SileX blogja

My Priorities in a Match

I was having a discussion the other day about what is motivating me in a match, what it is that I like about wrestling. I will now make the outcome of this discussion public.

My priorities are:

  1. Safety. (Nobody gets really hurt beyond some possible scrapes and minor bruises.)
  2. Fun. (This is a big bag of everything, includes good moves, learning stuff, whatever else makes the match enjoyable.)
  3. Winning. (Remote third, only matters when objectives #1 and #2 are secured.)

These are the Laws or Robotics in that #1 takes an absolute precedence over #2 and #3, and #2 takes absolute precedence over #3. For example, when given a choice between winning and safety, I am happy to lose.

So now I put it out there. Happy to hear your thoughts.

Last edited on 7/09/2016 9:07 AM by FighterGuyy



matsteve (2)

7/09/2016 4:44 PM

I am in total agreement with you on this. Safety and fun always come first. Winning is great, but after all, most of us are not professional wrestlers and most of us are not going for a gold medal. Of course there is going to be a bit of pain and discomfort involved, after all the object of wrestling is not to make your opponent feel as comfortable a possible LOL, but never want to injure or be injured. At the end of a match there is usually a winner, but whether it is me or my opponent to me as long as nobody got hurt and it was fun, then both are winners. Good blog post bud.


SileX (204 )

7/10/2016 8:48 AM

(In reply to this)

Thank you, I'm happy to hear that others share the sentiment!

Some people say they have "nothing to prove", like winning is not an objective at all. It is, we are competing for fun; but it is not THE objective.


rjbklyn (4)

7/10/2016 4:06 AM

Very nicely written and has pinned down what most seem to want to say and want in a match. Thank you Fighterguyy.


SileX (204 )

7/10/2016 8:48 AM

(In reply to this)

Thank you too for the five stars :)


Chris55 (2 )

7/10/2016 10:11 AM

Very well put.....


wanna roll (3)

7/10/2016 12:58 PM

Great set of priorities, totally agree. Thanks for posting them.


leatherhound (0)

7/10/2016 1:07 PM

probably more specific to wrestlers and not to boxers/brawlers. the latter would likely have wider tolerance for being marked and might not rate fun as highly as you do. winning might matter more to them also.


SileX (204 )

7/10/2016 1:18 PM

(In reply to this)

You might be right about that. I'm not trying to say that my priorities are the only priorities that make sense, nor am I trying to impose them on others. We each have our goals, and I just felt like posting mine.


Essex (123)

7/11/2016 5:29 PM

Great post.
Could not agree more with your comments.
I had a blast meeting you and you certainly made safety and fun a top priority in our meet.
The real winners in a match are the guys that actually turn up and take or lose...just have fun and enjoy it 👍


SileX (204 )

7/11/2016 7:10 PM

(In reply to this)

Did you notice that we both have 127 opponents at the time of writing??


Essex (123)

7/11/2016 7:29 PM

(In reply to this)

I didn't, but I do now :)


headlock07 (31)

7/11/2016 7:20 PM

How can anyone 'dislike' such a well-written post? I just don't get it.


hephaestion2014 (47)

7/12/2016 10:38 AM

I like hierarchies and lists, so this pleases my brain.

Yep, safety first then enjoyment then winning sounds right. Although I'm not of the mind set or skill set to worry too much about winning. In fact the only time I get hung up on winning is when I have twigged that
a ) I've been challenged because they see me as a walk over
and b) Winning is top of their list.

There's been the odd one or two that you meet when you get the feeling that they will do anything to win, to be "the best". Which I find funny, because the best wrestlers and most skilled wrestlers that i have met had the techniques, ability and knowledge to win - just not the ego.


mikemat123 (12)

7/18/2016 3:45 PM

127 opponents? I'll never get to 27!


SileX (204 )

7/18/2016 3:49 PM

(In reply to this)

Well you shouldn't have canceled our meet, should you? :P


mikemat123 (12)

7/18/2016 3:59 PM

I knew that was coming!


MuscChamp (217)

12/19/2016 5:00 PM

There is some irony in the fact that I usually introduce myself to wrestling opponents with the EXACT same priorities. I always indicate that my proudest achievement in my 25+ years of submission wrestling is the fact that no one has ever been injured in a match. Safety is my number 1 priority (by far), and mutual fun is number 2. I state that to each new wrestler before we begin. And like you, I enjoy winning the match, but it is far lower in priority than either safety or fun. I have indeed lost matches or stopped match when I thought safety was compromised. Thank you for writing publically what I have strongly articulated privately! Mariano


SileX (204 )

12/19/2016 5:51 PM

(In reply to this)

It would be great to wrestle you someday .

Thank you for your comment!


MuscChamp (217)

12/20/2016 12:25 AM

I very much look forward to wrestling you as well, Sile! Your stellar reputation precedes you, and I am sure that we would develop both a friendship and an inter-generational rivalry! :-) Have a wonderful upcoming Christmas holiday in Budapest! Mariano


bnjifghtr (2)

9/18/2020 4:01 PM

I agree wholeheartedly with his list of precedence.
I might , in addition , list Learning as #3 above #4 .
Always striving to get better - I would hope to learn something new in every wrestle fight and improve my skills.
1 Safety ( above all )
2 Fun ( for both )
3 Learning ( something new every match )
4 Winning

Thanks, man - for this beautiful picture of priorities for all of us who love to wrestle !
