It was bound to happen. Having had cancellations in the past, three days before, a day before and even on the day it was only a matter of time before the dreaded no show occurred.

having taken the standard precautions, exchanged messages, reminded the week before, messaged on the day, provided a mobile number in case of emergency mishaps, nothing could possibly go wrong.

I arrive in good time. Ten minutes pass. I know he is driving, must be having trouble parking. I play the casual staring game. Looming figures coming out of the dark and rain. I try to discretely look without staring and god forbid smiling. I don't want my first no show to turn into my first street fight.

'Mmmmm, he looks nice. Wonder if he fancies a wrestle.' 'is that him, has he grown a beard since he sent the photo' 'that could be him but he seems to have grown two feet' 'is that man smiling at me because he recognises me or... no, he's pissed' 'can I have a light' the young handsome eastern European asks, 'certainly', I reply, 'and do you like stripping down to your pants and getting sweaty with random men' I casually and silently enquire. Sexual encounter over, I check the time. Fifteen minutes late. I let the mat room know, full of apologies. Back to the game of face recognition. It suddenly becomes clear why police line ups are so unreliable, a face so clear in my mind only this morning morphs into a variety of shapes and sizes. That guy has his eyes, another his nose, someone else his eyebrows, all i needed was a potato and I could play Mr potato head. Not that my opponent looks like a potato, I must add, I don't wait forty minutes developing pneumonia for an ugly bloke. I might be a nice guy but I am not completely stupid.

So, I wonder, what is the appropriate length of time to wait without even getting a message. Why do I feel guilty after forty minutes of life endangering face staring and bone savaging damp London weather?

I leave. I should be angry but somehow I wonder if I got something wrong. Go home. No, I had the right day. I had the right time. No message from Mr Hot but unreliable.

Now the question is, should I follow up my first no show with my first 'flag' of complaint. He sounded like such a decent guy. Maybe something dreadful happened to him and I will forever feel guilty if I have complained.

I decide I will wait and see if I get an apology or even an explanation. I play my face recognition test one last time - could that be him - no, its my cat, at least i can rely on him.

Last edited on 12/17/2013 10:02 PM by hugefan



Wrestleme (17)

12/17/2013 10:14 PM

Well it had to happen to you eventually. Even a pro like you gets stood up ha ha


hugefan (79)

12/17/2013 10:17 PM

(In reply to this)

You don't mention I only wrote this blog because you demanded one. i am so used, abused and hard done to ha ha


Wrestleme (17)

12/17/2013 10:21 PM

Poor thing. Such a bad night. Lol


boston kid (75)

12/19/2013 11:26 PM

Love your thoughtful blog.... yep it's a mystery - hope he lets you know what happened. Cheers sexy


Mark uk (291)

12/20/2013 6:30 PM

Mate. This guy is not going to suddenly say sorry. He was in contact and at least could have txt you. If you say nothing about who he is then he can just do it again. Flag him and then if he satisfies you with a honest real apology then you have the option to remove it. If not then someone else may find themselves waiting at the same corner for him. Great blog but scoring as a 1 cos he flaked. Hope your well and we get a chance for a second match in 2014


hunk71fi (50)

12/21/2013 7:50 PM

Oh mate, this does happen to everybody, though! My recent no-show experience was in Denmark. We agreed to meet in my hotel on the date of my arrival. I sent him the details and phone number. He said he will send a message when he is coming. After an hour no sights of him! Sending messages on MF and asking where are you.. On Thursday I got a message: Sorry mate, I totally forgot our meeting! Are you still in CPH? - Nope! I returned back home two days ago, bye!


hugefan (79)

12/21/2013 8:03 PM

(In reply to this)

that's terrible, travelling all that way and being stood up. Hope you had some other meets on your visit x


Spruceman (55 )

4/30/2017 7:00 PM

Had a west-coast no show today who claimed he was in the mid-Atlantic as part of his job; and wanted to be taught as much as could be done in a day – brand new to the site and to wrestling. Even arranged time he would arrive at the house this morning. No show; and upon trying to go to his profile, it had been deleted. . It's not going to stop me from trying to help new guys from getting into wrestling by offering a bit of mentoring; just have to be a bit more circumspect.
