canwrestle's blog

You Win Some You Lose Some: A Charlie Solo Story

You Win Some You Lose Some A Charlie Solo Story

It sucked losing, even when it was my job. What made it worse was throwing the match to a guy I’d had to save twice. Flubbing a move was one thing but this gorilla was also dangerous, whether he was unskilled or careless I wasn’t sure but based on his backstage arrogance I guessed a hazardous combination of both. In the final sequence he’d come off the top rope with an elbow smash but hadn’t taken his own weight on the landing. Instead he’d dropped down hard across my chest and it hurt like hell… thankfully it wasn’t my ribs or I might be nursing a facture. We were scheduled to repeat the match in a few days, if it happened again he’d end up on the wrong side of a shoot. I might be the new guy here but a Lancaster Larry style hook would teach him not to take me for granted. My frustration was peaking, it was six months I’d been wrestling here and the promoter didn’t seem to know what to do with me… except use me as a jobber for the big guys. I was seriously begining to regret leaving Max and the CWA, something had to change I thought to myself as I made my way up the aisle to the dressing room.

“HEY ANDERSON!” I heard over the crowd reacting to the winning wrestler still celebrating in the ring. At first the name didn’t register but then I heard it again and I realized they were talking to me. “Dam” I muttered to myself, it was bound to happen though. Anderson was the name I’d used when I made the erotic wrestling video a couple of years back. It was a British website, not very popular in the states, but I was now wrestling in England so it was only a matter of time before it surfaced. I wasn’t ashamed but I was concerned that someone might use it to make trouble for me in this new promotion. Should have listened to my Dad I mused deciding to ignore whoever it was and keep moving up the aisle.

“CHARLIE !!” The same voice yelled again and this time I couldn’t help glancing over. The man standing behind the metal barricade smiling broadly was James, the guy I’d made the video with. He hadn’t changed much, still scruffy and handsome with a boyish face and the naturally muscular thick build of a laborer. I smiled back and headed over.

“James!” I greeted him, “holy shit I can’t believe it?” I’d taken down my profile on the meet up site after turning pro and hadn’t spoken to him in years.

“Nice match… hope he sends you a thank you card for covering his ass.” He winked.

“You caught that?” I laughed, “well it’s all about putting on a good show right… I think you might have told me that a few years back.”

“Are you finished?” he asked, “Can I buy you a drink so we can catch up?”

“Sure, I’d like that. Give me fifteen to get cleaned up and I’ll meet you at the back door of the arena.”

“Deal.” He smiled and my cock stirred inside my trunks. I wondered if a drink might lead to a rematch.

A short while later we were sitting together with a couple of pints in a pub not far from the venue. He referred to it as his local and was greeted warmly by the staff when we arrived.
“How’s Simon.” I asked after a long draught of my stout. James looked down for a second before answering.

“He passed away a year ago” he said solemnly.

“Oh James, I’m sorry.”

“Thanks… it’s been rough, it was cancer. He got the diagnosis just after we got back from the states. He fought it; we did treatment after treatment with some success but eventually it got the better of him, well the better of both of us really. I might not have had the cancer but caring for him, especially at the end really knocked me out. I stopped wrestling, shut the website down …and when he finally passed, I turned into a hermit. Tonight is actually the first time I’ve been out of the house in a very long time. Simon was always my biggest fan and supporter, he wouldn’t want me acting like that so I’m fighting again, getting back in the game for his sake. I saw a promo for the show on the internet and I had to come see you.”

I didn’t know what to say, I remembered the kind, proper, very handsome man who’d been behind the camera for our shoot and given me rum and coke to sooth my nerves. I didn’t know him well but I was sad he was gone and heartbroken for James who was so clearly devastated by his loss.

“Well I’m glad you did.” I smiled at him and raised my beer, “To Simon and to keeping up the fight.” I said. James blushed, I could see he was holding back tears as he raised his own glass and we saluted his husband.

“Enough of that sad stuff… how about you? The career has really taken off I see.” He roughly wiped at his eyes with the back of his big hands.

“Yeah well it’s a bit of a shock starting over again… I’d established a pretty good name with Elite and then the CWA back home so being a jobber again has been a bitter pill to swallow… tonight for instance. I keep telling myself it’ll come, to keep working hard and they’ll start using me as more than a training dummy but I’m starting to lose hope.”

“DON’T,” he admonished, “I followed you on the internet and your technical style will have a big appeal to the fans over here, after all this is the birth place of World of Sport. You just gotta get the promoter to let you show it off more… no more matches with the big gorillas who can’t wrestle.”

“I need you as my manager.” I laughed.

“I’d rather be your next opponent.” He shot back, a definite twinkle in his eye.

“Oh yeah?” I smirked back at him, “You sure about that? If I remember correctly I came pretty close to beating you before and I’m not eighteen any longer.”

“I was holding back, taking it easy on the new kid.”

“Ah I see… well take your best shot bud.” It seemed that James had the same idea about a rematch as I did.

We finished our beers while exchanging some more good natured trash talk. When we stood up to leave I was sporting a pretty sizable tent in my jeans and my body was tingling with the anticipation of some real wrestling action. The pro stuff was fun but I hadn’t had a good rough erotic submission fight since I’d come to England. I remembered James as a strong opponent, skilled and feisty and tangling with him was just what I needed to take the bitter taste of having to loose in the ring out of my mouth.

We walked a couple blocks to his house and continued the build up to the match with more talk and by the time we’d reached his door we were both fired up and ready. Once inside I wasted no time, I grabbed the lapels of his green nylon boomer jacket and shoved him against the wall of his foyer. He was a few inches shorter then me and I lifted him up off the floor enough that his toes were just touching and his face was dead even with mine.

“This is going to end very differently pal.” I growled, my lips were close enough to brush against his as I spoke. I held him pinned, smirking, enjoying his wide eyed look of surprise at my aggression. Slowly I put my mouth on his and took his bottom lip between my teeth, nipping lightly then my tongue moved inside. He kissed me back, his hands were on my biceps and he cupped the hard muscle beneath my hoodie. We both moaned with pleasure and the kissing increased in ferocity. I was hard as a rock by this point and so the pain of his knee connecting with my groan was intensified and I howled and dropped him to the ground.

“Ah you fucker.” I grunted holding my crotch.

“What’s the matter pretty boy? Can’t take it?” He gloated grabbing a handful of my hair and pulling me down the hall. I caught a glimpse of a tastefully decorated living and dining room but we continued past them to another room that seemed somehow familiar. He let go and moved a safe distance away from me, the pain in my groin had subsided enough I was able to stand and I realized I recognized the space as the setting of a number of the videos that used to be posted on his website. It was bare except for some weights, a heavy bag lying on its side in a corner and a beat up, well-worn wrestling mat that covered the floor from wall to wall. I looked over at him, he was removing his jacket and he smiled at me.

“I just reset the room the other day… glad I did.” He smirked. I smiled back and unzipped my hoodie tossing it into a corner then kicked off my sneakers. He took his t-shirt off next and I eyed his body appreciatively. It looked like he’d gained a little weight, he had a full belly but his chest, arms and shoulders still looked strongly muscled and with his hairy chest and tattoos I was reminded again how much I liked his bearish natural physique. I undid the buttons of my shirt and let it fall. We were certainly a contrast. Working out and maintaining a toned pumped build was part of my job and I was certainly more cut then him… but I knew from experience that didn’t mean much when it came right down to real wrestling. In just our jeans and socks we crossed the mats to meet up. Similar to the start of our previous match we started with a stare down, chest to chest and eye to eye we glared at each other. This time he leaned forward and initiated more kissing. I was so ready for this I was practically cumming already. I pulled away and shoved him hard enough that he fell to his ass. He gave me another look of shock but quickly stood and moved in to shove me; it was my turn to be shocked that even though I was prepared for it he was strong enough to force me to take a step back. The pushing carried on for a few minutes then I launched myself forward wrapping him up in a rough headlock and taking him down to the mats with vigor.

The grappling was fast and furious right from the start. I kept James’s face jammed in my armpit as I ground the headlock in tightly. He bucked and twisted, trying to pry my arms apart but I held on and rolled with his frantic movements. I got a leg over so I was pinning him on his back now, I felt his knee move up and attempt another nut shot but I turned my hips so all he got was my thigh then I retaliated with a knee to his groin that made him howl in pain. I was just as capable of getting dirty as he was, maybe more since I was looking for some redemption from my loss in the ring and my loss to him during the video shoot.

The low blow had taken some of the wind out of his sails and from my position on top I was able to continue to choke him with my biceps. Bare chest to bare chest I had good control while I ground my jeans covered crotch into him. He punched at my sides trying to get me off and I took the brunt of the hits for a while, wincing at their viciousness but holding on to my choke until I decided I’d weakened him enough to move to another submission. I moved my lower body up to sit on his chest, then released my headlock and captured his wrists pinning them to the mat. As I expected he jackknifed his legs up and I timed it just right, transferring my hold on his arms to his legs then leaned forward folding him up with his toes over his head. This new position brought my crotch right onto his face and once more I was pushing it into him. With surprising flexibility for his thicker physique he twisted onto one shoulder, took his weight on his feet and flipped out between his own legs. Before I had time to react he’d launched himself onto my back and we were scrambling across the mat for control. He caught me in a bearhug, his strong arms were squeezing my ribs painfully but our tight skin on skin position was also pure pleasure. I pushed up on his chin with one elbow and brought my other arm down hard across his furry chest. Another scramble and we flipped and twisted on top of each other. I got hold of one wrist and forced it up behind his back, he responded by wrapping his thick thighs around my waist in a body scissor.

“Ah fuck!” I moaned feeling the pressure on my already sore ribs. I pulled up sharply on the hammerlock.

“SHIT!” He hissed at the increased strain on his shoulder.

The stalemate continued, both of us unwilling to ease up or submit. We each demanded that the other give but neither of us had a good enough position to make that happen. As his quads got tired I felt a slight release in his scissor so I let go of his wrist, sat up and pulled his knees apart twisting and rolling away losing sight of him for a second. I quickly got to my feet and located him, he’d done the same. We stared at each other across the mat, both our chest heaving with the intensity of the wrestling and a light sheen of sweat coving our bare upper bodies. I moved first undoing the fly of my jeans and shucking them off. He followed suit. He had briefs on, old style tighty-whities, I had black square cut boxer briefs and both of us were sporting significant bulges in the front. Taking a moment to enjoy the view we grinned at each other before moving together and locking up collar and elbow.

We pummeled and pushed testing strength. He stepped back and pulled me forward forcing me off balance and taking me over. He threw his weight onto my back and got an arm around my chin; I grabbed behind his hips and lifted up so his feet were above his head. I tilted over backwards coming down hard across his chest and he crashed to the mats; then I got my own arm around his chin. He rolled and got top position but I scrambled to my knees and it was a battle of headlocks as we ground into one another brutally. I loved it and so did he, a good rough fight with a sexy man, neither holding back, wanting to win was the best thing in the world. With a roar I forced him over, broke free from his armpit and climbed on top. I used my forearm under his chin to hold him down and brought my knee onto his belly. I let fly with a few hard punches to his pec’s and he yelped and grunted then I reached down and slapped his crotch a few times getting more screams.

“You like that?” I bellowed.

“Fuck you.” He moaned trying to get me off, yelling and swearing with each slap of his hefty ball sack.

A few more nut shots and I dropped my knee over school boy pinning him. I grapevine his legs hooking my feet around his calves and then split him wide. He reached to lock up my head but I got his wrist and forced it down to the mat. I threaded my other arm under, grabbed my own forearm then twisted his elbow into an excruciating shoulder lock and he cursed and bawled at the painful submission.

“Give it up!” I demanded.

“No, never.” He cried.

“SUBMIT!!” I repeated twisting the arm further.

“OKAY I GIVE I GIVE!!” he shrieked tapping the mat with his free hand.

I let go and got to my feet, I was really sweating now, beads were dripping off my nose and my hair was damp with it. He stayed on his back massaging his shoulder and muttering to himself. I sat down on his chest, my knees on either side of his head and my crotch resting on his chin. I flexed my biceps and celebrated. He grumbled but was smiling at the same time.

“How’s that tough guy… not a boy anymore am I?” I crowed while giving him a posing show. He reached his hands up and ran them along my abs till he was cupping my pecs. I tightened for him and he punched the hard muscle. I grabbed his hands, lay down across his body and pinned his arms above his head. I started kissing him roughly and grinding my cock into his. He struggled but was kissing me back just as aggressively. His mouth tasted sweetly of the beer we’d just had and the hard thrusting of our dicks was bringing me closer and closer to climax. I was in heaven.

He bumped up with his hips and rolled me over so he was on top then the kissing and frottage increased until once more we were wrestling. A quick succession of moves followed as we traded top position multiple times till we were both once again breathing heavy and the mats under us were shiny with our sweat. He got on top and pinned me, then punched my chest; I retaliated by driving my knuckles into his soft hairy belly. It may not have rippled with abs but it was by no means weak and even though he grunted and swore with each hit he didn’t weaken.

“Come on!” He called flexing his biceps over me, “Is that the best you got?”

I hit him a few more times than reached up and pulled him over and we were back to grappling. It was a close fight, our bodies tightly pressed together. I nearly made him submit again with single arm choke that had him turning purple and wheezing but when I called for him to give he stealthy slipped his hand under the waistband of my trunks and took hold of my cock. I screamed out as he twisted, dropped the hold and reached to pull his hand away. He slipped in behind me and with his free arm he locked in a choke. His feet hooked around my legs and then his tantalizing grip on my junk changed; instead of crushing he was stroking my cock. I moaned pitifully as I went weak and he tightened his headlock. I felt the load I’d been building intensify, a few more strokes and I’d be done.

“I give.. fuck, I give.” I managed to croak out.

“What’s that boy?… LOUDER!” He sneered pumping my dick harder.

“FUCK I GIVE I GIVE!!!” I whimpered pulling on his forearm trying to get some space between my neck and his thick bicep.

I felt him release me and I roughly pulled away falling over onto my back. My boxer briefs were pulled below my balls and my cock was standing straight up from my groin like a fence post, wet and glistening. He stood and placed a foot on my chest posing over me in victory, his white briefs were so soaked they were see through and his fat dick was just as hard. I lay there, recovering some strength and appreciating the sight of his heavy wide legs and his workman like body flexing over me. He finished his celebration then bent down and pulled my boxers completely off. Holding them in his hands he moved to sit on my chest and I knew what was coming as he prepared to wrap them around my neck and choke me with my own underwear. It was even, one submission each, but I wasn’t about to let him get another one, I wanted to win. I brought my knee up and hit his crotch as he sat and he howled and rolled off me. I quickly took hold of his briefs and yanked them off, then stood up and took him by the ears pulling him to standing. I lifted him in a firemans carry holding him momentarily across my chest, he was heavy but adrenaline was pumping madly through my body and I dropped to one knee draping him across the other one making him wail some more at the impact on his back. I stood back up and repeated the move.

“AH SHIT!!” he was yelling as I dropped him into the backbreaker multiple times. Leaving him in position I pushed on his chin and took his cock in my hand bending him into a u shape. He was begging and crying but wouldn’t give up. I kept up the punishment taking a page from his play book and began to stroke his cock but he still refused to tap. I pushed him off and he hit the mat like a ragdoll, his hand on his back writhing and squirming in a pool of sweat. There was little resistance as I sat in front of him and wrapped my thighs around his head. His was facing down and his mouth was on my balls, my cock pressed against his face as I locked my ankles and flexed my quads.

“Please no.. no no” he muttered. I lay on my back but crutched my abs so I could see his handsome face as it turned red then purple locked in my head scissor. He tried to reach around my thighs to punch me or go for some more cock torture but I captured his wrists and held them straight out.

“Come on man… it’s over, you’re done. Submit.” I ordered but he continued to struggle. I thrust my hips up and tightened the squeeze, my dick smacked into his face, he was helpless unable to go anywhere. I wondered if he would submit or would he choose to go out. By the look of his face it wasn’t going to be long before that happened, I was good either way and I screamed again for him to give to me.

With a final whimper it happened, his voice was barely audible but he definitely submitted giving me the win. I let him go, releasing my ankles and his head dropped to the mats. I slid backwards and lay flat myself, my chest rising and falling rapidly, my body bruised and exhausted but my cock still hard and ready to explode. Eventually I got to my feet and moved to him, I pulled him up again.

“Raise my hand.” I commanded forcing him to take my wrist. Reluctantly he did and I took a moment to savor the victory pose I should’ve had in the ring earlier. When I was satisfied I switched grips dropped our arms and pulled him into me. Both of our cocks clashed and banged against each other as I reached behind him and cupped his ass then locked my lips on his. Feverishly we kissed, hands moving up and down our slick bodies. I pushed him down to his knees and he knew what to do. His mouth closed around my dick and he began to move; burying his face into my neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair then moving back to the tip over and over. I moaned as he worked, one hand on the back of his head controlling the rhythm until finally I exploded in his mouth, a great gush of cum hitting the back of his throat and he swallowed my load. Only seconds later he was gasping as he came himself. I dropped to my knees and we locked up again, slower but still passionately making out. When we broke apart, each rolling onto our backs beside the other, he sighed happily.
“Fuck that was good… thank you.” He said

“Same here, you don’t know how much I needed that.” I told him.

“So I guess we’re even now… we’ll need a rematch to break the tie.” He rolled onto his elbow and smiled.

“Anytime pal, anytime.”

A few days later I was back in the ring with the gorilla and once again he was phoning it in, his performance sloppy and ragged. A weak attempt at a dropkick missed my chest by a good couple of inches and I heard the audience murmur at the obvious misfire. I didn’t react as it would have made it worse so he shot me a dirty look and my annoyance grew. He took my wrist and whipped me into the corner and followed up slamming his body into mine.

“What the fuck?” he growled in my ear as we paused locked up against the turnbuckle, “are you trying to make me look bad?” He threw a few forearms across my chest but wasn’t even bothering to stamp the ring and create some noise. The audience was becoming even more unsettled and I heard a few boos and hisses. That’s it I thought, I’d had enough.

He once more whipped me into the ropes but instead of bouncing off and running square into his boot as planned I dropped low and did a baseball slide past him. He turned to face me, a surprised look on his face just as I got to my feet. I leapt and hit his chest with a standing dropkick that didn’t miss. He was knocked back stumbling into the ropes. The look of shock turned into rage and I returned his glare. He may have outweighed me by sixty or so pounds but I wasn’t afraid, I gestured for him to come get some. The sound of the crowd instantly changed from displeasure to excitement and I heard my name yelled from a few places.

He charged forward hands out like he was going to throttle me, I waited till he was close enough then I dropped down shooting my leg between his and tripping him up in a drop toe hold. I twisted my body with his thigh trapped in my knees rolling across his back till I was able to lock my fists under his chin. I pulled up and, much like James was in my backbreaker a few nights previous, he was bent into a u. He was screaming and waving his hands around and the audience was now yelling happily. This was a real submission, the pressure on his lower back, his chin and leg was excruciating. I knew from experience having been placed in this finisher myself a dozen or so times when I trained with Larry. The ref looked at me blankly, we were off script and he wasn’t sure what to do.

“Ask him ref!” I yelled hoping to prompt him into action, “SUBMIT!” I screamed at the gorilla, he was overly muscled so not too flexible and I was pulling hard enough that his head was almost touching the foot I had trapped in my legs.

“I GIVE I GIVE!” He yelled slapping my arm furiously. The ref had no choice and with a little shrug of his shoulders he called for the bell and declared the match over.

When my arm was raised above my head, my opponent still flat on his belly moaning and whining, the crowd cheered joyfully almost all of them on their feet. I was sure the promoter was out there watching but I wasn’t worried, he couldn’t argue with this reaction. I was pretty confident I’d be winning a lot more from now on.

Last edited on 2/07/2024 4:14 PM by canwrestle



privateguy55 (40)

10/02/2021 1:36 AM

Glad to see the beginning of another well written series!


canwrestle (102 )

10/02/2021 1:57 AM

(In reply to this)

Just a one off... I plan to write a few using Dave and Charlie but I dont see another book happening for a while. I am working on editing The Challenge and finishing the second part of the Sean and Freddy book. Glad you liked it though.


synxiec (74)

10/02/2021 8:07 AM

(In reply to this)

Ooooh. I see we had surprises.


privateguy55 (40)

10/02/2021 2:22 AM

Really enjoy your writing !



10/02/2021 7:32 AM

Filling in the blank periods alluded to but now revealed; well done. Can we ever get enough? Your reading public will be clamoring for more, and count me as one of them. You have created some very memorable characters. Ian Fleming had his Bond and you have your Charlie and David. They are as alive as any of us, only accomplishing things we may only dream of.

That you are alive and inclined to "feed the need" is something for which I have no doubt we are all grateful. Where they are now, Charlie and David, is something we only need a bit of patience until another chapter so to speak is again accessible to us on this site.

My interest in the Orient is such that I hope we may learn more about Charlie's adventures and challenges for when he was in Japan, and before he fell in love and hooked up with a movie star. I wonder if he ever gave a shot at sumo wrestling. And, should anyone laugh at such an idea, I would point out that one of the great sumo wrestlers was only about 145 lbs and took on men approaching twice that and yet winning repeatedly.

Thank you. And, thank you, again!


Wrestleme123 (0)

10/03/2021 6:35 PM

Great story. Can’t wait for the next novel.


rammygut2 (4)

10/04/2021 5:37 PM

Nice writing man !
