TakeThePunchesAI's blog

Uh, Been A Wild Year So Far... Yeah, Got Accepted by BG East

I know I was supposed to have a match with some of you, my apologies. I had an incident happen and it caused me great emotional distress so I was away. And since I've just been trying to bounce back. So I've been trying to find things to bring my stress down, I mean I'm still grieving given my father died in March and his birthday was yesterday (Aug 15). So I thought, why not try for BG East. I've been wanting some matches, and it could be a fun stress relief given I really enjoy being in the ring. After over a month of waiting and the help of a buddy on here (you know who you are), I got accept last week. They really like my look and apparently MarcWrestler (thank you by the way) knows the guy and put in the good word.

I thought you guys would like to know because this community is so supportive and encouraging. I'm a self-motivated guy, but I'm not a naturally confident guy. You guys flattering has really made me feel good about myself the work I've put in. And so many of you have asked me "Do you do BG East?" my God I got asked that so much, lol. I was embarrassed because I never want to disrespect a company and it's wrestlers. But apparently I'm pretty good so I want to thank you guys for the encouragement and pleads. I may have never considered that, I still wasn't considering this. It's just my stress was so high, it aligned, lol.

I was told a month regarding my first match, but I don't have anything concrete yet. Could be something soon though. But I just wanted to share this because you guys played a part in manifesting this, lol.

Last edited on 8/16/2022 2:32 PM by TakeThePunchesAI
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chicagomuscle (14)

8/16/2022 2:50 PM

Hey! Congratulations….that’s a BIG deal! My dad had a birthday yesterday as well. Wish you all the best!!


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/16/2022 2:53 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks man, really excited about it. I think I can bring something unique to the table. I got ideas man, lol. Happy Birthday to your dad as well. My condolences if he's no longer here.


synxiec (74)

8/16/2022 4:03 PM

That's wonderful! Congratulations! I'm sure you'll do wonderful there :D


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/16/2022 4:22 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks man, you always showing support.


GPStud (29)

8/16/2022 4:52 PM

This is awesome news
Congrats man


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/16/2022 4:54 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks man, good to hear from you.


ausjock28 (19 )

8/16/2022 7:43 PM

You definitely have a fan here! Has been awesome to connect with you online (wish we were closer obviously haha) and I can’t wait to see the results.
I’m so sorry to hear your loss and and I know that as long as you do what makes you happy, your spirit family will be happy for you and always support you mate.
Hope to meet you someday :-)


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/16/2022 11:40 PM

(In reply to this)

Hey man. Thanks so much for the kind words. I appreciate the fandom.


Heel-eo-trope (6)

8/16/2022 8:58 PM

Well done. Congrats! One of my former opponents on this site also started working with BG East. That's wonderful and I wish you success and fulfillment with them :)
Also, my condolences to you and your family with the passing of your dad. Hope you are well.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/16/2022 11:41 PM

(In reply to this)

Cool man, and thanks very much.


hvywght blk bxr (7)

8/16/2022 9:40 PM

Congrats and my condolences. Hopefully, you'll be shooting across town and can always swing by the beach to destress further.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/16/2022 11:42 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks man. Yeah, I just never had the time, but things will be different now.


roughouser (15)

8/16/2022 11:54 PM



Prowrestle (15)

8/17/2022 12:37 AM

Congratulations. Wishing you all the best !


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/17/2022 12:59 AM

(In reply to this)

Thanks man.


Heavyweight4Fun (7)

8/17/2022 7:48 AM

❤️👏👏👏 congrats


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/17/2022 2:32 PM

(In reply to this)

Thank you.


ruinurabs (42 )

8/17/2022 6:35 PM

Congrats to you Al, and BG East! They've got a great talent added there.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/17/2022 6:40 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks man.


noweighout2002 (2)

8/17/2022 11:40 PM

Well...I guess I'm kind of a fan too (wink, wink). Congratulations.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/18/2022 12:17 AM

(In reply to this)

You definitely made that apparent, lol. Thanks man.


Squashlad (245)

8/18/2022 12:44 PM

Ah, great stuff! Your bouts for them will undoubtedly be super popular. 🤼‍♂️👍


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/18/2022 2:44 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks man, we'll see, lol. I hope I'm exciting for you guys.


Chibestman (0)

8/18/2022 3:04 PM

Congratulations man!


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/18/2022 3:13 PM

(In reply to this)

Thank you, sir.


Marcwrestler (650 )

8/19/2022 7:02 PM

Congratulations for this awesome news about your debut coming soon with BGEast!! A++
You are awesome guy and so good fighter for get so many hot punchs when i wrestled you last febuary at the BG ring! You was fantastic! I am so happy that BG accepted and that you will make this new great experience soon with this famous wrestling videos company! CONGRATS ! ALL THE BEST my friend!


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/19/2022 7:22 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks you so much Marc, I'm still very grateful you allowed me to have a match with you. I had just came back from watching my father be put into the ground, then I had my match with you. It really was good timing. I had so much fun, and you really helped me let loose in the ring. I may not have considered this had it not been for you or Gutcheck. And lol, yeah the going trademark. Maybe I should have given my profile a different name, lol.

I honestly just came on here to have fun and cultivate creativity. I just wanted to reconnect with things that I enjoyed in my childhood. I didn't think I would be taken seriously, and I certainly didn't think I'd get so much attention and support. I grew up a neglected and abused child, so natural I expect nothing. Probably not healthy but I've been hurt a lot and I don't want to be hurt anymore. But you guys make me feel really good.



8/19/2022 7:04 PM

Before writing this comment I took the time to review the Profile page, pictures, and notably the recommendations of all the men TTPAI had in matches. This is also what I do when I seriously browse some member to be a potential opponent.

I find the attitude, the enthusiasm, and the performance of TTPAI extraordinary. Stat differences were incredible such that most individuals would not consider the men TTPAI has chosen to take on. Incredible is just another word for unbelievable. But, he has, and the result is seven men didn't hold back in their assault on his body and felt the need to comment subsequently on his skill, his endurance, etc.

Now, if the reader is ignorant of who MarcWrestler is I would say you must have been taking your matches on Uranus. There is no doubt in my mind that his assessment of TTPAI helped in getting him picked up by BG East; however, it was TTPAI's record that won that acceptance.

Centurionship is a goal many have sought and obtained. I wonder what else besides this, with TTPAI's record in mind, that it takes to get noticed by BG East. If there are other things, no matter how trivial, I hope we can be advised of them.

Great success, TTPAI. Strut your stuff. Let them know that a Meet Fighters' member is ready to do battle. I won't wish you luck; you don't need it. I only hope you will do all you can to continue to shine.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/19/2022 7:49 PM

(In reply to this)

Thank you so much man. I wanted to align myself with people that would take me seriously. I didn't want people just talking about my looks, I wanted people to say I was fun.

Yeah, he was a big supporter, he even told me back in march I should consider it, he was so adamant, lol.

Thank you very much for the kind words man. You guys made me cry man... Okay you didn't literally but you played a part. I secured this job I really wanted yesterday and it would give me the finances to relocate and start a new chapter in my life. So now I have two things I'm doing that are a part of my life that make me happy, make me feel good. I used to watch the Pursuit of Happiness scene at the end, when Will's character experienced overwhelming happiness. And it always made me cry because I wonder what that would feel like. I could only imagine. But today, I felt that happiness and then seeing these comments from you guys, I just couldn't help myself.

Thank you again GingerMan and think you guys for the support and the appreciation. Those that reached out back when my father passed. Those that actually listen to me the person, and not just look at my stomach or whatever you enjoy seeing on me. And thank you for listening to my emotional moments.


rowdybear (46 )

8/22/2022 8:06 PM

Well done! Congrats 👏🏼


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/22/2022 8:18 PM

(In reply to this)

Oh hey man. Nice to hear from you, thanks so much. I hope all is well. Tell my guys on the chat I said what's up, the ones that care, lol.


Haarek (1)

8/23/2022 1:05 AM

Cheers from Norway!

Wish you all the best with a new chapter in your life. BG East get a new star. Well done, and well deserved.

I'm sorry for your loss. It's in moments like this you can show what you're made of. You will come back stronger than ever, and you will be successful. I'm sure your father would be proud of you!
Good luck!


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/23/2022 1:31 AM

(In reply to this)

Hello, I feel like I've talked with you before.

Thanks so much man. New star? Lol, easy man. I appreciate the condolences. Yeah here's the thing, my dad never knew this side of me, nobody in my family does. I'm very private in that way, lol.

Yeah man, I approached this year like a tiger and will continue to be that. Thanks for dropping your comment.


Blkboi (0)

8/24/2022 7:19 AM

Bro, I am soooo happy for you. I know you dont even know me, but I've been watching you for sometime now. You definitely deserve this and more. Here's to your continued success.🍻

Also, my condolences to you in the loss of your father. I'm sure he's proud of you as we all are.🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

8/24/2022 1:56 PM

(In reply to this)

Nice to meet you. Thanks so much man, I appreciate taking the time to say that.

Yeah he said it a lot in the recent years. Thanks again, that means a lot.


NYC Wrestling (65)

9/07/2022 12:25 AM

Awesome! Can’t wait to see your BG debut!


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

9/07/2022 4:31 AM

(In reply to this)

Thanks man and nice to meet you. I don't think we've spoke.


NYC Wrestling (65)

9/07/2022 1:55 PM

(In reply to this)

I responded to a post of yours last year. 🙂


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

9/07/2022 3:54 PM

(In reply to this)

Ohhh, Okay.
