On Friday 18th January 2019 I had a wrestle with someone I have never met before.
Why no recommendation or even marked past opponent you may ask? Or then again you might think who gives a shit.
Anyway on with the tale...
Long long ago in a time somewhere before Christmas I received a message with some photos asking if I fancied a wrestle. Fit looking guy, not ugly so although these things mean nothing to me I said yes, checked his profile which told me nothing except he doesn't mess about. No past opponents and therefore no recommendations. Generally at this point my internal yellow coloured alarm would be ringing one of two messages

1 - physcho who will kill you and has no past opponents because they are all dead or
2 - fantasist flake who has no past opponents because he never actually meets anyone

Exchanging a few messages, Exotic man of mystery offered the name of someone we had both met. Asked shared opponent about EMOM and he told me he was very full on and enjoyed punching while wrestling but he had enjoyed meeting him.
So.... I thought I would put on my brave head and give EMOM a go.
I can hear the fingers tightening on the arm of the chair of the one remaining reader... what happened?

Well, he turned up with a mouth full of glistening white teeth, much better looking than his photos and proceeded to out wrestle me, punch me, not very hard but hard enough to leave some bruises, choke me unconscious at one point and even bite my arm with his lovely gnashers. Not breaking any skin I hasten to add.
He had already explained he doesn't mark past opponents, generally only meets people once and then blocks them afterwards. This is his game apparently.
Writing that he sounds like a weird psychopath but I am more concerned about my mental health because weirdly I enjoyed it, mostly. Blacking out was a bit hairy and sometimes the constant doing over was too much but I was left with a very satisfied glow , maybe like running a marathon, painful at times but with an exhausted pride that I had survived almost in one piece.
I should say he was otherwise a very charming handsome man and he said he would meet me again which I took as some kind of compliment and I think if he asks I probably will.
Now does anyone know a good but cheap psychoanalyst or therapist or quack even?

Last edited on 1/21/2019 3:37 PM by hugefan



hephaestion2014 (47)

1/22/2019 1:56 AM

Interesting experience. Glad it ended well.
You are braver than me 😉


hugefan (79)

1/22/2019 2:04 AM

(In reply to this)

Thanks, not braver just stupider but luckily no real damage done.


wrstlny (2)

1/30/2019 5:58 PM

(In reply to this)

Nothing wrong with you if you enjoyed it. You don't need a therapist.
Message me pm


Zürich (88)

1/22/2019 11:25 PM

Would love to know his real profile name


luttefrance (35)

1/27/2019 4:46 AM

An israeli perhaps?


active (0)

1/31/2019 8:21 AM

sounds as hot as fuck all that experience taught you is to get more stronger and tougher so next time you put him on his back and stand over him and flex give him some love back , by love i mean a hammering,
