Two recent events have brought home a truth.
I live a fairly busy life and juggle a fair few responsibilities- so sometimes have to not attend meets or delay meeting people.

But I tell myself- there'll be another time. If I can't do this week, there'll be another time.

Sadly a wrestler has recently passed, and I never got the rematch. I didn't get up to the group meets last year, but told myself there'll be another time. And now there isn't. The message talking about how much I was looking forward to locking up again will go unread.

Plus not on the same scale of seriousness, there was a wrestler up in Edinburgh who I've been gagging to fight ever since we started talking. Our paths criss crossed a lot. There was a time we could have met, but due to a less than 100% foot, I didn't take it. Because I was sure there'd be another time.

That other time is gone now. They've deleted and we've never had that fight either.

So dont assume you'll have another time. Don't put things off or refuse opportunities because you think they'll arise again.

They might not- and you'll just have regrets.

Last edited on 2/19/2019 7:54 PM by hephaestion2014
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