Met up with a buddy to trade some holds. He wanted to test my bearhug, and I wanted to see if he could last longer than he did last time. He’s about 5’10 220ish. He came over during my lunch break and we got right to it. I let him try a hug first, and it didn’t phase me much. After he released I tried a high grip chest to chest. No real effort, just seeing what he had in him. After I lifted and squeezed his lats he lasted for about 25-30 secs before tapping. I was impressed. He said that wasn’t too bad, and wanted to see what I could really do. I giggled and said okay. I gripped mid back,and positioned my belly button just above his. Dropped my hips so I could use my legs for most of the lift. Arched my back a bit to lean him forward, firmed my core and lifted him up. Almost instantly I could feel his gut collapsing from the pressure my and were applying. Then as I started to squeeze, I pulled my elbows into my waist. That gave me maximum pressure exertion coming from my core, pecs, and forearms digging into his obliques. Every time he exhaled, I pushed more of myself into the cavity I was creating in his midsection. After about 10 seconds, he tapped. I immediately released him, once he was on his feet I asked “how was that”? Still rocking a bit on his feet, before he could answer his legs gave out and he fell backwards. Luckily he didn’t hit his head, and I helped him back to his feet. On one hand I was a bit surprised. On the other I was happy with how much stronger I’ve gotten. Tired and spent from giving all i had, after the match inlayed on my belly and accepted a massage and a deserved pounding. His tool was a longer, while mine thicker. I needed that.

Last edited on 4/24/2022 4:34 PM by BullDurham



Jcoolz2020 (2)

4/24/2022 4:39 PM

Damn I would be afraid of you if you put me in a bearhug and probably a sleeperhold


MTNBikeBear (7)

4/24/2022 8:17 PM

Great story. Thank you for sharing.


wrestlerxxx360 (3)

4/24/2022 8:20 PM

Man I hope I can meet you and give you a try! I can definitely take a lot of pressure and would love to see how much I can take from you as well and dish out at you myself 💪🏼🤤🐻😈


mattz4fun (632)

4/25/2022 3:17 AM

Damn. Hits close to home ;)


littleforbigg (3)

4/25/2022 9:37 PM

Very descriptive, I’d be happy if I cd. last even 0:05 before begging for mercy.
Only qualm I have is that a guy ur size, with ur power, shldnt. “giggle”. Chuckle, laugh, scoff but little girls “giggle” and that sure as eff ain’t (sic) u.


MTNBikeBear (7)

4/25/2022 9:45 PM

(In reply to this)

I have so many things to say about this comment. I’ll stick with sexist and homophobic for now. Super judgemental of you. Good luck with that.


littleforbigg (3)

4/26/2022 4:54 AM

(In reply to this)

So go report me to Admin. for….I don’t know what or report me to a woman’s group or an LGBTQ group for my gross transgression.
Jeez, talk about over-reacting. Chill out.


MuscleSTA (0)

4/26/2022 2:50 PM

(In reply to this)

Do you spend your time trawling the internet for things to take confected offence at? Maybe do a blog here so we can all see what triggers you and make sure we adhere to your censorship? There was nothing remotely sexist or homophobic in what he wrote.


MTNBikeBear (7)

4/26/2022 3:03 PM

(In reply to this)

I admit, I get a bit offensive when someone dictates how someone should act or sound and then tags a gender to how they sound.

But I agree my comment offers no value to the post itself.


Jcoolz2020 (2)

4/26/2022 7:01 PM

(In reply to this)

I have nothing but major respect for you


littleforbigg (3)

4/27/2022 10:00 PM

(In reply to this)

Mucho thx. for, seemingly, agreeing with my comment and ur reply to that (fill in the blank).
Actually he does have one blog….an overly long, extremely detailed one he titled “Stop Trolling, Start Rolling”. ‘Nuff said?


Sparrhawk (9)

4/28/2022 6:17 PM

Some lunch break.



5/01/2022 1:19 AM

As one who still has "remembrances"---I think the "emplacement" was made about five years ago---from a well placed leg scissors, I can only imagine the acute form of agony your friend opted to experience. I have no doubt that you are well aware of how much a man can take of such "fun" and thus you know when to back off for your opponent''s sake. I suspect my long ago opponent knew but I was too ignorant to NOT tap.

Your description and your profile are or should be warnings to the fool who approaches for a similar "experience." On the other hand, both speak to your abilities and sportsmanship. Bravo, sir, bravo!


ITstocky (1)

7/14/2022 10:19 PM

That is great buddy and always satisfying when you surprise yourself with your own strength. You look incredible and I can only imagine what you could do if you really went for it. Hope to get to know you for my trip the states. I’ll go gentle lol
