edscissors's blog

Dear All,

I've been BLOCKED twice and I simply don't understand why.

One blocker (I won't give his name) has apparently retired from our site.

The second guy was someone I contacted this last week (in the TWIN CITIES) as I'll be visiting in October and all seemed to be going well ... but the next thing I knew he had BLOCKED me. Unfortunately we have NO right of reply!

If you know me, I hope you'll agree that I'm polite, sane, reliable. So on what possible evidence did he suddenly decide that I'm dangerous, a threat, needing to be BLOCKED? He only needed to send me a message: "Sorry but no thanks". I'd then have replied: "I quite understand - but many thanks for your prompt, polite reply, which I appreciate."

WHAT ON EARTH can I have done to offend someone who, after all, had actually suggested that he'd like to meet me in Minneapolis?

Last edited on 8/26/2015 11:42 PM by edscissors; 4 comment(s)

... but I wish they were a bit easier to find!

The USA seems to be a place where wrestling is fine. Maybe Germany too. Why does it seem so far away from the UK psyche to want a nice playfight, maybe taking us back to our own childhood? For me, I want no full sexual content but headscissors are, of course, among the more intimate, intense holds and maybe my desire to be put in them is off-putting to potential playfighters?

The two people with whom I have so far dared to arrange meetings have been superb: personable, entirely understanding. I was probably so busy not believing my luck at being with them that I am not sure I was able to appreciate their headscissors fully! But many thanks to BOTH of these great, experienced guys for agreeing to meet me.

The message is, we have a great site and, within reason, most of us will probably find our heart's desire.

Thanks, Meetfighters!


Last edited on 7/14/2015 9:01 PM by edscissors; 0 comment(s)

Scroll down to the bottom of this BLOG entry and you'll enjoy a couple of photos, from sites many of us know well. Do you like headscissoring?

Here at MF I am learning that there are many other guys who, like me, want to BE head-scissored; there are also guys at MF who love to scissor, to head-scissor. The match-up is the problem!

Sometimes, I find someone on our site who WANTS TO HEADSCISSOR ... you - us - ME. (I'd send an e-mail but he's 65 ... and I only really want to be head-scissored by a demi-god aged about 20.)

It should be a simple matter to match us all up but, in the meantime, what a wonderful site we have.

I'm an older guy, a bit fat, recently retired, living in the SE of the UK. Is there, somewhere, even in Europe, a smooth boy 18+ (of course!) who just LOVES head-scissoring? That's who I need to find ... please!


Last edited on 2/23/2015 7:03 PM by edscissors; 0 comment(s)

I want to be head-scissored, please - by a young guy (nothing illegal, of course).

SO many of us seem to be "into" head-scissors. Is there any way of showing who wants what? I asked this question a while ago and, quite sensibly, I got the answer "just ask".

Might it be worth setting up two separate groups?

(a) I love to be headscissored
(b) I love to headscissor


Last edited on 12/14/2014 6:38 PM by edscissors; 0 comment(s)

I'm getting on for 60 ... really want to find some young chaps who might consider head-scissoring me.

I wrote rather a tetchy e-mail to one guy as he hadn't replied to my e-mail ... and got told off. I think he was probably right: we have NO right to expect/require responses from those we contact.

But a feature our site seems to be that we are all so friendly and accessible.

I can only say that I shall ALWAYS respond, personally, to e-mails from our site.


Last edited on 10/11/2014 7:30 PM by EDscissors; 0 comment(s)