hugefan's blog

Better late than never....

I always thought that writing blogs was a bit self indulgent, really who cares what I think but having read a few here and found some very entertaining (especially Tallblondwrestlers - he didn't pay me to write that) I am thinking why not? I am sure very few people get to the end of reading my profile so doubtless this will not be this years Fifty Shades of Grey but hey at least it's free!

So, after forty-four years on the planet (I may be the reincarnation of a martian princess but that is another blog) and probably over 30 since first being turned on by watching wrestling, (yes it was World of Sport wrestling wot done it,also another blog I think), that I came across this site and thought- why not finally see if the reality of wrestling is as good as the fantasy?

And the answer is.......... drum roll, sharp intakes of breath from the imaginary audience. YES!

After a few months and seven meets I am a true addict. Hours spent waiting for the magical - You have 1 new message(s) - to appear, endless trawling through the four hundred odd profiles on this site within one hundred miles of london trying to find people daft enough to meet me, I can now stand up and say -'My name is Stephen and i am a Meetfighters addict'

I was so fortunate that my first meet was with a lovely guy who made the whole ridiculous weirdness of standing around in you trunks and wrestling seem like a perfectly normal thing to do and I have been very fortunate that all the guys I have met have been good people - each of them could get a chapter of their own but I am working on being concise - less is more and all that. There may have been a couple of meets where two sets of desires didn't exactly match but even those were thrilling. The anticipation, the journey, the first sight, the first words, the nagging concern that possibly this one was a mad axeman, all added to the experience.

A word about this site - excellent - who says I can't be concise.

I write about wrestling being erotic in my profile but that does not mean I am hoping or looking for sex (never say never but..), it is about the fantastic feeling you get when after a couple of hours you are lying on the floor covered in sweat, aching and breathing deeply, your head floating and the only word for it is ecstasy. Then, the day after when you have to wear a long sleeved shirt to hide the bruises (don't want to make my opponents sound rough, I bruise like a peach) and you are aware of every body movement because you have used muscles you didn't know existed, (and believe me muscles are not something I am too familiar with), you can relive the feeling you had when you escaped a particular hold or got a hold on, or felt a hold applied and you feel alive.

As you may be able to tell, my imaginary audience, I could write a book about this but I don't want to spoil you... ha ha

Chapter 2 at your local blog spot soon

Last edited on 6/12/2013 12:57 AM by hugefan



Guysmiley (41 )

6/12/2013 4:04 PM

What a delightful read, Hugefan. Maybe you've been brought out of hiding to take over the glib writings formerly produced by TBW. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. One of your imaginary audience –

PS also coming to London Sept 2013


Sturdy (31)

6/12/2013 8:40 PM

Welcome to the club. When are we seeing at you at one of the group events? ;-)


boston kid (75)

6/13/2013 3:21 PM

A great entry and as one of the guys lucky enough to meet Stephen I'm glad he's joined our crazy group! Best wishes Mike
