Couple weeks ago I hosted my second match on my new mats in my new house. They are 12x12 so it allows me to move around a bit and not be soo confined to one area. A guy ill call “Rod” that I’ve rolled with before was in town for work and messaged me a couple weeks ago asking if I wanted to wrestle. I told him about the new space and we set a time to meet up when he was in town. As you all know, Im a fairly big guy, so its rare that I get excited for a match with someone with some size. Rod is taller than me by a few inches, and he’s been bulking a bit too. So id say he was in the 250s and I was around 300 that day.

Once he arrived we exchanged the normal “how have you beens” and “any new matches” chatter. That melted away as we headed to my garage to the mats. Im not really picky when it comes to rules and gear, so I let him pick. He said first 2 subs in boxer briefs and last one nude. I agreed because I like it that way. We started neutral(standing for non wrestlers) and fought for some wrist control. A few collar ties, and headlocks got the blood flowing. I lazily reached for an outside leg takedown, and he quickly defended it. That made me happy, because now I get to open up a bit. I was able to get a Russian on one of he arms, then I foot swept him to the mat. I could tell rod was a bit surprised, but I was able to capitalize on his position. He got up to all fours, and I was able to lock in a front headlock. I didn’t squeeze to get an immediate tap because Rod is in good shape. So I needed to work on his endurance a bit. I cranked it just enough to keep him in control, but not too tight to cut his air off completely. After about a minute of that I was able to go around and take his back pretty easily. Keeping with my plans to blunt is conditioning, I wanted to go for a leg scissors. So as we were fighting for control, I lightened up on his hip. When he went to roll in to his guard, I was able to sneak my leg under him and lock a scissor on his mid section. I squeezed at about 70%..because I was starting to get winded at well. To my surprise he didn’t tap immediately and I had to increase the pressure. I started to focus my on my squeeze and bring my knees together. Once I did that I felt him slap my leg and I won the first round. Usually after a tap, both guys disengage and get ready for round 2…but Rod had other plans in mind. As I slid off of him he said he was going to grab some water. So I went to relax prone on my belly and elbows, I didn’t realize Rod had gotten behind me and locked in a rear choke. I wasn’t prepared at all, and wasn’t sure how to react. I knew that he didn’t have it tight enough to put me in danger, but its still a pretty uncomfortable position. I fought it off for what seems like minutes, but Im sure it was 30 secs, and turned to my side. Bad move on my part, I gave him the positioning he needed, and the choke tightened. Without thinking twice I tapped, and he released. Funny enough after he won his round he backed off a few feet…as if he was preparing for me to return the favor.

We regrouped, and since it was round three, we took off our boxer briefs. Rod’s Rod is longer than mine, but Im a bit thicker. Im also a grower, and Im pretty sure he couldn't get any bigger than what was already in front of me. We started this round our knees and the mat had gotten a bit of moisture from our sweat. He immediately lunged for a collar tie. I returned it, and was able to muscle him down to the mat. I quickly spun around him to take his back. Seeing as I was a bit winded, and he was leaking sweat everywhere, this was my best chance to finish him before my muscles would fail me. I shot my right arm under his elbow and got control of a wrist. I then did the same with my left, but this time I went to palm the back of his head in a half nelson. Knowing that would cause him to react. As I did that he posted up on his right wrist that I had control of, and that gave me an opening to shoot my right arm deeper into his shoulder, and I now had both hands behind his head. I had my full nelson locked in and he had nowhere to go. He didn’t submit right away, so I started to re adjust my grip. The whole time this is going on, I started to grow a boner, and it was right at the top of his ass. Hearing him start to whimper a bit I just held the hold, and in about 10 secs, Rod said “I submit, Im done”. I immediately released the full nelson, but as my arms were retracting I had other plans for him. I quickly shot my arms under his chest and locked in a bearhug. I could hear him inhale as to fill his chest in defense. I didn’t squeeze at first, I just found the perfect spot between his pecs and ribs to keep my grip. As he’s struggling to buck me off, his butt is rubbing against my cock. I wouldn’t be able to take much of this is my amped up state. Using my position on his hips, I started to rock my tool into his glutes, as I pressured down to keep him into place. He stopped trying to buck me off, but I could feel his glutes relax a bit. I readjusted my grip around his chest and started to squeeze a bit. As I pulled his chest closer, I used my hip thrusts more. After a couple mins of grinding on his ass, I noticed the pressure at the head of my dick was steadily less. This was how the next 30 or so seconds went. Finally I head him mumble “I tap”. Thats when I felt my tool enter his hole. Feeling that I just dominated a man, and subbed him in my hug, I only lasted one more hip thrust before I felt my balls emptying. With that I released the hug and laid on his back a few minutes. Another fun match, and Rod said he’ll be back in town mid summer for round 3!

Last edited on 5/31/2023 7:51 PM by BullDurham



Mrbigarms (58)

5/31/2023 8:06 PM

Amazing encounter no question you are an alpha muscle bull


BardBearian (1)

5/31/2023 9:34 PM

Fuck, your match are so hot! And I also love how you are great both from the erotic and from the technical point of view. Incredibile.


Matt Larsen (116 )

6/01/2023 12:02 AM

so fucking hot


leanaussiemuscle (31)

6/01/2023 1:15 AM

Damn sexy 😜


nwgamuscle (54)

6/01/2023 4:40 AM

Fucking hot 🔥🔥🔥


westfalia (1)

6/01/2023 10:34 AM

That's 1 match I would have loved to watch. - take some pics. Mmm


mochablk (23)

6/01/2023 2:47 PM

Damn, I got wood just reading and imagining being there watching. Too bad that it's not on Watchfighters.


hairywrestler (39)

6/01/2023 4:52 PM

Hot great match, want somme similar match with you


MKEwrestlebear (111)

6/01/2023 5:02 PM

Hot as fuck, buddy.


DFWGuy77 (22 )

6/01/2023 8:50 PM

This is fucking hot! 🔥🔥


SqueezeNW (68)

6/01/2023 9:00 PM

Damn great match and write up!


Shoot (15 )

6/03/2023 5:54 AM

Always a good story from u Bull. U should think about recording it even if it's for ur viewing only.


Riviera Wrestle (131)

6/04/2023 7:38 PM

OMG, your story seriously runed me on ! Thanks for writing it


NewRuff (26)

6/05/2023 2:51 AM

Sounds like a truly intense match. What I wouldn’t give to referee (and see)!


Sergio-bodybuildermuscle (2 )

2/07/2024 12:31 AM

After the full Nelson , you have been in right position to penetrate his ass , congrats
