Boxer_Daddy's blog

BOXER'S RANT X: No Shows @ Gay Boxing Event

It's very appropos, that I should be posting this now since I'm being asked about hosting a Boxing Event. So Read ON!

The Gay Boxing Event! Never heard of them? You’re not the only one… these are rare proceedings that occur annually or sometimes semi-annually. In other words they seldom happen if they occur at all. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get two or more gay pugilists in the same city, much less state to show up at an arranged gym meeting to actually oh I don’t know, BOX one another! You’d be better off working on the World Peace thing. Yeah, you can tell I’m heated about this one.

Okay, so well over a decade ago a cool guy with a ring his garage set out to have a Boxing weekend for a few gay boxers that he had been chatting with online for years. He called it Harbor Fight. He had this great idea that it would be cool to actually meet the guys he’d been communicating with and box them IRL (In Real Life) for the older generation. Armed with nothing but the best intentions he hosted the weekend and allowed the few boxers that showed up to box and intermingle. Only five guys, including the host, showed up and it was a GREAT success. In fact the weekend was done again the next year with some variations on the participants. Now these weekends did not go off without some issues. The primary one being the invited participants. Now I have no problem with a guy not being able to attend because he had something previously scheduled, a medical or family emergency but when you contact the host or guests with BS excuses like “I’m scared to box in front of other guys,” “I don’t have all the necessary gear,” “You guys are too skilled for me” or “I can’t go back to work with marks on my face.” WHAT THE FUCK! MAN UP, DUDE! Stop being a bitch and take advantage of this rare convergence of homosexual men that are actually engaging in an uber-masculine sport and completely dispelling the myth that all gay men are created feminine, limp wristed, light in the loafers, feather boa carrying, sissy pants finger pointing punks. Heaven forbid you should show off the skills you supposedly claim that you have in your online sport profile. Live up to YOUR WRITTEN words, if not forever hold your peace. There’s a concept, why hasn’t this been done before? Oh wait! It has been done by the forefathers of this country and those seeking a better way of life to live by, they wrote a Declaration of Independence and a Constitution! If you can’t do as you wrote then you must be one of those “FAKE BOXERS” I’ve ranted about in the past.

Moving on! Years later another event sprang up called Boxing Before Burgers & Beer by an enthusiastic straight pugilist in Illinois. He had no problems boxing guys that did as they said no matter what their sexual orientation was.
As one of the participants from that first Harbor Fight I always dreamed of hosting the event in my home town in the Northeast of the US. In Jan of 2017 I made that wish a reality. I even thought of several ways to improve on the original. I brought vintage boxing gear from my collection, then setup a camera to allow the guys to take pictures looking like the boxers from the late 1800’s – early 1900’s. I gave boxing pointers, tips and even offered to sell copies of my two erotic boxing books. This was the first time such a momentous occasion would occur and it might not happen again. What’s funny is since moving back to the northeast from Atlanta, several guys had been asking me to setup such a thing as they had a great interest in attending.
As we all know GAY men TALK! Even though the event was by invite only word got around that something was going down. Since it was to be held at my gym I had a number of people contacting me asking about it. “Who all is coming?”, “What days are you guys sparring?”, “How many rounds you guys gonna fight? Etc… etc… etc…” I mean they wanted to know every detail. DUDE! Just come and find out for Yourself! Didn’t happen! One of my other guests had someone call him and say “I could drive there but, I don’t have any gear of my own,” and “I don’t have a mouthguard.” If you can drive your ass to the event then you can stop into a Sports Authority or Modell’s and buy some Fucking workout clothes and a Damn mouthguard. Seriously what kind of dumb ass excuse is that? And why the hell are you calling to inform of your ‘possible’ attendance if you can’t pick up a vital piece of equipment. LOOK! I have no problems with guys that are living in their own little fantasy world and imagining what they would like to be doing in whatever scenario. But when you start dragging other people into this make-believe Fairy-Never-Neverland realm and expect them to adhere to these made up rules you’ve created then there’s a serious problem. Keep Yo LAME Wanna Be Weekend Boxer-Warrior Wishful Thinking sorry asses at home and let the real Fighters do what they do best – LIVE LIFE & BOX!

I’m off my soapbox for now. Thanks for reading, you may return to your normally scheduled life. As always comments are welcomed, but they may get critiqued as well.

Last edited on 2/26/2018 7:34 PM by Boxer Daddy



BellRinger618 (4 )

2/27/2018 1:26 AM

That was a heated one, Boxer Dad. Always enjoy reading your rants. I can agree that fighters shouldn't rearrange rules after they've said that they will do something. Can be easy to do, but it isn't fair to the other person involved. Once agreed upon, it's time to man up and square up, especially if you ask for it.


glovelover (4)

2/27/2018 3:02 PM

what about CLAW, does CLAW host gay boxing shows? If not, why not? I am sorry about the many noshows! I sure hope that any future such fights will go forward in real life, not just imaginations.


Boxer Daddy (49)

2/28/2018 12:15 AM

(In reply to this)

CLAW is Leather event weekend that caters to a plethora of Demo's. Someone local would have to get or setup a venue for such a thing. For now I know I'll be hosting a few matches in my room. But nothing more than that.


Andi2 (3)

3/08/2018 7:41 PM

(In reply to this)

I wanted to respond to your rant directly but I had your name
Back wards, so I couldn't find the original post.
Please read my blog
as I stated that your
Issue on opponents
Whether it be gay games or other venues
Is not about someone being a " pussy or sissie" but it's about. Being a responsible adult and honoring your Commitments.


Boxer Daddy (49)

3/09/2018 5:09 AM

(In reply to this)

Read your blog. You are correct it's about a man honoring his commitments. But too often many gay men use their sexuality as a crutch and hide behind this excuse.

There was a previous comment about my using insulting language. Anyone that takes offense is not reading the context of the statement. Not ALL gay men are created a specific way as such there are those of use that dispell this myth. It is a simple fact.


Andi2 (3)

3/09/2018 5:30 AM

(In reply to this)

No need to be condescending. Yes Read my Blog.
When it comes to fighting or indulging in my fetish, my
sexuality is the last thing on the table.
Your statement.
" Not all gay men are created a specific way"
You sound like a certain school teacher who was fired for telling her students that Black people have lower IQs.


Ironbull (96)

2/27/2018 4:49 PM

All dogs bark. Not all dogs like to go out in the rain and chase sticks. Sad but true. If you find a solution to this perennial frustration please write the best-seller. I'll buy a copy.


Boxer Daddy (49)

2/28/2018 12:21 AM

(In reply to this)

I wish, I had the answer to this RANT! But I don't. As an Alpha male, I have some what of an understanding of how Beta males think and no clue as to how Charlie males contemplate.
The purpose of my RANTS is to make guys aware so they don't run into the same things I have in the past. "Those who do not head the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them." I do hope that by calling out some guys it will make them "Man Up", but only the individual knows what they're willing to put up with.
I definitely still want to fight you Ironbull... tournament or not.


Ironbull (96)

2/28/2018 8:39 AM

(In reply to this)

I would be delighted. I'm gradually learning. My foot work has graduated from non-existent to clumsy but life in a boxing club is amazing. Others here really need to try it


FLmotowrsl (12)

2/28/2018 6:41 PM

Whats CLAW


BellRinger618 (4 )

2/28/2018 6:44 PM

(In reply to this)

Cleveland Leather Annual Weekend


FLmotowrsl (12)

2/28/2018 6:55 PM

(In reply to this)

cool thanks. I checked it out tho and still cant find any specific mention of boxing or wrestling. I'd go out of my way to go to one of these if fights where involved. I cant even come across a bar with oil wrestling down here in S FL would be nice if this stuff was easier to find.


Boxer Daddy (49)

3/02/2018 6:12 PM

(In reply to this)

DUDE! Ready my statement after the1st mention of CLAW above, there is NO set Boxing Event there. I'm giving a Demo on Erotic boxing and hosting fights in my room but that's it.


FLmotowrsl (12)

3/02/2018 6:30 PM

(In reply to this)

Was just asking what claw stood for never heard of it someone else already answered thanksanyways


rob1 (3)

3/11/2018 5:18 AM

Your comment is true for any gay activity. Lots of "no shows", but fortunately a few guys follow up and show up to make it worthwhile.


glovelover (4)

3/13/2018 2:38 PM

Why can't the guys who want to gay box pay a deposit in advance to guarantee they will being there? Actually showing up and boxing gets your money back. That sorts out the talkers from the walkers.


Andi2 (3)

3/13/2018 6:45 PM

(In reply to this)

Now that's most sensible
solution, and suggestion
To the No show problem
That I'v heard.
Money always talks.


Boxer Daddy (49)

3/14/2018 1:29 AM

(In reply to this)

Yes, a very Interesting idea. But given how strapped for cash most guys are period, how many would actually put up money in advance? The majority of guys would look at this and say "Who's to say I'll actually get my money back? I have to put up money to attend, no thanks or any such number of questions." The questions will be more of an excuse not to attend.

FYI, I personally would put up the money to guarantee that I would get to box other gay men. How many others would do the same?


glovelover (4)

3/14/2018 9:12 PM

I would. If I was sure I could make it and we made a deal like that, putting up $100 is well worth it,


Boxer Daddy (49)

3/15/2018 11:22 AM

(In reply to this)

Yes, but in truth how many guys out here do you think would actually do the same?


Ironbull (96)

3/15/2018 11:46 AM

(In reply to this)

Perhaps you guys should find a friendly boxing club and ask if your event can be hosted in association with them? They will already be set up to take and hold deposits. Plus you may benefit from their insurance cover.


Boxer Daddy (49)

3/15/2018 5:10 PM

(In reply to this)

I already have a access to a boxing gym. I hosted an Gay Boxing event there in Jan 2017, hence my experience with the crazy excuses.


glovelover (4)

3/15/2018 5:22 PM

(In reply to this)

Yes, we are all brave boxers when we talk, but actually showing up for some punchouts is more than most can handle, I meet with boxers though and we do play punching, frot fighting or erotic boxing. In the boxing world being anything but str8 is still a major problem, when it need not be.


wrestlerspig (14)

3/26/2018 4:28 AM

Boxer Daddy,
All I can say is the time you knocked me out was one of the best moments in my life. There were many guys who tried to talk me out of getting into a ring with you. I am glad I ignored them and thank you for that experience. You scared the hell out of me, but I was not going to miss that opportunity you offered me. I never had a problem with guys or women watch me get worked over. Whoever stands you up or chickens out is crazy and missing something they will always regret! You writing is always appreciated.


glovelover (4)

4/17/2018 3:47 PM

Go see Claymore Kenneth Alexander on FB and check out the gay boxing events he is planning, including ones that are truly winner takes all in a sexual sense, Some will be just erotic boxing. He is also on here as a real boxer & hero of mine.
