It was a great day. I was taking my usual early evening jog, around the park, along the beach and then home, about 5 miles in all. I was quite hot having pushed myself hard. As I approached the final leg past the university sports centre I noticed a sign outside 'Marine Wrestlers Training Camp'. I was intrigued, being a keen wrestler myself. I slowed down and went into the sports centre. There were lots of very hunky young guys with crew cuts wandering around. I appreciated their tight crisp white T-shirts which showed off their bodies very nicely. I wondered if there might be something to interest me here.

There was a notice board, which I looked over, while sneaking glimpses of the attractive men around me. Lots of wrestling information, guys wanting to team up with other guys, wrestling books and gear to sell. I felt I was in heaven! Most intriguing though was a sign which read 'Submission class: 6pm today'. It was 5.50 and my curiosity was running high, and I felt pretty aroused already by the sight of these hunky guys. I should point out that I am no wimp myself, I keep in good shape and have been through the mangle in the ring a few times, and even beat some heavier guys. Wrestling has always been a real turn-on for me, the pleasure being linked to the agony endured on the mat.

So I ambled to the room indicated. I peered through the window and saw seven incredibly hunky guys stretching, preparing for the class. The interesting thing was that each was dressed in a pair of speedos and each pair was a different colour - like judo they wore white, yellow, orange, green, red, blue and purple. I wondered what that meant... was it just a coincidence or did it mean something? I felt the eyes of someone on me and turned around to see a stocky dark haired guy dressed in black speedos, white sport socks with black hoops, and black trainers. Mmmmm the guy was hot. I realised then that not only were the young marines wearing different coloured speedos but the hoops on their white sport socks matched their trunks. 'Interested in wrestling then?' said the onlooker 'Very' I replied, my mouth drying up slightly as I noticed his beautifully built firm body. He seemed to be even more muscular than the guys in the gym, which was no mean feat. 'Why not join us, we need a body' he said. What did he mean? Whatever he meant I did not really care.... the chance to be in with that room with that bunch of manhood was all that mattered. 'Sure' I said.

We entered the room, all eyes turned to us, and I was once more overwhelmed by how attractive these men were. Beautiful faces, somewhat arrogant and hard, firm bodies, which looked as if they had just been pumped in the gym. It was a great sight. Each had a slightly swollen crotch.... I wondered if this was to do with the mirrors around the room, maybe they were into each other as much as I was.....

The guy in black speedos immediately took control 'OK you lot it's the night you have been waiting for'. Pleased grins were exchanged around the room ' Tonight', he announced 'we are going to practise the most excruciating hold in wrestling'. More grins, especially aimed at me. What was going on? I noticed one guy, in blue speedos, locking the door behind me..... what were they up to? 'And we have a volunteer....' he said as he turned to look at me. I gulped as I realised the implications ..... I was to be the practise body for their session.... what were they going to learn I wondered.... I thought of all the holds I knew that were incredibly painful... the hammer lock, the figure-four leg lock, the neck-crank, camel clutch, Boston crab.... Boston crab... yes that had to be it..... I could not think of a hold more painful. Was that what they had in mind? Secretly I hoped it was.... I had always found the hold an incredible turn-on. There was something amazing about the feeling of not being able to escape, and of the pressure being effectively limitless - the guy on top always gets his submission in the end....

I did not have long to ponder this.... the guy in black had herded the young guys into the corner and was talking to them. He threw me a jock-strap 'Put that on' he demanded. I stripped down to my running socks and put on the jock-strap. It felt good and I looked pretty good too, the days at the gym had paid off pretty well. My body was honed and strong and could take a lot of punishment..... but could it take on all of these guys? All eyes turned on me. 'OK' said the guy in black 'Let's get started'. He quickly pushed the smallest of the marines, in white speedos, to the mat, grabbed his ankles and hooking them under his armpits lifted the young guy's legs straight up in the air. 'Boston crab time boy' he said, twisting the marine's legs viciously and making him twist over until the guy in black was astride him and his chest was on the mat. This was accomplished so quickly that it barely registered to me. One second the young marine was standing, the next he was hanging below the humpy guy in black.

'Now' he said ' the fun begins'. Lowering himself onto the small of the young guy's back the tough guy looked very pleased with himself. There were admiring grins from the onlooking guys who were obviously used to this kind of brutal demonstration and liked it. The guy in white was looking very uncomfortable. He was no weakling, I would have said he was about 11 stone of solid muscle, trim and firm. His face was going red with pain and his breathing was laboured. The guy in black was not relenting though, he just kept the pressure on as if it were the most natural thing in the world, looking down at his helpless victim with a sneer. He was top man, why shouldn't he look down on the guy underneath? The guy in white was really suffering now ' aahhhh ahhhhhhh no no' he said. But the guy in black was not interested, there was a lesson to be taught here and he was going to teach it 'Not finished with you yet boy' he said looking up at the gym clock. The hold had been on 2 minutes, 2 minutes of hell for the guy underneath. The guy in black was not finished though - he inched on the hold yet tighter, pulling on his opponents legs, and then moving his own legs away farther and farther until nearly all of his weight was focused on the small of the young guys back. 'Hurts does it boy?' he said. The young guy was sweating and groaning loudly, struggling to buck the guy off him, but to no avail. Instead the top man just inched on the hold tighter and tighter, more and more pressure being applied to the young guys spine and legs. 5 minutes now and he was in bad shape. I was glad it was not me suffering under his administration of the hold..... but I had forgot that was to come....

The other six guys were really enjoying the show 'Come on take it', 'Don't submit', 'Hold on' they shouted to encourage the young guy. But also 'Make him suffer', 'Pile it on', 'Break his back', 'Torture him' to the guy in black. It was hard to imagine he could apply more torture to the young guys back but he did, laying back so far that the young guy's feet almost touched his own head. I had never seen a Boston crab applied so masterfully and so mercilessly. My cock throbbed at the thought. I noticed the rest of the squad seemed to be having similar feelings. Six minutes and the guy in black released the hold. His opponent lay flat on the ground rubbing his own back, groaning softly and regaining his breath. The guy in black was smiling, pleased at his demonstration 'Of course I let him off light' he said ' But the rest of you have to learn to take it and dish it out even harder. Get into your pairs'

The young hunks paired off. Yellow with orange, green with red, blue with purple. The guy in white came over to me. I noticed his heaving sunbronzed chest with it's taut pecs and a rivulet of sweat running between them. He looked defeated and also angry, keen to get his own back for the punishment he had received. 'OK Boston crabs Go' said the guy in black and suddenly everyone sprang into action. There must have been some predetermined arrangement because in each pair one guy took on the dominant role and soon had the other locked into the full Boston crab. I realised then that was the reason for the coloured trunks. The more experienced crueller guys wore the darker colours. My partner had acted quickly and I was already being hoisted up by my legs. He looked down on me and sneered 'You're for it now'. I struggled but he had my legs locked between his biceps and chest, and he was very strong. If he was the least cruel I wondered what the rest were like... as I thought this he was trying hard to twist me onto my chest. He had obviously had a lot of practise because he knew just how to push the bones of his forearms into my calves, making them sore and me wish I could turn over. But I knew that if I did I would be in even more trouble. He kept the pressure up, pressing harder and harder. God the guy was strong. He was grimacing with the effort and his biceps and pecs were bulging with the strain. He was doing it, I tried hard not to let him but slowly he was managing the twist..... the suddenly he swept his left leg over and pushed hard and I was over.

I felt less pressure on my calves as he adjusted his stance. I tried flexing my legs. Maybe I could roll him off me.... but he had thought of that and was already leaning back. The guy had been well taught. I caught site of his back in the mirror. It was broad and powerful. Between his legs I could see my suspended body and my buttocks clenched tightly as I tried to lever him off with my legs. It was hopeless, he had a solid stance now and was leaning back into the hold, preparing to lower himself onto me. I knew that once that happened I would be in even greater trouble. Looking to one side I saw a guy in yellow trunks already trapped under a tough marine in orange trunks. To my left was a stocky guy in green trunks and his opponent, in red was just lowering himself onto the small of his back. The positioning was perfect, he was about to sit right on the place where his opponent would receive most pain. Even more impressive was the guy in purple. I caught site of him just dropping his weight viciously onto the back of the guy in blue. He groaned in agony while the top man added to his pain by yanking hard on his legs. Those two guys were the class stars, each was heavily built, each was incredibly masculine, each knew how to take and dish out extremes of pain.

Much as I was absorbed and excited by the sights around me it did not distract from my own feeling of imminent doom. My opponent was starting his squat. He proceeded slowly at first, adjusting his feet for good balance but then dropping his whole weight suddenly onto my back with a spine-jolting thud 'Aaaarrrgggggh' I groaned, 'Jesus that hurts' ,'Tough, man' came the reply. In the side mirror I saw my opponent grin to himself, taking a good look in the mirror at his solid dominating position. 'Time for you to suffer man'. I could see in his face that he was still angry at his humiliation by the coach and needed to get it out of his system. He was weighing up his next move when I saw the coach standing over me. From my position of being crushed into the mat all I could see were his calves, firm and rounded, his powerful thighs and his crotch - the black speedos were barely containing his engorged cock. 'Call that a crab boy? Lean into it !' he ordered. The guy in white pulled harder on my legs, shifting his feet away from me and my spine bent even more. The pain was intense 'Aaarrggg, no no, no please no' ,'YES' came the coaches reply. 'Oh God, oh god, uuuuhhhhh,uuuuhhhhhh, pleeeaassse' I begged. But no mercy was shown. My opponents back was sweating and I could hear him breathing heavily as he applied his whole strength to the hold. I was panting, it was hard to breathe, but that was nothing compared to the pain in my back which was growing by the second. The gut-wrenching intensity of the pain was overwhelming 'No no no please please I submit' I yelled 'Too bad man' said the guy in white. He was having no mercy, he wanted me in this hold. I could see he was enjoying it, his face in the mirror was ecstatic. He was dishing out as much pain as he could. I was screaming now, begging for mercy, pleading for release. 'No way, take it man, take it' was the only reply. He kept the hold on at this intense level for six back-breaking, agonising minutes. Then I was released. I rolled onto my back, and looked bleary-eyed at the ceiling. It was over and I was relieved and amazed to have taken so much pain. I had never been put in so much excruciating agony before. The guy in white was strutting around over me, sneering at me as I lay there recovering, flexing his muscles and looking pleased with himself.

I looked around and saw that the other pairs were continuing their Boston torture. Could they really be taking the hold for even longer than me? It looked as if they were, and it looked also as if the holds were even more viciously applied. Maybe I should have been counting my blessings that I got the guy in white. Although he had applied the most painful and longest Boston crab I had ever experienced he was kind in comparison to these guys. The top wrestler, in purple, especially was putting on a real show. He had somehow managed to get his own legs entwined with his opponents arms creating a kind of full nelson. His opponent in blue bulging speedos was in extreme agony, feeling the simultaneous pressure of a full Boston crab and the arm and neck twisting agony of a full nelson. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. Both men were drenched in sweat and pumped up and the guy underneath was begging for release and looked desperate. He had been in the hold for ten minutes now. I realised that the guy in orange had released his opponent, in yellow, at seven minutes while the guy in red speedos had released his opponent at nine minutes. It was all making sense now - the colour of the trunks and socks related to the length of time the Boston crab was taken for, and therefore presumably the experience of the man. Six minute for whites, seven for yellow, etc. That made the guy in blue an eleven minute man.

I was right. Watching the last minute of the blue guys torture I also realised that the more experienced guys also inflicted harder tighter Boston crabs on their unlucky opponents. Not only did you get to take a longer ride but a more exquisitely painful one. It was amazing that such torture could be dished out. I was still aching from my session, my back felt like it was on fire, the muscles aching and burning all the way down my spine. Soon the purple guy finished his devastation of the guy in blue, who lay panting, almost sobbing, on the mat after his ordeal.

'OK 50 push-ups' said the coach. Everyone dropped to the ground and began immediately. I was slower, 'Get on with it ' said the coach. I started my push-ups, hard work when you have just been suffering and every muscle in your back aches - push-ups take quite a lot of back strength to do properly and I am no slouch. BY the end of the 50 I was exhausted and my back ached even more. I collapsed onto my chest, the floor felt good.

'OK all change' came the order. Before I knew what hit me I felt my ankles being grabbed. I tried to struggle but it was hopeless. Whoever had grabbed me had taken me by surprise and had already pushed my ankles deep under his armpits. I squirmed around trying to look over my shoulder at my attacker. All I could see was a strong leg at my side, with white sport socks and red hoops. Red? That was the ten minute guy, oh no. Those were my thoughts just before I felt the searing pain start in my spine and felt the jolt as the weight of his body crushed me to the mat 'Aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhh' I moaned. He was heavier and even stronger than the guy in white 'No oh no please no' I begged as he piled on the pressure. The pain in my back was rising by the second. He halted his pulling, maintaining a steady position with my legs well pulled back and his full weight on my lower back. At least he was not pulling my legs still farther back, but even this was agony, sheer pain, the throbbing in my back muscles testified to the wear and tear they were being exposed to.

He sat there solidly, breathing heavily, grinding his hard buttocks into my back. It was a very erotic sight in the mirror. He had a slim waist, strong well-muscled buttocks which were accentuated by the red sheen of his speedos. I could see the muscles either side of his spine standing out and his upper back muscles taut with the effort. The guy was well built and knew what he was doing. He was not increasing the pressure but what should have felt like relief was anything but..... my back muscles were on fire. the constant arching of my back was tearing the muscle fibres apart, my whole back was burning and there was nothing I could do. I tried struggling, tried to push out with my legs. But he was too well balanced, too strong. Once the Boston crab hold is on it is more or less impossible to get out of and this guy was no beginner. He had my stomach pushed hard into the mat, making sure that the bend of my back was all in one place, all in my lower back where he was seated. He knew just how to focus the agony into one spot, knew just how to get the most out of this tortuous hold. God the pain was excruciating 'Good eh?' 'Aaaarrrgggghh no no' 'Plenty more to come man' came the reply. 'Bastard' I yelled. In response he roughly yanked my calves deep under his armpits, the pain was intense 'Aaaaarrrgggghh no,no no please no oooowwwwww please, please I beg, stop stop pleeeeeeaasse' .'No way man. Suffer'.

He was to show no mercy. He had not got to the red stage by being easy on his opponents and also he had been on the receiving end of some vicious Boston crabs himself. He grinned to himself, noting the clock on the wall 'Still got five minutes man' he said. I was desperate, I knew I could not take ten more seconds of this agony, knew I would not be able to move even if he released me now, I was so worn, broken and wracked with pain. 'Oh no please please let me go, pleeeaasse' 'NO WAY!'. 'Please, please, ooowwwwww, aaarrrgggghhh,owwwww, pleease,please, please let me go, I submit, I submit', 'Say I submit SIR!' he demanded. 'I submit sir!! Sir I submit!' 'Ha, too bad'. He did not release me. Instead he settled into the hold even more, tightening his grip on my legs, moving his feet away till his legs were stretched straight out and he had his full weight on my back. Now I could hardly breathe. My chest was flattened to the mat and the guy in red knew it. 'Torture eh man. Good torture' My head was reeling, I looked up to see that the rest of the guys had finished their practise for now and were watching the red man punishing me 'Give it to him', 'Break his back', 'Boston torture, Boston torture' they shouted. They were enjoying the show.

'Give me your arms man' he said. 'No oooowwww NO!' I replied but suddenly he really leaned back with full force and I felt my toes brush the back of my head. I nearly passed out with the pain 'Give them to me, NOW!' 'OK OK yeah OK' I said reaching back with my arms. 'Please pleeease let me go, ooowwwww, no no please'. As he went back to his earlier less intense but still completely agonising position I felt one of my wrists being grabbed vice-like and my arm bent over his thigh. The next arm followed and there I was with no arms to help support me. All of my weight and his even greater weight focused through my chest to the mat. I was crushed in place. I tried to move my arms but no luck 'Got you now man' he said. He started rocking now, piling more pressure on with each movement, his feet almost leaving the ground as he lent back. The pain was now overwhelming. Nothing I had ever experienced had been like this, no man had ever been so completely dominating. He was really getting off on it and the other guys were shouting encouragement, grinning with delight at my agony. Lost as I was in the all-encompassing pain I heard him say 'Two more minutes man'. 'NO. please. Please I submit sir! I submit' 'No mercy man, take the pain'. I struggled to get out of the hold but I was so weakened now, and even if I had have been at full strength I wouldn't have been able to budge him. I pushed really hard, I felt him lift off me slightly but then fall back on me with even more weight 'Aaaarrrgggghhh' 'Try again man' he said. I did - I pushed with my legs as hard as I could, he rose a little but then..... he came back down on me so hard I could not breathe. He yanked my legs back even farther. I thought I was at the extreme of the hold already but he piled on more and more pressure 'Last minute man'. Oh my God I thought ... he'll break my back.... his pressure was relentless now, he was making the most of his last minute. My feet were now touching the back of my head, I didn't believe that was possible but the length of the hold must have loosened me up a bit. It was hell 'Aaaarrrggg NO NO NO pleeease, please, I submit, I beg you stop, pllleeeease I beg, I beg sir' He just ignored my pleas, looked at himself completely dominating me in the mirror, and grinned evily. His trunks were damp with sweat and his biceps, thighs, back, abdomen all pumped and red with the strain. In the depths of the pain I could still admire him, his incredible strength and his dominance. My cock stirred and I felt that mixture of intense pain and pleasure that a completely dominatingly applied Boston crab can bring. 'Aaaaarrrrrggggggggggghhh' was all I could say. He upped the pressure even more and the last seconds ticked by, me hardly being able to breathe, he in a state of ecstacy, revelling in his power. Then I was released.

My poor body was now wrecked, I had suffered the two most intense Boston crabs of my life, my muscles were in spasm and aching. The guy in red stood over me, looking down at me with an evil grin on his handsome face 'Good eh man?' . I couldn't reply, I was too worn out, too humiliated. All I could think of was the pain I had been through, it had seemed like an eternity. Indeed in terms of Boston crab holds it had been - most submissions are wrung out of even a tough guy in thirty seconds. My opponent had ignored my pleas for ten whole minutes.

The coach called everyone together, he had a video to show. The lads were enthusiastic. It was called 'Boston crab variants'. What a video it was! It showed the instructor taking several opponents to the mat with hard, back crunching versions of the Boston crab, each imaginatively altered to create different and even more extreme pain than the last. It was unbelievable. I noticed that one of the opponents in the video was the guy in purple. He had progressed through the ranks of torture, suffering as he did. In one video example I saw him take a full Boston, dished out by the instructor, for twelve minutes. That must have been him earning the privilege of wearing the purple speedos. Apart from the instructor he was probably the hunkiest and meanest looking of the group. He had short cropped blond hair, a bronzed body, weighed about 12.5 stones and was very heavily muscled yet still gracefully quick on his feet. He was quite something to watch on the mat, always looking for an opportunity to escape the Boston, or if he was applying it the opportunity to add yet more pressure and agony.

'OK back to work' came the order. I felt slightly better now, having had the video break. Who was I to match up with this time? Everyone paired off except the guy in purple. He strolled over to me and pushed his face close to mine 'So think you're tough do ya?' he said, wrapping his arms around my chest and pinning my arms to my sides. 'Yeah' I grunted back. He tightened his grip, pushing his fists into the small of my back, making breathing difficult. 'We'll see, we'll see....'. He pushed me roughly onto the mat. I landed on my back with a thud and before I knew what was happening he had my legs lifted up in the air, my ankles trapped under his armpits. He was straight after the Boston crab! I fought hard, as I had done with the guy in red, but this was different. He was much stronger. He yanked my body higher off the ground until only my head was resting on the mat and then stepped forward straight over me. My legs were still trapped and before I knew what had hit me I was over and my chest was to the mat. 'Easy' he said, and it had been for him. His unorthodox way of moving to the next stage of the Boston had fooled me completely. I knew that even if I had struggled to stop him twisting me over I would have failed, but this way had shown his complete power, his total will to dominate.

'OK man, time to suffer'. He sat hard down on my back, grinding his buttocks straight into me, yanking hard on my legs. Unbearable pain, total agony, and no time to even relax and try to take it. This guy was cruel, he just wanted to make me suffer and I was. He started bouncing up and down on the small of my back. I heard my spine click as my joints tried to accommodate to this incredible torture. The pain was fierce, a deep burning in my back and thighs that was impossible to take. 'Oh NO no please please I beg I submit!!' I screamed. ' TAKE IT!' came the reply. Breathing heavily I tried to inch myself into a less agonising position but he noticed and just pulled me back to where he wanted and pressed down harder with his buttocks. The hold had been on for only one minute and I was almost unconscious with the pain. 'Now let's see' he said. I felt him shifting on my back and I could see in the mirror that he had lifted his buttocks and was edging backwards . He planted his weight farther up my back and pulled harder on my legs 'Aaarrrgggg NO' I yelled. The pain was different there, not as terrifyingly intense as when he had my lower back pinned to the mat, but hard to take as more of my weight was being supported by my legs. I felt that my legs could slide from side to side and tried to move them to reduce the pressure but he brought his thighs in closer and stopped me. I tried grabbing at his thighs and calves but they were planted rock solid. He was heavier than me and knew just what he was doing. This slight variation was starting to cause me more agony in my legs and also in my upper back.

He started to squeeze my legs in towards each other with his thighs, this increased the pain still more, making my spine less able to take the bending agony. 'Come on man submit!' 'Never!' I yelled. He then started to slide his buttocks back towards my neck, all the time pushing his legs away to maintain balance and pulling yet harder on my legs. I was having more difficulty breathing, his weight became more focused on my chest and he was bouncing up and down enjoying his position of power. 'Four minutes gone man, plenty more time to torture you'. I was determined to hold out but the pain was incredible. I had only just taken ten minutes of the red guy but this was even worse. I knew too that I had no choice, even if I begged and pleaded I was going to suffer more and more. 'Come on man beg, beg' 'No, never, aaarrrggggghhhh', 'You will man, you will'. With that he sat farther back onto my neck and pulled hard on my legs. I could feel the warmth of his buttocks crushing my neck to the mat, making it really hard to breathe and in the mirror saw his body straining with the effort of pulling on my legs. 'Oh God, Oh no, Oh oooowwwww, oh God!' 'Beg man BEG!!'.

The pain in my upper back was now excruciating, I had to do something, 'OK I'm sorry, I beg you. Please pleeease let me go'. 'MORE BEGGING !' he shouted gruffly 'OK OK anything, pleeease pleeease, I submit, you're tough man, pllleeeeasee, ooohhh, oh God, please let me out'. 'NOT ENOUGH MAN' he said as he lent still harder into the hold 'OWWWWW' was all I could manage..... suddenly there was a decrease in the pressure, what was he doing? I looked in the mirror. He was moving his right leg back towards my head and had released my left leg. He used his free right arm to grab my left arm and twist it up my back. Then he pushed his right leg from below up through the crook of my elbow until his foot reached up and locked across my neck. My elbow was trapped in the angle behind his knee. He had hammer-locked my arm with his leg and held my neck down at the same time. God that was painful. A hammer lock applied with a strong arm is excruciating but one applied with a thicker and much more powerful leg is unbelievably painful. I struggled hard to escape but it was impossible. By sitting back slightly he increased the pressure on the hammer lock and I was flooded with pain. He sat there for a few seconds enjoying the view. This single-leg Boston and hammer lock combination was an amazing sight. He worked on my leg, pulling harder while keeping the knee of his right leg in the small of my back. This was sheer agony, like nothing I had ever experienced. Taking the pain of a Boston crab is one thing but adding arm torture is another. I had a lot of respect for this top guy now, but man was I hurting. He sneered down at me 'Had enough yet', 'Bastard!' I yelled back. He grinned and said 'Time to finish you off man'.

To my relief he released my right leg, but the relief was short-lived as he grabbed my left leg with his right arm and pulled my calf back under his right armpit. Now I was in a single-leg Boston and a hammer lock both on my right side. What had he gained I wondered? The pain was still excruciating but no more so that the earlier version of this hold. But then I realised. I say his left leg moving back towards my head and felt him grab my right arm with his left arm. I struggled but he was stronger than me and soon had my arm pushed up in the hammer lock position. All he had to do now was get his leg through. 'No way no way' I said, struggling under this combination of holds 'Yes man. Yes'. He yanked hard on my wrist and pushed his foot through the space between my arm and my back quickly and cruelly. The width of his hard calf twisted my arm away from my back creating hammer lock agony multiplied by ten 'Oh No, no no' ,'YES!' he said, knowing he nearly had me where he wanted. His leg sneaked through. There was nothing I could do to stop it, so much stronger was it than my arm. His foot locked over my neck like his other one and my upper body was locked tight into this excruciating hold. 'Now the leg man!' he said. I kept my right leg straight, as rigid as I could. He grabbed at my thigh with his left arm, caught around my thigh and pulled very hard. Boy was he strong. I resisted but slowly he was winning 'Uuuurrrggggghhhh ' I groaned 'Yes man, you're nearly there' he said. Then with a deft movement he caught my ankle and pulled it quickly under his armpit. I bucked and struggled but he just sat there patiently, tightening the hold on with each of my attempts at escape. 'GOT YA'

He had me now, I could do nothing, I was completely trapped in this incredible hold. My back was bent Boston crab style, his knees were in my lower back, my arms were suffering the pain of an extreme hammer lock and my head was held to the mat by his feet. All I could do was lift my head slightly and see his reflection in the mirror. His muscular back was working hard. I could see and now start to feel his muscular thighs gripping the sides of my body. This was a hard hold to apply, balance being difficult and a great deal of strength needed. But he was more than up to it. I knew though that I was not up to the pain he was dishing out with this hold 'Aaaarrrrgggghhh NO NO NO please please let me out', 'NO WAY MAN' came the reply. I was amazed by his musculature in the mirror, his buttocks were beautifully formed and looked strong pressing down on my upper back. 'OK guy, now take the pain, take it', 'Aaarrrrgggg, oooowwwwwww, please please I submit, I submit'. 'Four more minutes man' I couldn't believe it - did I really have to take this hold for four more minutes?

By now the rest of the class were gathered around. They looked very excited, occasionally stroking their engorged cocks through the sheer fabric of their speedos. 'Give it to him', 'Come on make him suffer', 'Pile it on', 'More pressure' came the words of encouragement. My opponent took them all to task, increasing the pressure still more by pulling harder on my legs. My spine felt as if it was going to snap in two and my thighs were shaking with the strain. He moved his hands down my calves until he reached my knees. 'Yeah give it to him' they all yelled. He pulled hard on my knees. The pain doubled 'OOOHHHHH NO NO NO PLEASE!!', 'Well SUBMIT then', 'OK I SUBMIT I SUBMIT!!!', 'Say I submit SIR!', 'OK I SUBMIT SIR I SUBMIT SIR!!', 'LOUDER!!' I screamed my submission as loud as I could, pleading with him to stop the pain, pleading for my release. 'TOO BAD MAN' came the reply. I could see from the gym clock that there was still a minute to go. I had hoped for mercy but there was to be none. All of my pleading was in vain and the guy in purple knew that...... he was totally into the domination now, throwing back his head in pleasure, rocking to and fro and enjoying every one of my pleas and groans. I felt so much pain I knew I would pass out, I even think I did pass out temporarily until the next wave of pain broke through and wakened me. The last minute lasted for an eternity. I was aware of every muscle in my body being on fire, begging for release. I was aware of every muscle in his body taut with strength, pumped by the effort, and his sneering face looking down at what he was putting me through. He was enjoying himself and, deep down, so was I.

The final minute ended and he dropped my legs thudding to the mat. He got up roughly increasing the hammer lock pain as he did so, and then he stood over me looking down at my pain-wracked body. He placed his foot in my back and planted his full weight on me for a second just to remind me he was boss and then strutted away to admiration from the other guys.

I must have lay there ten minutes, face down, recovering, stroking my back, stretching my arms, wishing the pain would go away. I saw the young guys leave one by one, each taking a last look at my worn body as they passed. I could see the relief in their eyes. I assumed that it was because of what I had been through. I was wrong. As the last guy left I rolled over to see the coach standing by my feet. He looked even more pumped than before, he had been working out on the mat and with the weights in the corner. He reached down for my ankles, hoisted me up in the air and said 'OK let's get on with the lesson man'

Last edited on 6/01/2016 8:19 AM by boston kid
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ladron fr (52)

6/01/2016 7:45 PM

Excellent agony description.
Some parts are difficult to imagine. If you have picture of the last and worse submission, i would luke to see it.


boston kid (75)

6/03/2016 4:05 PM

(In reply to this)

I'm sorry I don't have any pictures!


SWInnes (18)

8/09/2018 10:44 PM

(In reply to this)

If you've got purple trunks you can get some pics when we meet???


boston kid (75)

8/09/2018 11:19 PM

(In reply to this)

Sure - they look hot too 😀😀


Bostoncrab1757 (0)

6/21/2017 4:12 AM

Awesome. I wish I could sign up for a lesson
