Boxer_Daddy's blog

BOXER'S RANT IX: Basketball Boxing Trunks

Okay fellas what’s the deal? I mean, WTF? When did basketball length trunks invade boxing? I believe it was late 1990’s early 2000’s, but still what is this incessant need to wear trunks so long that they nearly impede your leg movement in the ring? Wet silk / satin get’s clingy. If you’re a fleet footed fighter then you know what I’m talking about. And don’t get me started on the idiots I’ve seen wearing Capri pants in the ring. Fashion statement maybe? I say Fashion – IDIOCRACY!

I don’t know about the rest of you… but I grew up watching boxing in the 70’s and 80’s, even then boxers still were faithful to the half naked pugilist code of wearing bootie hugging shorts that practically revealed it all. Okay… so there is no half naked boxer’s code, but many times audiences were not tuning in to see two half naked men box for dominance. They were getting cheap thrills watching the supremely muscled warriors battle in attire similar to that seen at the beach or pool. I’m certain many a gay boxer has the images of fighters long gone battling effortlessly in trunks that didn’t remotely hinder their movements, while allowing the audiences to oogle their uber-masculine physiques as they darted to and fro in an elevated squared circle.

Thankfully current day boxers in the lighter weight classes still pay homage to boxers of the past by wearing classic length shorts when they fight. I’m certain they understand the importance of being able to swiftly move about the canvas as they show their craft. Look at UFC trunks… when they first started there where nothing more than square cut swim trunks. There was a movement to the longer pants but more of the swift maneuver fighters still prefer the traditional shorts. I have to admit getting my cheap thrills watching them.

Obviously you as the reader/boxer or something in between will do as you please. But look at the history of the sport and you will gain a better appreciation for why trunks of such length were chosen in the first place.

Last edited on 1/17/2018 3:33 AM by Boxer Daddy



Boxforex (12)

1/17/2018 3:49 AM

It's part of a new anti being seen to be gay movement. I totally understand what you've written and agree


soloboxerboy (6 )

1/17/2018 5:55 AM

Totally prefer traditional boxing trunks over the longer ones of today.


KOBama (15)

1/17/2018 9:57 AM

I have some of each and like the traditional ones.


BellRinger618 (4 )

1/17/2018 12:17 PM

Definite agree with you Boxer Dad. Thigh length trunks have been the standard for a long while now. Traditional, hot, and efficient; a boxers "attire. I understand the new basketball boxing crazy (my generation probably had a hand in this change), but I don't agree. I think the skimpy, high-up-on-the-leg trunks are the boxers standard.


hookuppercut (26)

1/17/2018 6:55 PM

(In reply to this)

Come to think of it, I recall some Philly fighters wearing long trunks in the 70’s and 80’s. Joe Frazier comes to mind.


nukite (0)

1/17/2018 2:07 PM

Karate gis are, in fact, just japanese peasant underwear. So if we just stripped down to the tight briefs we are already wearing that would be appropriate. A man should be able to fight in any situation. That includes being able to fight naked,, but it's also realistic to be able to beat up a guy just wearing your briefs. What's wrong with that? A man whose proud of his skill, and gets horny on it, should be allowed to show his dominance and thrill at beating up his enemy.


hookuppercut (26)

1/17/2018 2:20 PM

I prefer the classics. Seems the Brits do so, too.


boxingboyyy (0)

3/24/2020 10:20 AM

(In reply to this)

Definitely prefer the classic length as well, but just don't own any. Shortest length trunks I have are Muay thai trunks, and I don't do muay thai. Just like the length of them ;)


Ironbull (96)

1/17/2018 5:47 PM

Same goes for the ridiculous things that men swim in these days. Proper swimwear for men is mocked and derided as "gay" or somehow "offensive".

Training for boxing; sweatpants and an old shirt. Fighting; trunks that sit an inch above the knee and barechest.


Boxer Daddy (49)

1/17/2018 6:30 PM

Thanks guys! LOVE! The comments! I've got more RANTS coming. If you have an idea for one hit me up and I'll write it up.


wrestlerspig (14)

1/18/2018 9:37 PM

Boxer Daddy, open your own line of traditional boxing trunks. Some of us short guys look ridiculous in the long trunks.
