Boxer_Daddy's blog


Okay my Fellow Pugilists - I'M BACK & I HAVE A QUESTION:

PUNCH CHUMPS what’s up with having to get wasted before engaging in a fight? Yes, you’re gonna lose… but feeling the need to suppress the beating only demeans you and the boxer you’re facing off against. If being worked over truly IS your fetish then you would be embracing the pain and relishing every moment of a boxer’s destructive fists as they made contact. Especially if ultimately your being rendered from consciousness.

As a trained boxer I take pride in my craft. I’ve worked over many a jobber in the ring to the point of KO and bruised them to the point they knew they had been in a fight to not a single mark showed. Often times the only residuals are body soreness and a slight gap in memory from the loss of senses. The first time I encountered a guy that was drunk before I worked him over I let it slide because I wanted the experience as much as he did. The second time I sent him home packing. His intoxication was an insult to the amount of time and effort I put into setting up our meeting and ultimately was a sign of selfishness. He would get his thrills regardless of mine or not. I don’t know how many of you have been in a bar room brawl but the drunks are the first to hit the deck, sometimes regardless of being struck cleanly or not. The RANT includes dudes that like to get drunk before going out in the woods and slinging fists at one another in a pseudo attempt at fighting. What’s the point of having a fight if you don’t remember it at all? Are you bringing someone with you to record the pathetic melee of a match? That is probably the only way either of you is getting a thrill out of it if recall it at all.

FYI, this also applies to the use of other drugs. Whether you know it or not, the human body is the biggest drug pusher/chemical producer on the planet. Your body releases a multitude of suppressants, adrenaline and other compounds that allow you to withstand a variety of situations. Ask a highly skilled Dominant Leather person to demonstrate. I’m certain you’ll be surprised! They adhere to a strict code of Safe, Sane and Consensual. This is to protect you and them from reckless behavior. Any one ignoring this code is quickly ostracized for unsafe behavior. I personally have a strict cold of “Not breaking my toys as they will not come back and play with me anymore.” And if this statement doesn’t make sense to you now it will in time. Enjoy every experience if not all the sensations your body has to give you.

Last edited on 1/05/2018 4:01 PM by Boxer Daddy



hookuppercut (26)

1/05/2018 4:11 PM

I am wondering if a drunk fighter is trying to find “courage”, or if he is trying to anesthetize himself as a means to endure the beating? I’m amazed at anyone trying to fight under the influence—-especially if they are fighting you.


redlandguy (197)

1/05/2018 4:12 PM

Same thing applies to submission wrestling (for which I trained for years in BJJ). I don't think it's safe to roll with drunks. (Safe do them that is.) It gets sloppy and it limits the kind of moves you can do if you don't know you have a sensible opponent. I'm not the dominator my friend Boxer Daddy can be –I am more coach than squasher with new guys– but a drunk guy can't learn anything he will retain next time.


Ironbull (96)

1/05/2018 5:00 PM

Not to mention the legal consequences. The guy shows up at home or work with a black eye and smelling of alcohol. Any consent defences are likely to be disapplied.


hookuppercut (26)

1/05/2018 5:33 PM

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Yep. Certainly risky to get caught up in that pond of crocodiles.


nukite (0)

1/05/2018 5:50 PM

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Agree: the issue will be 'If he was drunk, and you knew he was drunk, how could he give consent.' Protect yourself, and keep your dignity, by only fighting men who are up for a fight.


BellRinger618 (4 )

1/05/2018 5:48 PM

Definitely an agreeable rant Boxer Dad. Being under the influence during a match is major unsafe. Know too many people who get hurt (break bones, get KOed for unsafe amounts of time, etc) because of not respecting the fact that when fists get thrown, your body and mind must be IN it.


wrestlerspig (14)

1/05/2018 5:53 PM

Hi, I have never forgotten my knock out experience with Boxer Daddy. It is a memory I will always cherish. I refused to ice or take any pain medication after he knocked me out. I wanted to feel the pain and soreness for as long as it would last.
I agree with the release of hormones. When I first saw Boxer Daddy in person he scared the hell out of me, but there was no way I was going to give up that experience of being in a ring with him. A lot of guys tried to talk me out of the match and thought I was crazy for getting in the ring with him. I am glad I ignored their advice. The release of endorphins after the fight was a natural high. I am looking forward to another experience in the ring with Boxer Daddy. If you come drunk or drugged you are a fool.


Boxforex (12)

1/05/2018 6:22 PM

What is the point of getting pissed to the eyeballs. How the hell could you enjoy sex even? As a hobbyist touring car driver you wouldn't be allowed near a car and even if you were, how much of a danger to yourself alone and others would you be, let alone enjoying having mastered the car sober and sharp totally through the circuit.

Just plane stupid.

I totally agree



1/05/2018 8:10 PM

Im with you brother. That kind of behavior is about being a CHICKEN SHIT versus a Man Up attitude of taking your licks and knowing you are a lesser fighter. Ive seen guys toke a joint before a fight wondered WTF?? after I banged em around the ring.

This sport requires concentration, skill and focus. Why fuck it up?


Boxer Daddy (49)

1/05/2018 8:24 PM

WOW Guys! Great comments. It's refreshing to know you guys feel the same. Stay tuned for some other RANTS I've been working on. I'm sure it will keep you talking if not wanting to PUNCH someone in the FACE!


Andi2 (3)

1/06/2018 1:18 AM

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I totally agree,
Pain is all in the mind.
Like when you were a kid and the nurse helped you
To man up and take your shot.
It didn't feel so bad when you changed your state of mind
which involves fear.
Drugs and Alcohol create a false senes of power.


tapouttoy1 (1)

1/08/2018 7:43 AM

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Would luv to be your jobber in the ring even to ko shame so far away!!


Boxer Daddy (49)

1/09/2018 12:28 AM

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A shame indeed. But you never know!


glovelover (4)

1/05/2018 8:40 PM

I agree, the jobber should be sober and feel the pain and pleasure of each punch until the final KO!


soloboxerboy (6 )

1/06/2018 3:46 AM

The moment any drug or alcohol enters the body, consent CAN NOT be given, as the person is not of SOUND MIND. Therefore leaving the one who fights the drunk/drugged up person liable and open to possible prosecution. So avoid it at all costs. Want a fight, then respect your opponent and yourself by showing up ready to fight, clear headed and give it your best. For those that wish to be jobbers, that is up to you, but don't pollute yourself to not feel the pain, or to prolong the experience....Respect all the way around goes a long way...and respect needs to start with respecting yourself.


glovelover (4)

1/10/2018 3:31 PM

I personally don't care about consent, it's a fight, consent is implied, I want him to feel the punches! If you were in Michigan and punching me, I would want to feel the plentiful leather blows & cum!!!


Ironbull (96)

1/10/2018 3:40 PM

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That may be true in the US but in Europe there is a piece of case law called the Spanner judgement. It concerned bdsm but it's safe to assume that corresponding principles apply to recreational fighting. It says simply that there is a level of violence to which you cannot consent ( to protect the victims of domestic violence partly) and if one person turns up at hospital injured both risk criminal charges. Regulated sports in licensed clubs are usually exempt. I'd be surprised if the US did not apply a similar principle.

Even if it does not, a drunk person's consent might not be accepted at all and if you fight someone who can't give meaningful consents, you'd better hope he doesn't get injured or injure you. He might also sue you for damages.


hookuppercut (26)

1/10/2018 5:05 PM

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I’m sure there would be some civil legal recourse in the US. I would definitely not want to test that.


Ironbull (96)

1/10/2018 5:11 PM

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Quite agree. Even if you ultimately won, winning in Court is no fun unless spending your life savings on lawyers and living for what might be years under the threat of imprisonment is your idea of fun.


glovelover (4)

1/11/2018 3:24 PM

don't worry about consent nor drunkenness if it's a bar fight. Just go get your gloves and clobber him. carry him for as long as you want to punish him, then hammer him out stone cold. it's all good.



1/12/2018 12:33 AM

Ironbull is right on. Any kind of beat up scene like that WITHOUT A SIGNED WAIVER is a chance at a lawsuit. SEND HIM HOME>> SEND HIM HOME>>
