canwrestle's blog

Sherbrooke Meet Canadian Stripjitsu

Tonight's main event at the Sherbrooke Meet... Canadian Stripjitsu.
No submission or tap outs. The goal is to remove you opponents gi and whatever is underneath. So much fun and a whole new set of skills required. There was a champ. It wasn't me.

Last edited on 9/26/2021 6:16 AM by canwrestle



Sunny DeLeon (161 )

9/26/2021 6:19 AM

Ummm, there were also tag team champions at the Canadian Strip Jiu-jitsu event *cough cough*


canwrestle (102 )

9/26/2021 4:22 PM

(In reply to this)

Right yes sorry... a singles and a tag champion. I was admiring my new blue belt and forgot 😀


Julian Chang (129 )

9/27/2021 2:46 AM

Strappling is still the better option 😉

-your reigning champ 🥇


canwrestle (102 )

9/27/2021 3:18 AM

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The Canadian federation of stripjitsu thanks you for your feedback and appreciates your tireless work on behalf of our great sport as its current reigning champion.


Sunny DeLeon (161 )

9/27/2021 3:45 AM

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DM me your mailing addresses. I have official CSJJ badges (and championship badges) being custom made ✌️😁.
- one half of your current reigning tag champions


canwrestle (102 )

9/27/2021 3:57 AM

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What do I get? A participation ribbon? I should be crowned the champion whore as I was the easiest to strip.


Sunny DeLeon (161 )

9/27/2021 4:51 AM

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I prefer to call them one-of-a-kind commemorative badges. It will be special. 😉


Julian Chang (129 )

9/27/2021 4:37 AM

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Of COURSE you have made this happen. Now I need to actual acquire a gi to put the path on and confuse the straights 😂


Sunny DeLeon (161 )

9/27/2021 4:42 AM

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It's perfect! It's the same one I own, except it's in pink!


daytonwrestler (41)

9/27/2021 4:16 AM

It's quite obvious that entirely too much fun was experienced in these events.


Sunny DeLeon (161 )

9/27/2021 4:33 AM

(In reply to this)

There's no such thing as too much fun at a gay wrestling event. ✌️😁



9/27/2021 9:06 PM


Damn, why does all the good stuff happen in Canada. Hey, if I were involved in this licentious activity, you wouldn't be the champion whore; it would be me; I know nothing about jiujitsu except what Mr. Moto did in the ring beside sanctifying it with salt. I assume it was not rock salt---that might hurt the wrestler's feet if they were barefootl like him---and I don't think Moto was Jewish so it probably was not Kosher. Then, again, there is Himalayan, right? A dash of color in a shade of pink.

Congrats on another triumph, you lucky!


canwrestle (102 )

9/27/2021 9:26 PM

(In reply to this)

It was an awesome event.. lots of serious wrestling as well as the fun stuff. Fighting4fun did a great job hosting and organizing.


mcic (153)

9/29/2021 12:12 AM

I haven’t been to Sherbrooke since about 1995. It might be time to go back!
