Hey guys. I'll be brief. These recent weeks have been tough for me. I'm not in a happy place mentally right now. So, I don't really want to meet anybody for matches right now, and please don't be offended if I don't message you back. The last two days I've been in tears which is not a good sign for me. I just need some time to myself. Thank you for understanding, and if you never hear or see me again... well, life goes on, right? You guys be safe and I hope everyone else is doing well.

Last edited on 8/25/2021 9:59 PM by TakeThePunchesAI
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BamaJDon41 (10 )

8/25/2021 11:24 PM

You could just suspend your membership. You profile wouldn't be visible and you wouldn't receive messages. Then just reactivate it whenever you wanted to log back on.


abuster (79 )

8/26/2021 12:44 AM

Sorry you're going through that man. I hope you'll be ok. Also hope we reconnect soon. I'm here if you need to talk!


bnjifghtr (2)

8/26/2021 1:11 AM

Take care bro and be safe
If you wanna talk to a former high school counselor. - I am here to listen dude


GPNavelPuncher (0)

8/26/2021 2:40 AM

Hey, guy, take care. You...and your ABS and NAVEL...are FABULOUS. You know that! 'Look forward to seeing you again soon. 👊👊👊 Keep in touch.


Palaman (44 )

8/26/2021 3:16 AM

You’re stronger for even posting this. Wishing you the best man and I’m here if you ever want a random ear


bnjifghtr (2)

8/26/2021 4:03 AM

(In reply to this)

Totally agree. - we are strongest when we show our vulnerability !


manchesterwrestler (32 )

8/26/2021 1:30 PM

You will feel better. I do not when but you will. Get through today, reach out to friends if you feel able. The fact that you are sharing is a powerful step in noticing feelings which is step one and i wish u a support network to help you through.


wrestlepa (39)

8/26/2021 3:01 PM

Take care of yourself 😘


NYC Wrestling (65)

8/26/2021 9:35 PM

Sorry to hear things are rough for you. I hope you can stay strong enough to defeat whatever is hurting you right now. Hope to see you back on MF again soon!


bodycontactau (1)

8/27/2021 12:16 AM

Good to hear you are standing up to take care of the most important person if your life.....you.
Hopefully you'll be back, when you are ready... if not we all would appreciate a post here from time to time just to know that you're ok. We are part of a community here.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

8/27/2021 4:09 AM

Enjoy your "Time off".


Fudoumyo (6)

8/27/2021 8:46 AM

hey man. Everything is going to be ok. There are tough days just like there are happy days. Stay strong , because life is a valuable gift. DM me if you need someone to talk to.


synxiec (74)

9/01/2021 1:07 AM

Absolutely take the time you need but if you need an open ear, I have a pair.
