TakeThePunchesAI's blog

Emotional Day, but in the midst, Thanks guys.

Since I woke up to the last month of the year. It’s been very emotional today. It’s like I’m in mourning, which I suppose it is. No question this was the worst year of my life. Nothing went right. I opened the year with a person I silent six years with and who I thought I’d marry walking out on me. Then my dad dudes abruptly my birthday month. Had great momentum for my screenwriting career, got reps attention/got recommended and yet nobody cared so couldn’t capitalize, got wrongfully fired by my job on the week of Father’s Day, got scammed twice trying to find home based jobs to cut stress and entered the most stressful time and has money stolen.

It took all of my spirit to fight out of all this each and every time. My spirit is tired. Joy has never wanted me more than it has now in my life. All I ever try to do is pursue what makes me happy and maximize my worth and I’ve never been so challenged like I have this year just to have those two things. My wants and needs are so simply and yet the hardest things for me to obtain. Sometimes I wonder if being kind is my flaw? Is being selfless not my key to success? I found myself in a place where I know how my father felt up to his death. If only he knew how familiar I was with this space.

Anyway, you guys on here kept me from falling apart. I appreciate every person I interacted with this year on here. Thank you to everyone that checked in on me. I know some of you guys joke, but you don’t know how much it hurts to hear some of you say “I’m jealous of you.” Nothing about who I am today outside of my goofiness and kindness is natural. I had to build into this person, build into this body you guys appreciate, I had to build with no confidence, no support system. I cry alone, I suffer alone. It’s a fight to sustain the natural happy and positive person I am as I am sure it is for everyone. But never be so sure you’re jealous that of someone unless you know their story.

So thank you guys, you helped keep me occupied and out of a dark place that’s always knocking on the door. I’m just wise enough not to answer these days. Make the best out of the last month, Merry Christmas and Happy New progressive year to everyone.

Also, it’s very emotional for me right now. I don’t know if I’m meeting for matches this month. So I’m sorry guys.

*any typos I’ll fix later, lol. I’m on my phone and not home.*

Last edited on 12/01/2022 8:01 PM by TakeThePunchesAI
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BamaJDon41 (10 )

12/02/2022 2:17 AM

It is sad that there are so many people willing to take advantage of one's kindness. But you are how you choose to act and I won't allow anyone to make those choices for me. They are my choices to make.


Haarek (1)

12/02/2022 4:53 AM

So sorry to hear this. I really want to give you a big good hug right now.
Best wishes. I hope things get better for you. For all it's worth - you're a great inspiration for us who are into gutpunching. Stay safe, Merry Christmas- and a very good New Year for you.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

12/06/2022 5:48 AM

(In reply to this)

You hype me up too much man, lol. I'm just a human who feels things and have interests. We're all inspirations in different ways and forms.


luttefrance (35)

12/02/2022 1:23 PM

Goofy, kind AND hot! You've obviously got plenty going for you, but it takes time to become a good judge of character and that entails trial and error. Meantime, keep wrestling!


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

12/06/2022 5:50 AM

(In reply to this)

I haven't met you before but I appreciate your thoughts, you're the same age my dad would have been this year.


STLCHIWrestler (2)

12/02/2022 6:16 PM

Hang in there. Stay true to you, the right people will be attracted to that aspect.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

12/06/2022 5:50 AM

(In reply to this)

I'll keep that in mind for sure, thanks man.


Submission Guy 82 (56 )

12/02/2022 10:06 PM

I’m sorry you’ve had such an awful time, I hope things get better for you handsome dude! Wishing you positive things for 2023 ❤️❤️❤️❤️


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

12/06/2022 5:49 AM

(In reply to this)

Thanks man.


abpuncher (13)

12/04/2022 1:08 AM

Thanks for sharing...I am afraid I may have been one who had looked at your pictures with some envy because of your well chiseled physique...now thanks to your sharing I have a much greater respect for the beauty and strength of the man that you are and not just on the outside...sending you good wishes of happiness for each tomorrow as you wake to a new and hopeful future.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

12/06/2022 5:51 AM

(In reply to this)

Well at least you were honest, lol.



12/04/2022 5:07 AM

TTPA. Okay, it's an abbreviation, which is a word meaning shortening things. Hummmmm. Al, you are not a heel by choice; which means (at least in my book and as long as I have known and learned about you) that you have got guts. You know how to give it, but in the main you "take it." There was this guy, and he had pity on a whole bunch of people and so he gave them something they really needed. The result of this is that he was punished, over and over, and for a long time. He literally had endure spilling his guts, but every morning somehow he had managed to pull it together. There's a statue devoted to this guy in Rockefeller Square; perhaps you've seen it, especially when this huge Xmas tree is decorated and lit up.

Nobody here, and certainly not I, believe you are giving up. Right now, you are going through a rough nite so to speak, but deep down I know you are going to awake and find things are getting better, even though it may be taking a long time. There's something I read somewhere, and it is a message of certainty: "Even this shall pass away." Another person wrote about situations somewhat like yours, and he called what he wrote, "If." I urge you to turn on the old computer, and look this thing up; it is a poem. I could tell you who wrote it, but I think you should find that out for yourself. (It'll give you something to do, which I assure you will prove invaluable.

Lemons are still lemons, even when you add water and sugar to them. Deal with it. And, when you are done, start looking for some ice cream; sweetness invariably follows the sourness of life. It may be short lived, though, so hold onto it as long as you can.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

12/06/2022 5:52 AM

(In reply to this)

Thank you for your thoughtful words as always.


Drjoejr (0 )

12/04/2022 7:24 AM

Thx for sharing. I have similar struggle this year (got ghosted on my bday and my dad recently passed away too) so I am really moved by your sharing. Feel like I’m not the only one that have to go through this bad time. Hang in there. I think being kind mean you are strong to your morale. Though nowadays, have to be very careful as there are many that like to prey on that. As for being selfless, it’s okay to be selfish sometime. It’s okay to prioritize your happiness. Reading this, I’m sure you are strong enough to get through this and reading at comments, seem like you are not truly alone. Hope things get better for you and wishing you all the best. Thank you for sharing again.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

12/06/2022 5:47 AM

(In reply to this)

I appreciate you taking the time to be open and sharing this with me.


NYC Wrestling (65)

12/04/2022 11:28 PM

I’m so sorry things are miserable for you. It seems like life is taking your MF handle to heart, and giving you all the punches. I know there’s nothing I can say to make you feel better; just know we’re pulling for you out here.


The Badger (8)

12/05/2022 3:53 AM

Keep plugging away and happier and more successful times will happen. One thing that I see everyday, and that I've noticed throughout my 66 years, is that good things happen to good people. It may take time, but time is going to pass anyway so stick with it. A lot of people give up on things too soon, and the people that stick with it eventually end up where they want to be. It may take a few tries, but you will get there. We all make decisions based on the information we have at that time, so don't be hard on yourself, but learn from your decisions and experiences. That's what life is about. And don't feel that you are alone...everyone is going through things that we don't know about. Some people are open about it, such as yourself, while others tend to keep their struggles inside. Nothing wrong with either approach.

Put the past year behind you, and don't dwell on it. Focus on what you want to achieve next year, and what steps you need to get there. One step at a time. Don't make decisions based on your current situation...make decisions based on where you want to be in the future.

And remind yourself daily of this fact...this year was only one chapter in your life, not the whole book.

Take care pal.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

12/06/2022 5:53 AM

(In reply to this)

Thank you for that man, I really appreciate it.


BttmBkr61 (0)

12/10/2022 3:08 AM

Yes, you are indeed in mourning. And it is so incredibly healthy for you to openly post and share your feelings without shame. As men, we often repress our feelings, buying into the "Men don't cry" bullshit. What's the result of that? Stress illnesses, depression, suicide, addiction. Bravo to you for sharing, asking for, and accepting support. I have confidence that you will come back stronger for this experience. Blessings to you.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

12/10/2022 7:04 AM

(In reply to this)

Thank you man, I used to be a cry baby all the time. In my three stints of depression when I got older older (I bet you guys think I'm an old man the way I reference this stuff, lol), I cried a lot and I reached point where I was tired of crying. I've learned to be more open and vulnerable now. To be honest I don't really just man, but some of the people I've interacted on here and elsewhere have helped me feel more open and comfortable.


commandertc (68)

12/11/2022 2:25 AM

My friend, I am here for you. Inside and outside the ring. If you ever need a shoulder or a hug , let me know.. I give great hugs. Come and spend a few days with me in mn, will take you skiing and just chill my Friend ... no wrestling if you don't want to.. cuddle and talk my friend
