Now I know I am forever carping on here about things but have to write and share about what a good time I had at the OWG meet.

Now, I have to admit I was a bit nervous. And I knew it was silly, as although I had not met many of the guys attending, but knew from chatting with them on here in the past, and from reputationsi too, I knew that they were all sound guys.

But there's always that fear of rejection. You'll turn up at the group meet and no-one will want to wrestle you. A bit like picking teams at school, and you are the last one left. I guess a lot of us have this fear.

occasionally, you'll come across a guy at a group meet who doesn't want to wrestle you. And that's fine. All good. It is their right to choose who they want to take on. Am sure if we were all faced with a guy we didn't want to wrestle, we'd all want the right to say no. But that said, we should all worry about those who say yes, more than say no ... But I guess that isn't human nature.

Well long digression aside, at the OWG meet that didn't happen. Think I wrestled everyone except for the odd one or two where the timing never coincided. And that to me is something that will be righted next time. ( Matworker, you and me wrestle early as poss, especially as I have observed your only weakness ;) )

Everyone was really friendly. Got to wrestle with a wrestling legend, and of course all the other guys who were there, who are wrestling legends too. Enjoyed every single match, and if time and my body had been willing, I'd have wrestled with everyone again and again. Never zonked out on a crash mat before.

Just feel guilty in one match that I had towards the end that I wasn't quite as feisty as I usually am, and fear I wrestled like a rootbeer drinker not even a shandy drinker ;)

I learnt some new tips, and tricks. Some that I have remembered even now, and look forward to get trying them out again. So beware.

Though think I will just stay in a hot bath all of tomorrow. Wrestled, fought more today than I probably had all year :)

Glad I went, met many opponents who id like a round two, three.four and five with ... :)

Last edited on 6/27/2015 11:01 PM by hephaestion2014
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