So I will be going to my first ever Grapevine meet this Saturday, and I'm a little nervous.

Now why would that be? I have attended many group meets at Barnet and an OWG meet at Pippas before. If I'm honest, I get nervous before each meet. I guess I am not a natural people person, and am aware that if I get shy ill end up being all quiet or stammer and stutter a lot. But that's manageable, ill burn in shame after about my social awkwardness later. That's usual.

So why all these butterflies about grapevine? I guess it goes back to 1999/2000ish and surfing the net back then and coming across references to Grapevine (and SPFWC too ) These seemed like magical perhaps if I was being pretentious, whatdoya mean "if"?, almost holy places. I never made that leap back then and joined. Only read about them, imagined them and thought "what if/if only" ... So perhaps that's it.


I have also been looking at the names of other wrestlers who might be going. These are people whose profiles and recommendations are amazing. Whose reputations as being good wrestlers precede them. I suppose the less brave part of me hopes they'll already be busy with matches and have no time to take me on but have to admit there is also a part of me that hopes I might get the odd match with one or two. I just hope that if that happens I do okay.

I guess that's where the nerves are coming from. Its pressure that I am putting on myself. I guess I am my own worst opponent.

Funnily enough writing this down has kind of alleviated the butterflies a bit.

Even with the nerves, am really looking forward to Saturday

Last edited on 10/01/2015 7:29 AM by hephaestion2014
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