I guess I'm just using this as a rant point as I'm way too macho man clearly to use a diary to record feelings and what not, but I've reached that threshold where I'm considering the deletion of my profile on here. I'm kind of getting fed up of the bullshit from some people, the attitudes and all the crap that goes with that. What used to be fun is now an exercise in having to restrain myself from reaching through my laptop and throttling people.

It's a shame because I've loved being able to explore this side of me that wrestling has allowed me to develop, and expand on a confidence I haven't had in such a while, but when you get people who's version of trash talk is to insult your physique (Do you even go to a gym?) and try and shove you back in that shy shell you've managed to finally start crawling out of it gets very draining to want to continue coming back and embracing this.

This is probably all pointless and won't change things, nor am I expecting the heavens to part and all the things to fall into place for me, I just wanted to rant so I can put this behind me in some context and try and have some fun, it was either that or start fights on random people on the streets and I'm not that aggro just yet.

Have a nice night MF. Stay classy.

Last edited on 6/09/2015 12:12 AM by Wrestlingn00b



untouchable1 (12)

6/09/2015 12:18 PM

Maybe put on your profile that you're not into trash talk, or block the people if they go too far?
Or put a little about your journey? :)

It's quite refreshing how many people on here actually donread profiles, so maybe they will catch it on there. A lot also give me feedback about a blog I wrote well over a year ago, so hopefully they may read this too.
Don't give up on yourself for a few meanies :)


TheOllieWatts (33)

6/10/2015 7:33 PM

(In reply to this)

Well I'm quite content with trash talking with people, have a few guys on here I regularly engage in some pre-wrestle banter before going to take them on (and down ;D)

My point more so is that in my view trash talk is about selling how you're better, via your skill, strength, stamina or ability to do origami. It's about asserting yourself as in control and being the best all while being light hearted banter and all in jest. To me it isn't an excuse to just openly insult people such as 'you're pathetic, do you even go to the gym, you're weak etc' or making comments on someone's weight.

I'm calm and collected now, just reached that point where I felt like 'fuck this'.

But yeah on happier notes need to get hold of you soon man. ;P


untouchable1 (12)

6/10/2015 11:34 PM

(In reply to this)

Ahh, I think I missed the jist a bit, it was early :P

But yeah, definitely agree. No one should ever take the mick of something of which it's obvious you're improving and working on, which looks good may I say.

Glad you feel better, let me know when you're back around these parts :P


wrestle me uk (15)

6/10/2015 8:32 AM

I understand about this mate. All meet-up websites attract a wide range of people, some are here to get involved, some to observe, and some to run their mouths, unfortunately you can't please everyone. Far be it from me to stop anyone from leaving but just make sure it's the right decision for you first, it sounds like you wrestling and would miss it if you did go. I'm here if you ever fancied a go?


NorthNotts (69)

6/10/2015 8:40 PM

Stay on here. Most on the site are great guys.
