I hate getting this question. It's like on a date and you get asked, "what's your favourite music?"

My answer will always be all types, and that sounds like a cop out, a noncommittal even though it is true.

Older, younger, big, thin, tall or small. I'll happily wrestle anyone. Blonde hair, no hair, green hair - come at me bro ;)

But I do have a secret dream opponent. The guy who I'd love to be locked in a matroom with. Just him and me. What does this guy look like?

No idea. It's not the physical that would draw me to this opponent. It's nothing at all about how they look, how they speak or anything like that. It'd be about the animosity.

My dream opponent would be someone who hates me as much as I hate them. Mutual dislike and the ability to get under my skin. A guy who when we square up and slug and fight it out will want to hurt me as much as I deserve, as I do them.

It's a bit like school when you were challenged to a fight in the park at home time. And your heart beat a little faster, maybe the odd nervous butterfly in the stomach. The fight wouldn't be for fun or competition. There'd be no referees or tapouts, just you having to hold your own. Releasing that primal part of yourself that you have to keep down.

Of course, this opponent would just be a dream. I may have the odd bit of banter and trash talk but I am too old to get into this type of fight now. I channel it a bit in my sub matches but it is of course held down, I'm not a psycho.

So that is my dream opponent. No Ethan Axel Andrews, no Skip Vance or Big Daddy but a nemesis.

Wow. Reading this back, it makes me sound a little unhinged. I'm really not.
I'm safe and sane, and as probably anyone who I have wrestled with will tell you, not aggressive enough.

Well, until I find that "dream opponent" ; )

Last edited on 11/03/2015 9:41 PM by hephaestion2014
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