gpme23's blog


Jake just turned 18 yesterday. All his friends came out to celebrate, but tonight was going to be much more fun. Tonight was Prom night. They were all going to get ten times more drunk than they did yesterday at Jakes party. The plan was to spend the night in a cabin in the dells at Wisconsin. It was going to be a guys night out. Jake, Matt, and John were the best of

They all met in seventh grade and stuck together since then. Jake, of course, was the smartest, and had the best physique of them all. The only sport he played was swimming, he just loved the joy of working out. He liked to keep his girlfriend happy. His girlfriend was John's sister. John played basketball and ran for track, so he was indeed a lean , mean, muscle machine. Matt was the least built out of all of them, but had the best arms. He needed to keep them in great shape because he was on the wrestling team in school, but school was over. Tonight was prom night and that meant the last day the seniors would have to set foot in their high school.

"You look very nice," said Jake's mom as he walked down the stairs in his tuxedo.

"Thanks mom. Hey Jessie!" Jake said as he turned to Jessica Parker, his
girlfriend. He kissed her on the cheeks and smelled her perfume on her neck. It smelt like lavender flowers in a meadow. He loved it. "You look amazing," he whispered in her ear and kissed her again.

"So, let's get this picture thing over with and get to the dance!" Jessie said as Matt and John walked in, both dressed in tuxes. They all high-fived each other screaming party! Jakes mom just laughed.

"You kids!" she said. They took pictures for a half hour before the limo
came. They all got in. Jake was the only one with a date.

  • * * * * *

The sun was rising as Matt and John walked out of the cabin, sweat dripping down their bare backs. John bent over heaving.

"Gut punching takes a lot out of you!" he said as he coughed for air. "I
threw so many punches that I am so out of breath!"

"Hey! I was the one to break him for the first time! He has some hard as hell abs dude! It took like fifty punches for him to finally start messing up his breathing. Thank god for wrestling!" Matt said as he rubbed his knuckles.

"I can't believe he fell for the stripper idea!" John laughed.

"I know! What an idiot!" Matt said as they hopped into John's 4 by 4.
"I can't wait to see his face when he comes back home!" Matt said as they sped off, leaving an unconscious Jake in the cabin alone.

  • * * * * *

As the limo arrived at the high school Jake got out and opened the car door for Jessie. Matt and John snickered as they got out on the other side. They walked into the school, Jessie holding her dress above her ankles so the cloth wouldn't scrape up against the ground. They opened the door and the line was huge.

"Dude!" shouted Matt. "This sucks! It's just Prom!"

"Just prom?" said Jessie. "Prom Night is something everyone remembers vividly in their mind! They remember every part of the night, and, if they don't drink too much," she threw a glance at her brother John, "They will remember the whole weekend as well. This is our last moment of stepping foot inside this school boys! Just Prom my ass!"

"You tell them Jessie!" Jake said with a smile as he kissed her. Matt and John stuck their finger down their throats and gagged.

"You guys are so immature! Let's go!" said Jessie as she grabbed Jake’s wrist and stepped out of the line and headed for the entranced.

"Cutter!" John yelled as Matt laughed.

"That's only the line for the coat check moron!" yelled Jessie. Matt and
John both looked at each other dumb founded and chased after their friend
and John's sister.

  • * * * *

The dance was amazing. Not only did Jake and Jessie get crowned Prom King and Queen, but Matt got crowned Royal Jester! It was a joke their school did for the runner up king. They danced the night away and when it ended John and Matt got into the limo, followed by Jessie and Jake. They were going to go to John's house to drop off Jessie and pick up John's already packed car. The night was just for the guys. They rented a cabin in Wisconsin that was
going to be the three of theirs all night. No adults, no girls, just them and a…

"STRIPPER!" Jake yelled as Jessie closed the front door.

"Yea! We rented her out for an hour tonight! She's coming around 2 am.
Isn't it cool!" Matt said.

"No! I have a girlfriend! I don't want any part in this!" Jake said in a

"Dude! You're a fucking sap! Boo hoo! How is she gonna find out man? Come on! A STRIPPER!" John said. He could tell that Jake was in a long hard thought because he made that face he always makes whenever he's in a deep thinking mode.

"Fine, but I swear to god if Jessie finds out, the both of you are dead!"

"Yes!" John said as they hopped in his truck. Matt and him hollered as they backed up and sped off to Wisconsin for the night, music blasting away.

The cabin was awesome. They each had their own rooms (as if they would be sleeping), a kitchen, a living room, and a dining room, plus, it was air conditioned. Jake threw his backpack onto the bed. It bounced and then stopped. The sheets looked very comfortable. John walked in.

"The stripper called. She said she's on her way."

"Okay," Jake replied.

"Oh and she wanted us to pick one of us to get a lap dance and we picked


"Dude, you know you want it! It's more than what Jessie gave you, right?"
Now was Jake's time to tell John what had happened between him and John's
sister. He stared in his best friend's eyes. "Right?"

"Right." Jake chickened out. He couldn't tell John.

"Good. She wants you stripped waistline up. No shirt. Same with us. Then
she's gonna slowly take your pants off and UH!" John made a humping motion
and Jake burst into laughter. "See you in five!" John said as he left the
room. Jake began to strip.

  • * * * * *

"You got the rope?" John asked.

"Yea man. Why are we doing this again?" asked Matt.

"Because he fucking had sex with my sister and didn't tell me about it! That punk’s gonna pay! I gave him a chance to fess up just now but he didn't, he lied to my fucking face!" John took off his shirt. He was already tense and began to sweat a little. His abs tightened as he breathed heavily, and his fingers twitched. "Let's teach this fucker a lesson!"

"Alright!" Matt was excited just because he got to beat the crap out of someone with no cops around. He too, slipped off his shirt. It was then when Jake came walking out. There was no stripper.

"Where is she?" Jake asked as John walked towards him.

"You see, she…" But he stopped because Jake let out a loud yelp. All the air rushed out of his body. John's hand was buried in Jake's solar plexus. He did this three more times, each punch driving in deep because Jake was unprepared for the first one. He then slouched over and fell to the floor unconscious.

  • * * * * *

When Jake woke up, his wrists were tied to a pole on the ceiling, and his ankles were bound together. His shirt still remained off and he saw Matt and John sitting in the furniture, talking. Matt noticed Jake was awake.

"Look who woke up John," Matt said as he got up and started rubbing his hands together in excitement. "Let me go first, please!"

"Fine. It'll be cool to let you loosen him up!" John said. He cracked his knuckles and then his neck.

"What the fuck are you guys doing to me?" Jake asked, confused and worried.

"Paying you back!" said John. He looked at Matt and nodded. Matt stepped in front of Jake and threw his first punch into the middle of Jake's stomach. He was prepared this time, and tightened his abs. A rock hard six pack formed and Matt shook his hand after he pulled his fist away.

"Fuck dude, it's like hitting a brick wall!" Matt said rubbing his red knuckles.

"If you can't do it, then I will!" John said.

"No no, I can do it! I'm gonna have fun now!" Mat started driving both fists into Jake's stomach now, one right after the other. It started out as a slow pace, but then grew to faster, more powerful blows. Jake was doing a great job protecting himself, until…

"FUCK! My balls!" Jake yelped as Matt drove his bare fist into his friend's balls. Jake tried to slouch over, but the ropes were holding him up. The pain was unbearable and all John and Matt could do was laugh. Matt took this to his advantage and drove his knee into Jake's solar plexus.
Unprepared because of the pain in his balls, Jake's air escaped him once again, leaving him breathless and in pain. One, Two, Three, Four knees to Jakes solar plexus, each knee driving in deeper. Then, Matt used his fists for ten minutes, throwing non-stop punches into Jake's lower belly, just under the navel. Tears were covering his eyes when John untied the ropes. Jake fell to the floor. Drool was sliding down Jake's chin now as he lay there, face down, on the floor. Why would his friends be doing this?

"You fucked my sister Jake, now I'm fucking you!" John said with a smile. He kicked his best friend in the face and Jake turned onto his back, covering his face with his hands. This stretched his belly out.

The smile on John's face grew wider as he leapt up into the air, and with all his might, landed onto Jake's already winded stomach. The air, once again, rushed out of Jake and vomit raced its way up and out of his mouth. Matt turned Jakes head so he wouldn't choke on his own puke. At least they were being friendly about that. John then raised his left leg and slammed his foot into Jake's solar plexus. Jake wanted to throw up again, but there was nothing left in his stomach to allow him to do this. He just made gurgling noises. Then, John lifted his right foot and slammed it down into Jake's lower abs, stomping his guts into pieces. He continued this motion for twenty minutes. Left, solar plexus, right, guts.

"Stand up!" John shouted. Jake just stared at him. "Stand the fuck up!" he said again as he stepped off of his friends bruised and battered gut. It took Jake ten minutes, but he did as John told him to.

You could tell all Jake wanted to do was to fall back down and curl into a ball. His arms
slouched at his sides, his shoulders hung low. His back arched and his chin was resting on his head. The little air that Jake had in his lungs he used to say. "Go fuck yourself!" and with that, John screamed and threw his best uppercut to anyone’s gut ever. His fist met directly with Jake's solar plexus. A loud "OOMPH!" was sounded as Matt watched Jake's feet leave the floor. Then, Jake fell to the ground unconscious, drool dripping out of his mouth. Matt turned his head to the side again.

"Let's give it up. He's had enough," Matt said.

"When he wakes up, he better find his own ride back home!" John said, They walked out of the cabin. John held his 4 by 4's keys in his right hand. They didn't care about their shirts. They hopped in his truck and drove off home, leaving Jake bruised, unconscious, and craving for revenge. And a revenge he will get. John and Matt just didn't know it now, but they were going to wish that they never laid their hands on Jake. He wanted them dead!

To be Continued...

What are you hoping happens to Jake? More Gutpunching torture? Revenge against Matt and John? Leave a comment below and maybe it will get added to the story!

Last edited on 5/29/2019 11:09 PM by gpme23; 6 comment(s)

The Hostages Part 2

Alan blinked a couple of times before he fully came to. The room he was in was dark and he could feel something cold around his ankles and wrists. Judging by the fact that he couldn't move, he figured he was restrained. While it was incredibly hard to see, he did make out one figure in the corner of the room.

"Hello?" Alan asked to the shadow in front of him.

"Hey Al!" responded Alex.

"Alex! How the hell did you get here?"

"Same way you did."

"You got to be shitting me! What are they doing to us?"

"Torturing us."


"I know." The door to the room blasted open and Alan closed his eyes as the light clicked on. After about two seconds, he opened them.

"Hello boys!" said Mick as he strolled in cracking his knuckles. "My name is Mick, welcome to my hideout!"

"Suck my balls dickwad!" shouted Alex.

"Oh, funny, very funny!" Mick yelled, thrusting his foot into Alex's balls.


"Hey! Stop it you fucker!" shouted Alan from his corner.

"Oh, don't worry Alan, this kid's had enough. He took a lot of beatings before we found you, but now…now it's your turn." Mick said, licking his lips. "Look at those amazing abs!" He ran his fingers down Allan's stomach. They flexed as they passed each muscled bump.

"What are you going to do to me?" Alan asked.

"Nothing you could ever imagine in your wildest dreams! Now you have two choices. One, I gutpunch you until you pass out, or two, I gutpunch you until you can't take it anymore, but then I must gutpunch him." Mick pointed to Alex, who was still coughing from the ball blow. "Those are your only two options."

"Fuck you, bitch!" Alan barked in a cocky tone.

"So be it, let the beatings begin!" Mick stated as he took fighter's stance. Allan tightened his abs as hard as he could and got ready.


Mick shot three fast punches into Alan's middle abs, but his hard, muscled wall of defense took every single blow.


Alan continued to focus, keeping his abs flexed. As long as he didn't lose focus, he should do fine.


Mick finally stopped punching and stared at Alan. "You're one strong little fellow, aren't ya?" he asked.

"Strong enough to take you, you weak piece of shit!" said Alan.

"Ha! Ha! Looks like we have a jokester in the room… I hate comedians!" Mick yelled. He bent down and shot two hard fists into Alan's balls, a knee into his balls as well, and an elbow into his face. Allan moaned in pain, trying to lean over to cup his balls, but he couldn't.

"Stop it, man! He wants kids later on in life!" yelled Alex.

"You know what, buddy? You're really getting on my nerves!" said Mick, pulling a device out from his pocket. He held it up in the air. "Looks like a little tape recorder, doesn't it? Well, it is, but it is also much, much more. I recorded your voice earlier. And if you say one more word…" Mick taped the device onto Alex's middle gut and taped it there. "This little device will send surges of electric shock into your belly. And let me tell you, that shit stings!" Alex glared at Mick but didn't say anything. "Good boy!" Mick turned back to Allan who was now almost in tears of ball pain. "Now, as for you…!"

"WUUUFFF!" all the air flushed out of Alan's lungs as Mick delivered a hard uppercut into Allan's solar plexus.

"Let's get the game going!" Mick said as he continued to deliver uppercuts like the previous one. Allan's solar plexus beating lasted for a good 11 minutes before Mick stopped. There was drool dripping down Alan's chin, his eyes had tears sprouting from them and he could barely breathe at all.

"Do you wanna stop, Alan? Cause I can always go back to him?" Mick said, pointing in Alex's direction. Alan and Alex had been best friends since middle school and Alan didn't want to see him in as much pain as he was in now. Alan was much stronger than Alex and he figured he could take a lot more. "No? Okay, moving on!" Mick said as he began to throw fast, swift punches into Alan's lower and middle abs. Once one fist left Alan's gut, the next connected with it. It was like a nonstop barricade. This lasted for a good half hour.

"Stop!!!!!" yelled Alex to his friend's demise.

"Oooh, bad idea buddy!" said Mick as Alex arched his head back and screamed in pain. Thousands of electrical impulses were shooting into his stomach at the speed of light. It was unlike anything Alex had ever felt before. After three minutes it finally stopped, and Alex stood there, chained to the wall looking practically dead. Mick pulled the device from Alex's burnt stomach and stared at him. Drool was everywhere. Alex was moaning in a low, grumbling tone. "I warned you!" Mick said turning back to Alan.

"That was round one buddy, the worst is yet to come!" With that, Mick winked at Alan, shoved his fist into his solar plexus and left the two badly tortured boys there to cope with their pain.

To Be Continued…

Last edited on 3/03/2018 8:25 PM by gpme23; 2 comment(s)

The Hostages Part One

Music blasted in Alex's headphones as he took off in a run down the hiking trail behind his house. He always did this first thing in the morning. Alex and his best friend Alan were the stars of their college's Cross Country Running team and, in order to keep their scholarships, they had to keep their bodies tight and in shape. While Alan was more defined and cut than he was, Alex held his own. Alex was shirtless, wearing only jogging pants and his favorite running shoes as the crisp summer sun warmed his skin. The music played as sweat began to trickle down his back. Finally, he came to a bench where he sat down for a break. He hated not "working out" when he was supposed to be training and he really wanted to get more toned to keep up with his friend, so, instead of resting, he hung his legs off the end of the bench and began doing leg lifts. His abdominal muscles flexed beautifully with every pull of his legs. Mick, a tough-looking, hard faced man walked up to Alex from the opposite end of the bench and stared down at him. His tank top clinged to him and his face was focused and stern.

"You got a problem guy?" Alex asked, as he continued his workout staring at the creepy bystander.

"Actually, I do," said Mick, as he flexed his bicep and shoved a fist down onto Alex's hard abs.

"UGH!" Alex groaned, not expecting the onslaught. He quickly rolled off the bench and leapt to his feet. Waiting no time, Mick swung at Alex's face, but Alex ducked and sent a powerful uppercut into Mick's solar plexus.

"OOMPH!" Mick yelled as Alex's fist connected with his stomach. Mick wobbled and he's knees gave out.

"Uh-Uh! You had a problem with me, now I have a problem with you!" yelled Alex, throwing two more hard, fast punches into Mick's middle gut, right above the navel. Mick shot his head up in pain and squeezed his eyes shut, but didn't make a sound.

"Oh, so you want more, huh? I can definitely give you more!" Alex said, licking his lips. Alex shoved Mix's chest and slammed his back into a nearby tree. He then assaulted began pushing punch after punch into Mick's lower and middle abs. Mick's mouth hung open, and drool dripped out, but no sound came out, which puzzled Alex. Usually, guys would be moaning by now, he knew he would. He stopped.

"What's wrong with you guy?" Alex asked, holding Mick up.

"Nothing…" Mick groaned. "I can take your pathetic punches!"

"So, you can take my punches, but can you take my knees?" Alex asked as he grabbed Mick's shoulders and drove three knees into Mick's lower gut. Drool poured from Mick's mouth as he dropped to the ground. He was in trouble. Mick breathed heavy, sucking in as much air as he could. Mick was a tough guy and, although he could barely breath, he still got up and socked Alex in the jaw. It was the hardest punch Alex ever took. He went down onto his back, the grassy dirt scrapping against his bare skin.

Mick kneeled beside Alex, cupped his hands together over his head and drove his doubled fists down hard into Alex's middle abs. Alex's body jackknifed and pain swelled inside him. He wanted to die right there, after one punch. Mick did it again, and again, five more times. Alex was moaning loudly on the ground, barely awake.

"Let's go!" Mick said, hoisting Alex over his shoulder. The pressure from Mick's shoulder into Alex's stomach made him drool all the way to wherever Mick was taking him. He wished he could faint, but he found himself getting hard in his shorts, his body wanting more.

After what felt like an hour, they entered a warehouse and Mick chained Alec to a wall, stretching his arms and legs out to his sides. Alex was confined now, barely able to move. His head rested on his chest, his lips chapped and his face pale. All he wanted to do was go for a morning run but was instead treated to a workout session from hell. Both men were drenched in sweat, so much so that, after chaining Alex up, Mick removed his tank top. For the first time, Alex finally saw how built his attacker was… no wonder why he was able to take so many of his punches!

"Where is he?" asked Mick, as he slammed a deep uppercut into Alex's solar plexus. Alex's cheeks puffed out and he moaned.

"Who?" Alex asked through the pain.

"Your star athlete, your best friend…" Mick got real close to Alex's face. "Alan." Alex looked up at him. What would he want with Alan?

"I don't know a -" but Alex was interrupted by three shots to his navel, each one making him moan out in agony. Mick pulled his fast back in rage.

"Don't fucking lie to me! We have been watching you! If you don't tell me where he is, then I will knock your pathetic ass out just to wake you up and go through this all over again!" Alex stared at him and, before he could talk, his phone rang out from inside his pocket. Mick pulled the iPhone out and looked at the caller ID. It read "Allan 18587 Tinbuck St." He smiled at Alex who had moaned in sorrow, knowing he just condemned his best friend to the same punishment he has been put through, if not worse.

"Thank you Alex!" said Mick as he gave Alex a nice blow to the lower abs and then walked out, listening to him moan deeply.

Meiko and Max were the two goons Mick decided to send to capture Alan and bring him to the warehouse for some thorough gut punishment. Allan was a lot stronger than they were, but Mick had no doubt that they could take Allan together. They pulled up to his house and knocked on the door. When Allan answered it, Meiko and Max almost dropped their jaws in amazement. Allan was one very good-looking dude and he must have been getting ready for bed because all he had on was a pair of briefs.

"Can I help you?" Alan asked.

"Uh yes, we're lost, can you point us in the right direction?" asked Max as Allan stepped out of his house and onto his porch.

"Well, where did you want to go?" asked Allan.

"How about," Meiko began, but stopped speaking and slugged Alan. He punched Alan in the side of his face instead. Meiko followed the blow up with a hard shot to his abs, but with Allan being as built as he was, he simply flexed his amazing stomach and took each punch with ease. Then Max came at him with his fist high. Alan swung his fist and socked Max in the Jaw as Meiko kept on punching him in the stomach. Meiko looked up at him in amazement.

"Are you done yet?" Alan asked. Meiko gulped as Allan gave Meiko a taste of his own medicine. Alan swung a powerful uppercut into Meiko's solar plexus, knocking all the wind out of him. Meiko fell to the ground and Alan turned to Max. Max was holding his jaw and he was bent over, yelping in pain.

"Hey! Why are you guys here?" Alan asked and Max as he gripped the goons' throat. He got only silence in return as Max clawed at Alan's wrists. "Wrong answer!" Allan drove his fist deep into Max's lower guts and Max cried in pain. "Let's try it again. Why are you here?"

"We were sent!" shouted Max through his chokes. Alan gripped him harder, his muscles bulging.

"Sent by who?" Alan still had his arm extended for another punch. Again, Max didn't answer. Alan drove three amazing uppercuts into Max's solar plexus. Max let out loud "OOOMPH'S!" with each one.

"Who sent you!?" Allan asked again.

"Mick! It was Mick! He wants to gutpunch you and your friend!" cried Max in horrible pain.

"Who the fuck is Mick? And what firend?" Alan thought to himself as Meiko began to creep up behind him.

"Hiya!" Meiko shouted as he thrusted his foot up into Alan's balls. Alan's eyes widened with pain and he fell to the cement, cupping his dick with his hands.

"You okay?" Meiko asked Max as he massaged his friends stomach.

"Yea, I'm fine, just get him so we can go!" replied Max as he gulped for air. Meiko nodded and turned to Alan. He was still cupping his balls on the ground. Meiko pulled Allan's arms apart, and flattened him onto his back. He sat on his chest and pinned Alan's arms behind his knees. Meiko then began slamming blow after blow down into Alan's upper abs and, though he was flexing, his dick pain was too much and his abs broke in the matter of minutes. Soon, Meiko's fists were disappearing into Alan's abs with ease.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOO!" moaned Allan with each blow to his pretty-boy abs. "Stop!" Alan begged, but Meiko continued to beat him. "OOOOO!" Alan's moans increased and then, his moans turned into agony as Max sat on his legs and began destroying his lower abs. He was getting badly beaten in two places of his stomach at once!

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He shouted as drool dripped from his mouth from the gut punching and pain in his chest. Finally, Meiko punched Alan deep in the solar plexus and Alan passed out.

To be continued….

Last edited on 2/25/2018 8:07 PM by gpme23; 0 comment(s)