Boxer_Daddy's blog


“Hey man are you into such n such? (Not in my Profile!)”
“I’m into this (Also, Not in my Profile!)… can we meet up?”
“You look great! Can we meet to (DEFINITIVELY, Not in my Profile!) this…?”

YES! I’M BACK! How are we in 2020, some forty years after the advent of the modern home computer and internet only to have guys STILL NOT READING profiles? This is for all the NON-Readers, it’s time to utilize that skill and not the fantasy cock between your legs when reaching out to others.
How is it that I have a profile that CLEARLY states my kink, the kind of fights and things I’m looking for, etc. I even have pics to CLEARLY display these things, yet I’m getting “visitors” that see my pic and instantly envision me in their particular fantasy? It’s like SCREW whatever the hell I’m ACTUALLY in to. Apparently, I’m on this site for the objectification of onlookers and THEIR personal preferences and likes. Why bother with actually filling out a DETAILED description when every third guy passing by is just gonna make up what they want me to be. I have no free will of my own. How dare I suggest that I have an actual preference? I MUST be going about this whole thing the wrong way, to actually give a possible interest the option to finding out if we’re actually compatible... NO!
Here’s some STRONG Advice if you want to get a guy’s attention and have him take you seriously, READ THE DAMN PROFILE!! Myself and a few others have DEFINITIVE markers and points in our descriptions that if you violate, your message will be deleted and you may even get blocked the first time out. Treat people like the human being you want to be treated as… you know like that Bible verse says “Do unto others, as you would have other do unto you.” I promise you it will works wonders.
And if you’re a dick expect to get “dicked” around. I pass the soapbox onto the next RANT WARRIOR.

Last edited on 11/17/2020 5:38 PM by Boxer Daddy



ChiFight (6)

11/18/2020 1:15 AM

Amen. Preach on!


Boxer Daddy (49)

11/18/2020 5:50 AM

(In reply to this)

Thanks ChiFight. I know you can identify. I'm curious to hear a comment from the guy that gave the RANT a Thumbs down. But it's probably a case of me hitting to close to home.


matchup (64)

11/18/2020 5:57 AM

Maybe they are reading it but simply ignoring it 🤔


Boxer Daddy (49)

11/18/2020 3:30 PM

Good thought, but that's exactly my point. Ignoring a guy's profile is not going to lead to anything good for either of you. Instead of making a friend, you risk making an enemy and don't come any closer to exploring or engaging in your interest.


Andi2 (3)

11/20/2020 9:46 AM

(In reply to this)

Unfortunately, it is a very selfish all about me world that we live in. It dosent matter how blunt and focused your profile is. Most people see your profile photo and then focus and fantasize how perfect you would be to satisfy their fetish. They don't even care what your likes and needs are. I have seen photos of some members who I think on the surface would be perfect to satisfy my gut punching & boxing fetish. Then I read their profile statement and find that they are only into erotic wrestling. What would be the point in messaging them to request a session? Now I have had some people who are mainly into wrestling contact me and say they have never done gut punching, give or receive, but would be game to compromise. If I get into their fetish a bit then they were willing to get into mine , gut punching& boxing.. I tried it and found that I enjoyed wrestling and mixing it up with gut punching.It worked with one opponent but im skeptical to try it again with someone who is not %100 into my fetsh as I might be disappointed to take such a risk again..I realize that most people like yourself who have no problem finding multiple perfect matches that fit your exact fetsh needs ,have the luxury of getting exactly what you want , most of the time.I totally get it. I admit that when I compromised my match out of desperation, It was fun and satisfying but left me feeling more anxious to have a match with someone who was %100 pationatly into my fetsh as well . I don't send a message to anyone, anymore ,no matter how good they look if I'm not reading every fiber of their profile statement that connects with the same enjoyable hot vibe and passion for gut punching that I have.


Boxer Daddy (49)

11/20/2020 8:56 PM

(In reply to this)

Thanks for the additional comments Andi2. It's always good to hear other opinions and experiences. I compromised a few times in the past and after the guy got off he jetted and was no longer interested in what I wanted. Like you said... "Selfish and all about me world." Hence, I no longer meet guys half way. Along with becoming a Masters Boxer, I established myself in the leather kink community as an Erotic Pugilist. Now the Boxer boys and Punch Chumps come to me. Like you, I ALWAYS read a person's profile to avoid the confusion of wasting time. I don't see the point as life is to short to BS around when there are Other more viable candidates out there.


Andi2 (3)

11/21/2020 7:28 AM

(In reply to this)

You're welcome Boxer Daddy. It's always interesting to read your fiesty spirited Blogs.


ChiFight (6)

11/19/2020 2:57 AM

I bet a lot of these guys are the same types who write weepy blogs any time someone doesn't respond to them, complaining about how "rude" the other guy is, or who complain they were blocked for "no reason".


fig42007 (26)

5/09/2021 7:45 AM

Yes yes yes!!! Very well said and thank you for it!
