Before I get to the other match I just wanna say, I love to wrestle. I’ve done it since I started in middle school. I did win a state championship in high school, and I also wrestled 2 years in college up in Northeast Iowa. After all of that I coached middle school and high school for the better part of 8 years while starting work after college. It came time where I had to pick between IT and coaching, and teachers just don’t get paid enough haha. I say all that to say this, when I talk about bearhugs or other pro submission holds, it's because I like them. It creates a challenge. Its not because I don’t know how to wrestle, its because I come here for fun and my current fun is testing my grip strength to see if I’m strong enough to make grown men submit to a bearhug. Though if you're man enough for a real match, i'm always game for them as well. :-)

The Second match was with another old buddy I met up with in SC while visiting for a rugby match. He knows who he is, so i’ll refer to him as O. He is a bit taller than me, and our weight was fairly even… though I was muscular and had a strength advantage. After a beer and some chatting, we stripped down to shorts and got on the bed to do some wrestling. We did have a lot of space, so it was mostly a lot of hand fighting, battling for wrist control, and trying to control the other guys neck. O has big/thick hands, so I definitely felt his attempts to snap my neck to the bed, but I was able to withstand. We did that and traded some bjj guard stuff for about 10 minutes, and he needed a break. I noticed he was breathing fairly hard, but decided to see how far I could push him. We started the next round and it was more of the same, just going back and forth into stalemate positions. I wasn’t particularly winded, but a layer of sweat did start forming on my shoulders. O on the other hand was clearly effected, but he was being a bit cocky since we hadn’t traded a sub yet. After another 5 mins, he asked for another break and I agreed. this third period was when I figured id try my hug to get a submission. I asked him if he was ready to give up his first tap. At first he giggled at the idea that I’d been working on my bearhug. said it was a pro hold and was just for fun. After the break while we were on our knees I faked going for his head, and wrapped my arms around his high chest. I couldn’t really get a solid grip, just being able to close my two largest fingers. The first one didn’t work, but I did feel him strain and kinda panic after about 15secs. I let it go, and brought my elbows back to regroup. I Knew I made some headway, but I wasn’t quite sure how to approach the next attempt. Starting on knees, its harder to get the leverage I’m used to. So the next time I was able to lock my hands. I didn’t grip tight, but my focus was to just hold him in place just to control his mid section. By the 25 second mark he was out of breath and tapped. Then I did it again, and he tapped around 20 secs. 2 taps surrendered, and I could see the look of confusion and a bit of anger. We went straight into the third round, and he fought off my attempts for a little while. eventually I was able to get a grip around him. I tried my tightest squeeze which is mid back, placing my belly button on his, and squeezing. I imagined doing a bend over row, which is more back and lats. The idea is instead of using my shoulders and arms to bring him in, I visualized bringing my elbows back which forces my pecs forward into his. This tends to put pressure on his back. His chest gets forces up around his shoulders as my pecs smash into his and his collar bone. He tapped pretty quick, which is to my dismay because I was enjoying it. With me winning the third tap, I flipped him over to his stomach and pulled my shorts down. Already leaking precum, I positioned my tool on top of his glutes and wrapped my arms around his chest. This time I was able to get a good grip as O was in full submission mode. Just using my arms to squeeze rubbing against his hole made me produce more natural lube than I was used to. As he started to buck back, I felt myself slipping down inside of him. Letting my lust take over and sing every bit of strength I had, I tried to get one final submission from him. After about 15 seconds and every muscle in my body pulsing, I shot my load deep into his hole. as I released him, he looked back and said “I thought the back hug would be tighter. is that all you’ve got”? I’ll definitely work on that one.

Last edited on 4/12/2022 9:23 PM by BullDurham



chicagopiledriver (304 )

4/14/2022 3:21 AM

very hot story man - Love your domination


BardBearian (1)

4/14/2022 11:48 AM

Love your match recaps! Both the fighting part, love how you think every move and nothing is left to chance, and the erotic part.


Galifter84 (70)

4/16/2022 8:09 AM

Love this story, big man
