This is a sad entry. There will be no levity, no self-depreciating humour and most certainly no irony.

Having woken to my usual bulging inbox; one new photo notification, one profile change notification and one accidental challenge from India, I decided to check my profile in case there was not enough information provided to attract attention. Half asleep, I noticed something was not quite right. Slowly it dawned on me, kicking my duvet off and counting my fingers and toes my worst fears were confirmed - one of my recommendations had disappeared.

Sublimeboston seemed to have removed both my recommendation for him and his for me. Clicking on his user name with the intention of asking what was up, the dreaded words - Profile Cannot be Displayed, The User is no longer a member appeared in the lurid pink box. Having his mobile number from when we met I sent him a text - have you retired? hope you are ok? - Almost instantly the reply comes back - yep, decided to retire, all the best. I sent him another wishing him well.

So what? I hear the one reader who has got this far sigh. He wasn't a friend, I only met him for a few hours early one Sunday morning, there was no post wrestling activity and although he was fit I had no obsessive crush on him.We just had a really good laugh and did lots of pro-style wrestling. He decided and I have no idea why, that I was a little overweight, so after taunting me I decided when I had him in a particularly tight hold to persuade him to say sorry - what is the word that begins with S I asked him, quick as a flash he replies I thought cellulite began with a C. Unfortunately for him, making me laugh caused my slight frame to shudder which made the hold even more painful. Having said what a lovely time we had it is quite likely I would never have met him again, he was quite straightforward explaining that he would rather meet less elephantine opponents but I think given time and true stalking perseverance I might have got him back between my thighs. At least the possibility would have still been there.

So why am I bothered? Most of the guys I have met I would happily meet again, some I am gagging to meet again and the odd one I would rather forget. Am I just nosy wondering why he has retired from wrestling? He isn't old, he was fit, he seemed to be enjoying himself. Perhaps it's the realisation that some day I will come to the same decision and this adventure will be over? Or maybe it's because I lost my most humourous recommendation, even if it did imply I am a tad hefty.

Not sure why but it did make me irrationally sad.

If my one reader who still has his eyes open has any thoughts I would be glad to hear them.

Last edited on 8/01/2013 12:22 AM by hugefan



Guysmiley (41 )

8/01/2013 4:20 PM

Maybe it bothered you because you had no control and it caught you a tad by surprise. Besides, he was more than a cyber-friend. He was actually someone you had met. So, maybe you considered him a "friend" and thought he should have mentioned his intent, asked for your "weigh-in" on his decision, or at least have given you a heads-up. Instead, you were caught by surprise. Maybe since you have his number, you could text him down the road and ask him why he decided to hang up the wrestling shorts. It could be any number of reasons, some pleasant, some not so much. Only time will tell.

All that being said, maybe he should have just put his profile on hiatus, which allows recommendations to stay. In reality, you're feeling a bit of loss and sadness is the rational response. Go with the flow.


boston kid (75)

8/04/2013 10:51 AM

(In reply to this)

Agree with Guy. It sounds like you got on well and so you are bound to feel sad. It would be odd I you didn't. I also think people wax and wane with their wrestling interest. Sometimes they get a boyfriend and feel guilty or conflicted. Just know its not a reflection on you. All the best Mike xx


Renly (4)

9/06/2013 5:34 AM

(In reply to this)

In all fairness, I would have liked this entry more if a bit of confidentiality was added.

Just a thought.
