship too 👍


DM Mask (2)

4/13/2017 3:56 AM

I just read about your situation now. That's really tough, but it's great to know that you are doing well with therapy and with your personal life. I wish you all the best, and I hope for your complete recovery.

P.S.Yeah, I still owe you a drawing. I hope to get to that soon.


bodycontactau (1)

4/13/2017 4:41 PM

Love your outlook, this can only make you tougher.
Hope it all goes well.


PSBBO (3 )

4/25/2017 1:16 PM

Wow, we'll it sounds like you will do fine. I am happy to hear you are going to the gym. It is helping me get through a prostate cancer diagnosis and surgery in May. We will both rebound to see better days. And I am really happy that you have someone in your life to share this with. Life always brings good things with the bad. I will be praying for you!


WrestoBG (50)

5/11/2017 12:12 PM

I hope all is going better now with the knee. I am just recovering after meniscus management surgery and your post is inspiring :) I should do the same as seem like my laziness defeated me...:(



4/11/2018 8:43 PM

hey buddy sexy, sure is a strong story...."A BAD for a GOOD"... your life just find another way to be even greater with a boyfriend.... take care of you, brother of jjb, take care of your man, and enjoy your new life, still hope meet you and roll with you... you are definitively a FIGHTER, and your story prove it. BIG HUG from France, wish you all the best, Gérald.
