hugefan's blog

Top Tips, Addiction, Stalking and other hot topics

Having joined this site at the end of February and having met seven, not five, not six but seven different guys (and one twice) which averages at almost two a month (maths or full-stops were never my strong points) I now feel well qualified to offer expert advice on all things meetfighters related and probably advice on any topic you, my imaginery audience choose to ask. No doubt it will be dreadful advice but it will be well intentioned. I like messages so tell me if your pet dog is feeling sick or you don't know what colour speedos to wear for your next meet.

My top five meetfighters tips -

Tip 1/

Stalking - obviously not something I ever need to do but from what I hear (ahem)the first step if you like the look of a photo is obviously to check out their profile, preferably do this when the person is online, if they look at yours you know a) they are interested in at least knowing who is checking them out and therefore b)they are not already so popular they don't care who looks at their profile.

Step 2 - If you like what you see and read make them a favourite. This may prompt a thank you which in turn gives you the excuse to send a message. You might want to play it cool, pay a compliment and avoid directly asking if they would like to meet up for a wrestle or if you have been drinking at the time (ahem) you might just blurt out your secret desire to pin them to the floor.

Step 3 - If you like someone and send them a message and they blank you, don't follow it up, they are not interested or if you have been drinking at the time (ahem) send them a message enquiring if something might be wrong with the site and they possibly didn't get your first message and how much you would love to pin them to the floor. If at this point they don't block you , you can tell they are secretly interested and have had a terrible accident with a power tool and temporarily lost the ability to type.

Tip 2/

Sexual activity -

When you have managed to find someone daft enough to meet you (speaking for myself there) but before the actual meet its important to establish if there is mutual ground and expectations of any after wrestling activity (ahem) This can be difficult - this site encompassess a range of people from those who basically want to roll around (this is what they think wrestling is) as foreplay and then do what they might do after picking someone up at a club, to those who would run a mile if they saw a bulge in a pair of speedos. If the profile is not explicit in that regard and lets face it - like wrestling , hit me up - could be interpreted in different ways, then ASK! Nothing worse than travelling half way across london to get a ten minute wrestle and then be expected to act as a wank aid (excuse my language)

Tip 3/

Younger/ older, heavier / lighter

As a general rule if two guys are equally skilled, the bigger stronger one will generally be in control, so if you are madly seriously competitive then go for someone the same size and experience. If, however you are happy to try moves out and be careful then you can have loads of fun with a mismatch and of course some guys like to be dominated so a bit of extra poundage is a plus.

Younger or older - if someone doesn't say explicitly they are looking for a certain age range then check their past meets and see if they have met a variety of ages, if Hunk21 has only met Hotbod19 and sexystud18 then chances are they might not want to meet oldgit44 (me again) but then no harm in politely asking. Also if you are worried that gramps63 will snap when you sit on him, think again he has been eating hotbod19s for breakfast for longer than hotbod has been around.

Tip 4/

The non-replier After a while you will realise that some people just won't reply to a message. You might write them war and peace (one of my favourite messages) and finish with - don't worry I won't be offended by no thanks - but still they will not reply. This can be for a variety of reasons, a few below-

a)they can't read

b) they can't write

c) their fingers are just too muscular to cope with the small keys on their ipad

d) their hands are busy filing their nails

e) their hands are occupied muscleworshipping themselves while they look in a mirror

f) They think its politer than saying no thanks. To any of those who don't suffer from point a) - IT ISN'T ! Just say no thanks you balloon!

Tip 5/

You will find you receive accidental challenges and accidentally be made someones favourite, big sticky fingers syndrome, do not be irritated by this, POUNCE! They might feel so embarrassed they agree to a meet anyway.

More top tips to follow.

My first best seller is now on its second reprint so I am hoping to get my readership into double figures, spread the word!

Last edited on 6/21/2013 1:14 AM by hugefan



Guysmiley (41 )

6/21/2013 5:18 PM

My dear huge ... you really should get that throat looked at. You have a terrible cough that keeps cropping up in your writing. (AHEM)!!!!!


Mark uk (291)

6/22/2013 11:27 AM

Hugefun, An awesome set of tips for anyone coming on the site and maybe a few that are on here already, especially tip 4. Lol

Like most guys on here I and on it to wrestle. I don't care about experience or age as can usually adapt to anyone. All i ever ask is that guys be polite on these sites and respect people. No thanks and sorry but not my type of match just took me 10secs to type.

Looking forward to further updates and our match this summer.



Chris55 (2 )

6/24/2013 10:48 PM

Useful information put in an entertaining way.
