TheOllieWatts's blog

Hello world of MF.

I had debated doing a blog for this or not, but the situation has left a bitter taste in my mouth so I wanted to share my feelings and thoughts.

So I received a message from a member yesterday asking to meet up. This individual had messaged before (during which he'd been quite rude and abrasive) and I had told him upon his apology that it was accepted but I wouldn't be meeting. Ignoring his further correspondence didn't stop this so upon being asked if I was 'ever going to man up' and meet him I sent a no interest and then blocked further communication as it remained unproductive.

Half an hour later I receive a message from advising me that he had gone into the chatroom and stated he had met with me yesterday and that I had pulled a knife out on him.

This is a situation I never expected to find myself in, and in general I found it quite shocking and stressful. Immediately I had to try to 'clear my name' for an incident that had never occurred. Though that isn't the main issue I'm wanting to talk about (as it has now been dealt with thanks to the work of the admin team of MF who I appreciate their quick response). Although I tried to laugh it off afterwards it still was a horrid situation to encounter.

What I wanted to stress to everyone is the importance of resilience in this world, and I guess compassion. It's horrible being rejected, I can appreciate that. I've been rejected many times and it stings every single time, and maybe I too need to thicken my skin. But it's one thing to be hurt and annoyed and another to try to destroy someone's reputation and create false accusations to terrify others. So I implore everyone to take a moment to process before reacting. The fight or flight response when you're under stress or in the throes of rage is not productive or helpeful for yourself or anyone, so take a moment to think of your actions, take a breather before you respond to make a more sensible decision.

Secondly compassion, something I perhaps lacked in this matter. I made a judgement and in honesty I don't think i handled it in the best manner. Perhaps there were more productive ways I could have communicated, but I had dealt with the behaviour previously and I had a negative perception going into the conversation. So to those messaging people, I hope you like me now make to have a little compassion and kindness for each other, we are all here for our interests and fun, not to hurt anyone. So I hope we all spread love and kinship to one another (what with V-Day coming up seems relevant to release my inner hippie).

The matter is dealt with and at this point in time the individual has been suspended, if he returns I may have to deal with that when it comes to it, but I hope that I've learnt something from this and in turn those who read this take time to contemplate the points I raised.

Let's have a good rest of the year people. In closing to cheer people up here is a picture of a 'hot dog'

N00b : )

Last edited on 2/13/2017 8:05 PM by Wrestlingn00b; 0 comment(s)

Just a quick one wishing all of those who are in Birmingham today and tomorrow a happy Pride! : )

Maybe see you all tonight!

Last edited on 5/28/2016 7:23 PM by Wrestlingn00b; 0 comment(s)


So was having a think about this on the walk home after the gym, been something I've had on my mind and looked myself but thought I'd get other people's experiences and the like. I think overall my strength and physique hold me in good stead in a match (people have the habit of underestimating me...which works for me ;D) but technique is what lets me down, as I'd say I'm a solid 5 out of 10.

So I was wondering, does anyone know any good schools or private coaches for lessons? As I'd love to bump myself up to at least a 5.8 or something. Just thought I'd throw a net out and see if anyone knew of any individuals who do lessons. If so I'd love to hear your experiences or recommendations. Though note that this isn't me going 'I need someone to teach me a lesson tehe ;) -giggle-' this is me wanting to improve myself even more, make myself an even more deadly opponent.

Anyway hope everyone is enjoying the improved weather!

Last edited on 5/06/2016 11:21 PM by Wrestlingn00b; 0 comment(s)

I guess I'm just using this as a rant point as I'm way too macho man clearly to use a diary to record feelings and what not, but I've reached that threshold where I'm considering the deletion of my profile on here. I'm kind of getting fed up of the bullshit from some people, the attitudes and all the crap that goes with that. What used to be fun is now an exercise in having to restrain myself from reaching through my laptop and throttling people.

It's a shame because I've loved being able to explore this side of me that wrestling has allowed me to develop, and expand on a confidence I haven't had in such a while, but when you get people who's version of trash talk is to insult your physique (Do you even go to a gym?) and try and shove you back in that shy shell you've managed to finally start crawling out of it gets very draining to want to continue coming back and embracing this.

This is probably all pointless and won't change things, nor am I expecting the heavens to part and all the things to fall into place for me, I just wanted to rant so I can put this behind me in some context and try and have some fun, it was either that or start fights on random people on the streets and I'm not that aggro just yet.

Have a nice night MF. Stay classy.

Last edited on 6/09/2015 12:12 AM by Wrestlingn00b; 0 comment(s)

Well this will probably be terrible as had a long day at work and slowly but surely passing out but heading on the train to Brighton this weekend!

I plan to drink my weight in vodka and reminisce about old times with friends. However while I am in the area a match could be fun : ) if you want you wonderful people of meetfighters feel free to drop me a message and let's see what happens.

Happy easter y'all!

Last edited on 3/27/2015 9:31 PM by Wrestlingn00b; 0 comment(s)