Boxer_Daddy's blog

BOXER'S RANT XI: Boxing Profile Pictures

Here we go again folks. This RANT has been in the back of my mind for years only to be brought to the forefront recently. I’m calling out the Picture requesting Whores. Do I have your attention, yet?

Okay! So here’s the situation. You create a Boxing profile on a fight site, Facebook, MySpace (yeah, I know it’s old) whatever the hell. You put up a few pics and you’re like okay. My profile is up I’m looking to attract other boxers to meet up with and such. Then some stalker guy comes along with NO pictures in his profile much less one as his main avatar if that’s even really him and he’s like: “You should post more pics.” WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?! Dude AIN’T GOT NAM ONE and yet you’re telling me I should post more pics. BITCH PLEASE! You needs to go find you someone else to stalk ‘cause it’s not happening here. Yeah, I know its bad grammar but sometimes you gotta get ghetto on pricks when talking to some of these pathetic wanna be picture whore collectors. I mean like the guy is not even a boxer much less fighter. He probably hasn’t seen a gym with the exception of one on TV and he sits around at home fantasizing over real athletes that actually put time into their bodies and perfecting their craft. And yet he has the nerve to tell someone they need to post more pics. I’d tell the ‘perp’ to kiss my Natural Black Hairy Ass, but he probably like that.

Over the years I’ve had close to a hundred guys ask/tell me to do this and it “Urks” me to no end. The worst of these guys is the ones that have a line in their profile at the bottom of their description that says “No pic, No response.” WTF? I can’t believe this dick wad has the audacity to tell other people that they shouldn’t contact them without a visual representation of themselves and yet they don’t have one to let others know what their possibly getting into. “And I sayeth unto Felicia. BYE!” Where do guys like this get off? And IRL I bet these guys are like “I wonder why I can’t meet anyone.” Probably because their BUTT Ugly and can only lure unsuspecting interests in this way. I specifically know of one guy that posted headless shots on his profile for years. I always wondered why ‘cause his body isn’t bad to look at. Then one day he posted a face shot. Great Googaly Moogaly! Talk about a face only a mother could love. WHOO! Someone had brutalized his head with an ugly bat and didn’t spare the strokes. I read somewhere that you shouldn’t box ugly guys because they have nothing to lose but any one that beat this guy probably wouldn’t be able to get it up afterwards having to look at that mug. I mean he looked like the Great Depression did the Lindy-Hop on his face then tossed him into the 20th Century to fend for himself on his looks alone. I’m surprised this guy hadn’t starved to death yet. After that I thoroughly understood why he cut his head off in his pics. YOUCH!

Also what’s up with the glove in front of your face pose. FYI, this is not a real boxer’s pose. This obvious attempt to hide your face tells the rest of the world two things: 1 – You don’t know how to box since you’re not holding your hands correctly to defend yourself. 2 - That you’re ashamed of your attraction to other men and being into boxing. But think about it, what could be more manly than knowing how to defend yourself in a real fight? Or better still being a gay man and knowing how to handle yourself in a boxing match.

Anyway, I’m not a religious guy but I end with this… “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” If you want to see a guy in his gear you should have pics of yourself in gear. I can assure you the response will be positive. Anything less and your results will vary negatively.

Comments are welcome but don't be surprised if you get critiqued back.

Last edited on 8/31/2018 3:08 AM by Boxer Daddy



synxiec (74)

8/31/2018 5:33 AM

“And I Sayeth Unto Felicia, BYE!!” I Cannot. As For What You’ve Written Here, Just A Lot Happening Here. Hilarious, Tho.


GlovesUpGuy (38)

8/31/2018 5:56 AM

I definitely agree with ya, Boxer Dad. Flattens my pop to have some hypocrite tell me that I need more pics when they have one bad pic, or none. Pictures earn pictures, plain and simple.


hboxer (14)

8/31/2018 6:26 AM

I agree with u Boxer Dad. I have a question for u how do u feel about guys that post pics but are outdated meaning pics of themselves when younger. Why not post present or recent pic.?


Boxer Daddy (49)

9/01/2018 12:09 AM

(In reply to this)

I used to have an issue with guys posting younger images of themselves, but that was before I got to the skill level I'm at now. If a guy wants to fight me he'd be smart to post an accurate representation of himself because my fists won't be kinder on his face when they connect just because he's older. I just may or may not KO him for misrepresenting himself. But there are also guys out there that want to be KO'd and will do dishonest stuff like that to get the end result.


hboxer (14)

9/03/2018 7:35 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks for reply back, I agree with u about miss representation of himself but think unfair to u meaning ready for a hard fought boxing match and opponent not being honest.

I dislike guys who talk crap about u but when u challenge them to back up their bad talk they block u which I think just shows me he is all talk no backbone.


Ironbull (96)

8/31/2018 5:27 PM

You are one harsh harsh man... ha ha ha.

But seriously, if you're boxing the guy and he's at your level and he's putting up a decent workout, does it matter what he looks like under the headguard?


Boxer Daddy (49)

9/01/2018 12:13 AM

(In reply to this)

You say harsh harsh, I say honest. As with a previous post I'm putting situations like this out there so others will be aware and not waste their time on guys like that.

"IF" a guy is at my skill level, I don't care what he looks like. Then it comes down to how he introduced himself and what other kind of interaction he wants with me. Honesty is the best policy. Sincere and respect earning men will get the best of me including my knowledge about the Sweet Science. Several of my past opponents can confirm.


glovelover (4)

9/07/2018 9:45 PM

(In reply to this)

Well I know I am NOT anywhere near your skill level except for use as a BDSM boxing bag, for one-sided erotic punching fun, a wicked workout
