edscissors's blog

I am so lucky: I can afford to spend a long, long weekend, Wednesday to Monday, in New York during WrestleFest 2017. I've never attended such an event before and am looking forward to it - nervously! But the organiser has made contact: it all sounds really friendly. In the past, I've booked hotels in New York and found them all formidably expensive. The suggested hotel for WrestleFest is central and affordable.

I've begun to set up some meetings - people officially registered on the WrestleFest database and some others, regular New York wrestlers.

Disappointing that one or two officially registered people have not responded at all. Somehow, I imagined that the level of politeness between WrestleFest participants might be pretty high?

Thanks so much to the organiser. Thanks so much to the interesting, generous people I shall be meeting in New York - for some scissors sessions. Can't wait to meet you!

And, once again, thanks so much, Meetfighters, for existing. Some of you will remember postcards which just said, "Thanks for Being". A bit 1970s maybe but HOORAY for Meetfighters: MF - thanks for being!

I'm going to have a wonderful time in New York, meeting new friends, enjoying some scissors maybe ... going to the theatre ...

In case anyone's interested, I'll probably write again when I return from New York.

Last edited on 1/27/2017 3:07 AM by edscissors; 6 comment(s)

I've had the great privilege of meeting one or two really famous/notorious/popular members on this site. I may or may not have offered expenses/paid a fee.

Someone I met today (not currently on this site) told me he was overwhelmed by 1000+ messages when he first signed on.

Another European friend (still here) tells me that he had 400+ messages when he arrived to work in London. Apparently we ALL wanted to try his headscissors!

If we are a bit disappointed not to receive an instant response, maybe this is why. We just hadn't imagined that we'd be one approach among hundreds.

So I salute certain members for, somehow, managing to keep your heads above water and making us lesser mortals (half a dozen messages a day - IF we're lucky!) feel valued by your responses.

Sorry to have taken so much of your time.

Last edited on 12/10/2016 10:16 PM by edscissors; 0 comment(s)

I've recently tried to set up a nice gentle wrestle or two, using the Match Request facility.

Response from really young guy: let me have a photo so I know who I'm meeting. (Damn - I had to postpone this one because of the Southern Rail strikes this coming week).

Three-word response from a much, much older guy when he'd just clicked "challenge" and I'd written back politely saying I'd want to know more about him ... "Fuck off then".

Thank goodness us older guys have some decent standards, some manners! We could teach the younger generation a thing or two!

Last edited on 12/05/2016 3:23 AM by edscissors; 2 comment(s)

As a fighter you'll want your perfect MF member, of course, to be strong (or a bit of a weed), tall (or on the short side). Aggressive/passive ... Expert/beginner ... Young/old ... Sexy/no thanks ...

As a MeetFighters member however your perfect potential opponent will be, of course,

Open ... Tolerant ... Encouraging ... Polite (always responds to messages however briefly) ... Forgiving ... Appreciative ... Good fun ... Reliable ... Honest ... Realistic ...

More to add? Do respond!


Last edited on 11/30/2016 10:32 PM by edscissors; 2 comment(s)

A couple of times in my blog entries (which, amazingly, do seem to be read!) I griped. Once - when I was completely and dishonestly scammed by someone who deleted his profile then popped up again almost immediately under a different name and, it seems, may be continuing along the same road. Another time, about "ageism" - perennial complaint, I know.

I thought, therefore, that I would write about some of the things I love about this site.

1) Most members are so polite, friendly, tolerant, encouraging of each other. Maybe we won't ever meet but to exchange a few messages is often good fun and affirming: there seem to be plenty of people here who love a good chat and making contact with them is civilised and civilising.

2) In recent weeks I seem to have had the pleasure of several excellent meetings despite my perhaps rather unpromising starting points (my age ... and ... see my profile for the rest of the story). It's a tad disappointing when people one contacts don't even send a message to say "no interest" but, well, the positive responses and the people who DO take the trouble to decline politely restore one's faith in basic good manners. Mind you, one guy I met last week, whom EVERYONE wants to meet, told me that he had had up to 170+ messages in his inbox so maybe the non-replies begin to make sense.

3) I've made several really good friends here - whom I have yet to meet in person. We just seemed to hit it off and we have exchanged masses of e-mails ... books of them! Special thanks to my good friends in Canada and Margate. (Update at end of September: and Norway!)

4) And then there are the great guys who have had the generosity of spirit to give me the time of day and actually meet up. Nice guys, each and every one of them. Thank you: there hasn't been a single meeting I've not enjoyed.Or, to put it the other way round, I've enjoyed meeting all of you! It continues to be a lot of fun.

5) Now, at the end of this week, I'm off to the USA for a holiday and have already made several arrangements to meet people along the way. My past opponent count is about to go up considerably, I hope. Hooray for MeetFighters.

Last edited on 10/01/2016 4:51 PM by edscissors; 4 comment(s)