Alan blinked a couple of times before he fully came to. The room he was in was dark and he could feel something cold around his ankles and wrists. Judging by the fact that he couldn't move, he figured he was restrained. While it was incredibly hard to see, he did make out one figure in the corner of the room.

"Hello?" Alan asked to the shadow in front of him.

"Hey Al!" responded Alex.

"Alex! How the hell did you get here?"

"Same way you did."

"You got to be shitting me! What are they doing to us?"

"Torturing us."


"I know." The door to the room blasted open and Alan closed his eyes as the light clicked on. After about two seconds, he opened them.

"Hello boys!" said Mick as he strolled in cracking his knuckles. "My name is Mick, welcome to my hideout!"

"Suck my balls dickwad!" shouted Alex.

"Oh, funny, very funny!" Mick yelled, thrusting his foot into Alex's balls.


"Hey! Stop it you fucker!" shouted Alan from his corner.

"Oh, don't worry Alan, this kid's had enough. He took a lot of beatings before we found you, but now…now it's your turn." Mick said, licking his lips. "Look at those amazing abs!" He ran his fingers down Allan's stomach. They flexed as they passed each muscled bump.

"What are you going to do to me?" Alan asked.

"Nothing you could ever imagine in your wildest dreams! Now you have two choices. One, I gutpunch you until you pass out, or two, I gutpunch you until you can't take it anymore, but then I must gutpunch him." Mick pointed to Alex, who was still coughing from the ball blow. "Those are your only two options."

"Fuck you, bitch!" Alan barked in a cocky tone.

"So be it, let the beatings begin!" Mick stated as he took fighter's stance. Allan tightened his abs as hard as he could and got ready.


Mick shot three fast punches into Alan's middle abs, but his hard, muscled wall of defense took every single blow.


Alan continued to focus, keeping his abs flexed. As long as he didn't lose focus, he should do fine.


Mick finally stopped punching and stared at Alan. "You're one strong little fellow, aren't ya?" he asked.

"Strong enough to take you, you weak piece of shit!" said Alan.

"Ha! Ha! Looks like we have a jokester in the room… I hate comedians!" Mick yelled. He bent down and shot two hard fists into Alan's balls, a knee into his balls as well, and an elbow into his face. Allan moaned in pain, trying to lean over to cup his balls, but he couldn't.

"Stop it, man! He wants kids later on in life!" yelled Alex.

"You know what, buddy? You're really getting on my nerves!" said Mick, pulling a device out from his pocket. He held it up in the air. "Looks like a little tape recorder, doesn't it? Well, it is, but it is also much, much more. I recorded your voice earlier. And if you say one more word…" Mick taped the device onto Alex's middle gut and taped it there. "This little device will send surges of electric shock into your belly. And let me tell you, that shit stings!" Alex glared at Mick but didn't say anything. "Good boy!" Mick turned back to Allan who was now almost in tears of ball pain. "Now, as for you…!"

"WUUUFFF!" all the air flushed out of Alan's lungs as Mick delivered a hard uppercut into Allan's solar plexus.

"Let's get the game going!" Mick said as he continued to deliver uppercuts like the previous one. Allan's solar plexus beating lasted for a good 11 minutes before Mick stopped. There was drool dripping down Alan's chin, his eyes had tears sprouting from them and he could barely breathe at all.

"Do you wanna stop, Alan? Cause I can always go back to him?" Mick said, pointing in Alex's direction. Alan and Alex had been best friends since middle school and Alan didn't want to see him in as much pain as he was in now. Alan was much stronger than Alex and he figured he could take a lot more. "No? Okay, moving on!" Mick said as he began to throw fast, swift punches into Alan's lower and middle abs. Once one fist left Alan's gut, the next connected with it. It was like a nonstop barricade. This lasted for a good half hour.

"Stop!!!!!" yelled Alex to his friend's demise.

"Oooh, bad idea buddy!" said Mick as Alex arched his head back and screamed in pain. Thousands of electrical impulses were shooting into his stomach at the speed of light. It was unlike anything Alex had ever felt before. After three minutes it finally stopped, and Alex stood there, chained to the wall looking practically dead. Mick pulled the device from Alex's burnt stomach and stared at him. Drool was everywhere. Alex was moaning in a low, grumbling tone. "I warned you!" Mick said turning back to Alan.

"That was round one buddy, the worst is yet to come!" With that, Mick winked at Alan, shoved his fist into his solar plexus and left the two badly tortured boys there to cope with their pain.

To Be Continued…

Last edited on 3/03/2018 8:25 PM by gpme23



Challenge3 (49)

3/04/2018 7:45 PM

Great story, very interesting and believable.


gpme23 (7)

3/06/2018 12:34 AM

(In reply to this)

Thanks man! I am gonna add the third part this weekend.
