Tybinola's blog

Why I am into this - 25th Birthday Statement

I have never thought I would be someone that would want to write a blog post on here, but considering today, November 8th, is my 25th birthday, I sort of feel compelled to explain why I am so into this kinda stuff. I had a few moments to just browse the Internet today and I had the crazy idea to just Google "Why men fight" and after reading a few articles on it, I really want to explain my side of this fascination.

I have always been fascinated with wrestling and fighting. I think like so many other guys on here, I started watching pro wrestling (although I don't really watch that anymore), and that evolved into watching the Olympics, then UFC, now on Meetfighters trying to find other men into this the way I am. Ironically, as much as I was obsessed with fighting, I had never been in a fight growing up, not even a school boy fight. However, when boys got into fights at school, I was drawn to them with an incredible curiosity. I think my own testosterone was beginning to rage at that time, but I can distinctly remember getting so reved up by watching two guys fight that I would almost start shaking, yet the idea of me actually getting into a scrap was something that I, nor any of the people around me, would have ever thought would happen.

So why am I now, a 25 year old dude, trying to find guys on here to wrestle with or fight? Honestly, this is the place where I can find guys that understand the beauty of a wrestling match or a fight with another man. It is not always a sexually driven thing (although I certainly have had those erotic tendencies), and it's not an "unnecessary, barbaric thing" as some writer put it in one of those articles I read today. But there is something about the primal instinctual actions of wrestling or fighting someone that truly has made me feel like more of a man than anything I have done so far in my life.

I mean guys we have probably all felt the same thing. When we have met up with our opponents, whether its friends, or guys from this site, there is this incredible rush that is honestly impossible to compare to anything else I've experienced. When you meet face to face for the first time, when you strip down to your gear, or whatever you're choosing to wear, and you can't help but look at your opponent, you just know what is about to happen. The reason I love doing this, is that it's a way of really releasing stress and aggression, and feeling like a primal man, which is an AMAZING feeling.

There is so much that we all go through in our lives that stresses us out, and what's most annoying about the world we live in today is that so many people, I.E. the Feminist movement (sorry ladies), is telling us that we should just talk out our problems, handle stress by doing something creative, share our feelings, hug it out. Where's the option for men to just go and use their built up testosterone doing something masculine? Didn't see it in those options I listed. It's the reason why so many of us (me included) have to keep this part of our lives so secretive, because the idea of two men meeting consensually to just wrestle, or strap on some gloves, or just throw down for fun is confusing and I'm sure frightening to people. But it shouldn't be that way. We men are born to fight. Whenever someone tries to disrespect you, your parents, your girlfriend, boyfriend, wives, kids, whoever, is the instinct for you to just go and say "that's not nice, please say you're sorry"? NO! The instinct, at least in my mind is I want to teach that person a lesson. The role of the man is we are supposed to defend our honor. And I love being able to use this site to explore that role as a man with other men, while having some amazing times in the process.

I always loved watching UFC action. Those guys and girls are so incredibly gifted in what they do and I know I could never be at that level. But one of the things I have always found fascinating is the talk and prep leading to it. Yes, a lot is for show, but the tension when those face-offs happen feels palpable even through the TV screen. Yet, when the final bell is rung and hand of the victor is lifted, the amazing amount of respect seen is so incredible to me. "We just got in a cage and beat the shit out of each other, but this dude is a brother for life." There is no other place that you can really experience that in my opinion.

So I know this was lengthy, and it's crazy that I am writing this, but I have just had an eye opening moment where things have come to a new light of why I love to talk with guys on this site. I like to be in a community like this where I am able to meet men from all over that are intrigued by this, want to do it, get to do it as often as possible, and form a new brotherly bond with them in the process. I hope guys will read this and feel the same connection with this - maybe some of you may want to try and take me on now that you know this about me, HAHA. But now that I'm 25, I am ready now more than ever to explore this world of wrestling and fighting so much more. Hope somebody got something out of this and maybe hope to hear from some of you soon too.

Bearhugs Boys! Happy wrestling. Happy fighting.

Last edited on 11/09/2017 5:52 AM by Tybinola



Andy Bluebear (4)

11/09/2017 6:47 AM

Happy Birthday...and nice post.


geewrestler (44)

11/09/2017 9:02 AM

Happy birthday buddy.
Your blog is spot on...... I feel the same way.
Wrestle on.


jason (27)

11/09/2017 5:50 PM

Happy 25th !!! Excellent blog!!!


Suvorov (9 )

11/10/2017 12:26 AM

Happy birthday!!! I hope we meet with you!


NoCalWrestlebob (19)

11/10/2017 5:20 AM

Happy Birthday and well written....and in most cases, heart felt comments and thoughts by all of us. Still love to meet up with you again sometime, had a good match up with you and like you said, meeting for the first time you feel anxious, and even some nerves, but once you lock up, there is no other feeling, and the stress of that day, week, month just sort of disappear and have so much fun. Take care


scubawrestler (91 )

11/10/2017 4:52 PM

Happy Belated Birthday my friend. One day I will get another chance to come back to New Orleans and we can square off as we've discussed. You are so right in your blog. It does my heart good to see that others feel exactly as I do. Bearhugs and punches. and all of the very best to you!


Spruceman (55 )

11/10/2017 8:12 PM

... and if you will be feeling likewise on your 50th and 75th if you keep with it and stay strong. I celebrated my big 75 and a few days beside taking on four twenty-somethings, and some older; and came out of it higher than a kite. You do likewise at you big 7-5. Your post is so great, I just might adapt it and post a similar on my 76 or the big 8-0. You do likewise on yours; because once one gives up and stops, one begins at lightspeed to die..


PhoenixBigBear (19 )

3/24/2018 8:18 PM

Sorry I missed your birthday. Your blog hit the mark with me, and I am grateful for your honesty and manliness. Belated birthday wishes and many good fights and wrestling matches and throw downs to you!


scubawrestler (91 )

3/24/2018 11:07 PM

(In reply to this)

Which reminds me, you and I need to tangle up again soon. :)


PhoenixBigBear (19 )

3/25/2018 4:11 AM

(In reply to this)

YES!!! Let me know if you're coming my way to Phoenix and we will. :)
