boston kid's blog

Another one of my old stories

The Boston Master Dominates the Boston Kid
by Mike
The Boston Master was really looking forward to the match. It had been a long time since he had shown the Boston Kid who the boss was, and he was looking forward to it. The Boston Kid was arriving soon, and the Master had been busy organizing everything. He had prepared the wrestling room. He’d set out some of his favorite photos, and positioned two mirrors so that he could admire what he was going to do to the Kid. If the Kid was good maybe the Master would let him have the pleasure of seeing his own agonized body in the mirrors too. The Master had also been psyching himself up for the match. He’d watched videos all weekend, taking particular note of Boston crabs in the videos. He wanted to make his own Boston Crab even more deadly. It was already a hell of a hold and he knew how to dish it out, but he was always keen to learn how to inflict even more pain on his opponent. The videos had given him several ideas and now he was ready to put them into action. He’d already been having many fantasies as to what he was going to do to the Boston Kid, none of them at all pleasant for the Kid.
The Kid had also been preparing for this. He’s been going regularly to the gym, and was pretty well pumped now. Knowing the Master’s devastating ability with the Crab he’d been trying to increase his Crab pain threshold. He had been using a chair with some fabric ties to put himself into very nasty well arched Boston crabs. He’d been increasing the arch and the time he had to stay in the hold over the last few weeks and had become an even tougher opponent. Mind you he also knew that no matter how tough a Boston he gave himself it would never compare to the ones the Master dished out. He was pretty apprehensive about the torture that was to come.
Kid arrived at the Master’s house. With no messing they both got into wrestling gear. The Master told the Kid to wear purple trunks and white sport socks while the Master wore his own striped pair of trunks and white socks. The Kid was worried now..... when the Master wore his striped trunks it was generally a bad sign, a sign that the Master would be even crueler than usual. The one thing worse was if the Master put on his black trunks as that was a sure signal that the Master would be extremely dominant and cruel. The Master was indeed feeling very cruel. He’d had a couple of disappointments recently - one guy had turned up to wrestle but was too heavy, than another guy had not even bothered to turn up. The Master had been really looking forward to putting these guys through the submission mill but had not had a chance. Now he wanted to make up for that.
The Master put the video on. He’d prepared a tape of all of his favorite holds. They were mainly Boston crabs, with the odd hard brutal long-held hammer lock thrown in. He wanted to make sure he and Kid were in the right mood for what was to come. Some of the crabs Kid had not seen before. They were incredibly well put on, the guy on top leaning into the hold and putting all his weight into his opponents back. The guy beneath was always screaming with agony. The Kid knew that the Master’s Full Boston Crabs were even more vicious and cruel than these. Kid was getting turned on by this, and also a bit afraid..... what would he be going through soon?
When the tape ended the Master was well and truly ready for action. He told the Kid to do 30 press-ups. Kid dropped to the floor and gave it his best. Despite all of his gym work he only managed 28 before collapsing on his stomach on the mat. The Master grinned. "You’ll pay for that, boy," he said.
The Kid rolled on to his back to see what the Master meant and then saw the Master lean forward and grab his ankles. Tucking them under his arms the Master firmly grabbed the Kid’s thighs and lifted him up in the air. The Kid knew what was coming next. The Master used his strength to turn the Kid over onto his belly while his legs were still in the air. The poor Kid was too worn from the press-ups to resist. The Master was really starting to enjoy himself. He’d been looking forward to this moment for so long. As he lowered his weight firmly onto the Kid’s back he knew what a great hold this was, what an expert he was at applying it, and what the Kid would be going through. He loved this hold. The Master shifted his feet away from the Kid to apply even more weight to the Kid’s breaking back and the hold was on. "Ow! Oh, no... Oh, no, please..." pleaded the Kid.
"Tough, boy. Take it!" said the Master.
"Oh, no, please... please, Master," said the Kid.
The Master was now starting to get into the hold. He knew that the Kid was very tough and so he knew he could afford to be even more brutal. He leaned harder into the hold.....
" Ow! Ow! Oh God... Oh no, NO!" cried the Kid. The Master smiled.
Most men could not take this hold for more than 5 seconds. The Master knew the Kid could really take it and so he knew he could have a lot of fun just dishing it out and enjoying the ride. The was the great thing about the Kid, the Master could really make the hold last. He decided he’d really make this one a hold to remember.
"Okay, Kid , you’re gonna be in this for 5 minutes." He knew that the longest the Kid had ever suffered in this hold at this intensity was 4 minutes and he wanted the Kid to be pushed even further this time.
“Oh, no! No... please, NOT that long... NO!” begged the Kid. The Master ignored his pleas and settled in for a good long brutal back-breaking ride. He could see his digital clock and so make sure the Kid got what he’s said. He started to rock to and fro some.
The Kid was in agony now, screaming ‘I submit I submit’ but the Master ignored this– he’d only been in the hold 2 minutes.
Then the Master did some side to side rocking, twisting the Kid’s spine in yet another direction. The Kid had never felt such pain before. He was really in agony, sweating, begging for release. Deep down though he knew that once the Master had decided there was no chance of mercy. The Master was loving this, piling on the hold in all kinds of ways, sometimes pushing his buttocks even harder into Kid, sometimes rocking more. Wow the feeling of total power and control he had was awesome. He made sure the last minute of the hold was even more painful than the first four. Then suddenly the 5 minutes was up and the Kid was released.
The Kid rubbed his back as he lay exhausted on the mat. He had never been so laid into especially so early on in a session. What else was to come? He soon found out.
"Okay, NO rest! Gimme 25 press-ups NOW. But be warned – every one you fall short on carries a penalty," the Master said.
Kid got to his knees and started the press-ups. The first 15 were hard but do-able, but then he started to flag. Each press-up was excruciating - his arms were aching but worse was the pain in his back. After the extreme crab torture he’d just been put through his back was worn and hard to keep straight for the press-ups. He managed a very hard and painful 22.
"Okay, 3 short, that gives you a 3 minute Boston penalty," the Master smugly said.
Before the Kid knew what was happening the Master had applied yet another full Boston crab, this one to be kept on for 3 minutes. After the agonies of the first one this was just devastating, Kid’s back had had no chance to recover. The 3 minutes felt longer than the 5 minutes. Of course this was all part of the Master’s plan. He knew the long first Boston would really weaken the Kid for more fun and games. He intended to have a lot of fun this session.
And he did. The Master set more and more challenges, always beyond the Kid’s flagging ability, always with an intensely cruel penalty. The Master set the pace and had the rides he wanted. The Kid was just a victim, totally destroyed by this onslaught of brutal Full Boston Crabs. Sometimes the Master would fancy a bit of variety and a rest. He’d then get the Kid to massage him, or do more press-ups or sit-ups, or apply a brutal hammerlock or camel clutch to the Kid. Sometimes the Master would let the Kid choose between penalties, saying ‘You will have a 4 minute Crab or an 8 minute full power hammer lock, choose NOW!'.
Sometimes the Master just toyed with the Kid, keeping the Full Boston on as long as he liked, enjoying the fact that the only way out for the Kid was to plead for his Master’s mercy. These no time limit Crabs really tested the Kid’s back to the full. He begged and begged for mercy, knowing the Master was a hard wrestler and would only let him out once he had had his fun. The Master had to be really convinced that the Kid could not take any more before he’d even think of releasing him. Even then the Master would often release the hold but then slap it on again. The Master showed no mercy and the Kid suffered more than he had ever suffered in the ring before. The Kid became weaker and weaker, but fortunately still flexible enough to take what the Master kept dishing out. The Master loved his Bostons and certainly got to improve them, as the Kid will testify.
After a long session of Full Boston torture the Master put another video on, of even more brutal full Boston crabs. The Kid wondered what was coming next. If the video was a warning then he suspected that the next part of the match could be even worse than the first. He was right. The Boston Master changed into a black pair of trunks and black socks. The Master really let rip in the second half of the session..... which is another brutal story.

Last edited on 6/03/2016 4:06 PM by boston kid
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Meilo1 (27 )

10/16/2016 11:42 AM

great written story love it


boston kid (75)

10/16/2016 1:35 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks !

Hope you are well



Meilo1 (27 )

10/16/2016 1:39 PM

(In reply to this)

hi Mike, yes I'm well. After I have read your stories I thinked, damn would love to take Kid in my bostons


boston kid (75)

10/16/2016 4:56 PM

(In reply to this)

I'd enjoy that!
