Boxer_Daddy's blog


“So what do you like best about boxing?”
“Did you see the shot that the champ hit him with?”
“What’s your style of boxing?”
“How many guys have you fought?”
“What’s your favorite punch?”
“So what do you like best about boxing?”
“If we boxed what combination would you hit me with first?”

“WHAT… THE… FUCK…? Enough already!”

I’M BACK, with another Hot Beef. The TALKER! These guys know who they are. These “Wanna-be Boxers” that sit at home scouring the internet looking for a real boxer to talk about boxing. When they finally find him they practically glue the other guy to his virtual keyboard asking him every question under the sun about the sport like an interrogation and even inquire about the same things multiple times over. If you have good recollection about conversations like I do, it’s VERY irritating.

“What color is your gear?”
“Do you like throwing the uppercut?”
“When was your last fight?”
Last week
“What color is your gear?”
The same color as the first time you asked me!

I enjoy conversing about boxing just as much as the next guy, but DUDE! Are you’re gonna talk me to death? Honestly you can only talk about the sport so much before you have to Just Go and Do IT! This is even worse when you and the “perp” live in the same town! Look, I get it! This is your chance to live vicariously through the experience of an athlete that participates in the Sweet Science on a regular basis. But did it ever occur to you that this is like torture to them. They’ve BEEN there, DONE that! It’s time to just Shut Up and Fight. At some point you have to actually climb into the square circle and see what you’re made of. How tough is your mental and physical fortitude? Then you can create your OWN experiences and defining moments in time to be remember for the rest of your life.

Trust me on this... as someone that has pioneered his own path, it is FAR more rewarding than following in the footsteps of someone else.

Last edited on 3/23/2020 5:10 PM by Boxer Daddy



GlovesUpGuy (38)

3/23/2020 5:31 PM

Had that problem a few times. When it gets to the point that the fight has already been talked out, it somehow makes for a disappointing experience, without a single punch ever being thrown. Distance is one thing, and talking about the excitement/details is another, but wanting to ascertain every single aspect of the fight, to the order of the punches thrown, is a bit ridiculous. And as ridiculous as it sounds, there are plenty of guys like that: Talkers.


hookuppercut (26)

3/23/2020 5:45 PM

Talkers will never understand the process of of doing what it takes to step between the ropes and fight. For me, it is about the journey. The relationships with people who share this experience certainly mean much more than with those who just talk about it.


actiondudenj2 (11 )

3/24/2020 12:50 AM

You nailed it- as always.🥊🥊


LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

3/24/2020 7:55 AM

Boxer_Daddy, totally understand where a fighting stud like you is coming from! And I admire and respect that. And I know there are those of us in the shadows, sorry, don't mean to rhyme, for various reasons can't step into the light (or boxing arena). But I hope you know that we totally respect you. For me personally I dont want to appear needy with frequent messages.


Ironbull (96)

3/24/2020 11:21 AM

Boxing is a huge commitment to learning, fitness and dealing with fear. I am on that journey and feel a great bond with others who are also on that journey. That's what defines a boxer. If someone is not training, learning and sparring, they are not a boxer pure and simple.

I don't mind being asked about it by non boxers or ex boxers. I do mind being reeled into someone else's fetish.


LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

3/24/2020 11:44 AM

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Agree about the commitment to fighting, but not all of us can travel the same journey. Being dismissed like this is why i am reluctant to connect and reach out here.


Boxer Daddy (49)

3/24/2020 4:40 PM

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I'm glad you agree Ironbull. It has been a tough journey. It was my fetish that drove and pushed me this far. Check out my previous BOXING RANT about the Fake Boxer with regards to guys that half ass their efforts to becoming a true Pugilist.
I don't mind talking boxing with beginners or other fellow boxers, because it will lead to something. But don't talk my head off about the same things over and over it gets old.
I'm a Boxer looking for challenges and battles to improve my skills and abilities. That is the heart of a true warrior. BTW, I wouldn't mind trading leather with you one day in the squared circle.


Ironbull (96)

3/24/2020 4:51 PM

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I would be (a) apprehensive and (b) delighted.


glovelover (4)

3/25/2020 7:00 PM

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well said Champ! This is one good REASON i DON'T LIKE CYBER BOXING!


Ironbull (96)

3/24/2020 1:23 PM

I don't buy that, I have to say. What is to stop any able bodied person using online coaching, setting up some bags in their yard and doing fitness training? Even if you don;t have access to a ring or real-time club, you can take 90% of the journey in any space where you can jump rope, run, work technique, combos and drills.


sgboxerkid (36 )

3/26/2020 1:26 AM

Thanks for this Boxer_Daddy, it really resonates with me.

I get that there are (many) people on here who are purely here for the fantasy – I was probably one of those people myself 20 years ago on other websites. Now that I have actually trained in the sport for many years, I can say that I've been on both sides of the fence, and I can relate to the feelings of both sides. And so my message to the keyboard warriors is this: it's ok if you want to live in fantasy, but don't exploit the very transformative experiences of the real boxers on here for your sexual pleasure. We don't appreciate it when after all the hours of sweat and blood and training and starving to make weight, all you care about is treating us as objects so you can get off. It's irritating at best and disrespectful at worst.

And – in fairness – when I was one of those scourers of the internet in my teens, I didn't really realize this either (fortunately I also did not find all that many real boxers to chat with :) ), so maybe treat this and the OP's rant as a PSA rather than an admonition. If you can, find a gym, use your fetish as motivation, and train. It's fun, and who knows, it may drive you far down that road and change you too. Or don't, and stay behind the keyboard. But find the other people in your clan, the ones who are also firmly behind the keyboard, to ask about the details of their trunks and what weight gloves they use. I love to chat boxing, but I want to be spoken to like a boxer and a human being, not a sex chatbot.


Boxer Daddy (49)

3/26/2020 7:38 AM

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VERY well spoken and eloquently put. Thank you for such a thought out response. It's refreshing to know I'm reaching the masses.

Keep your guard up and come out punching!


Ironbull (96)

3/26/2020 11:06 AM

SGboxerkid, well said.

If you want to know what it's like to climb a mountain (and are able-bodied), just climb it.


duellist (4 )

3/26/2020 3:11 PM

It’s terrifying the first time , the Bell goes and you forget your training and wildly just punch not feeling any hits you receive as the adrenaline flows ..... sure taking destroys the adventure not for me ... I love to jab , I’ve long arms and like to exhaust my opponent then hit a few rights to the head and lower ribs ..... I don’t like being punched on my nose


LeatherWrestlerUS (1)

3/27/2020 8:32 AM

Hey, guys, I truly appreciate your comments here. Thanks. Makes me respect real boxers even more. IMO much more intense that wrestling. Boxer Daddy's tales easily convey that. I know I'm out of your league/group but it is great to hear back from you all. Thanks for taking the time. Reminds me of Soul II Soul: "back to life, back to reality". LOL All the best, men!


Ironbull (96)

3/27/2020 10:04 AM

If I may make a blatant attempt to sell this journey Leather, it's this. Fitness like you never knew possible. Mental health boost. Self-esteem. Skill. Fraternity. Participation in something that stretches all through time. Pride. Self-knowledge. The best of you with the best of men.


hookuppercut (26)

3/27/2020 2:01 PM

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That is my experience.
You stated this very well.


duellist (4 )

4/02/2020 9:12 AM

Too much talk !!


SpeedBag-Guy (0 )

10/01/2021 7:32 PM

This topic is quite interesting.

Well, I understand how some people must feel, for my part I have certain fetishes in boxing especially in having a bit of erotic touch, being a jobber boy who would like to be dominated by a handsome boxer, so not many have such a taste for this sport.

I have learned that just talking can not satisfy those needs ... unfortunately many tend to live very withdrawn from each other, so it can be sad and frustrating, so some choose to meet on camera (either to their liking). But there are also many rude and uneducated people, not only the "talkers" but many people on this site, where a person who wants to greet or flatter a certain user that we admire without obviously knowing about this, we are answered very reluctantly, because lately a "hello" seems annoying... so one does not know how to start a conversation today. so it is also usually sad for some other users who just want to have a good time.

In my case it is difficult for me to have a conversation with someone who has in common with my fetishes, because of how the other person might react, so I can only wait for someone to invite me to talk about our tastes or do something.

Greetings and btw, you look very handsome as a boxer, as a whole daddy.


Boxer Daddy (49)

10/04/2021 10:19 PM

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Much Love & Appreciation for the compliment. I try to put positive images of a legit Boxer out there to let people know we do exist.

As for waiting for others to come to you, don't wait to long. You don't want life to pass you by. You've made a friend here and I may be hitting you up soon to see how your brain works in your kink. Per my profile I'm a writer too. Understanding what drives men like us helps me to embrace it All the more.
And YES! I write about "Punch Chumps" ALL the time.


SpeedBag-Guy (0 )

10/05/2021 12:24 AM

(In reply to this)

Thanks for the reply.

As my fetish of being a submissive guy who would like to be dominated by a boxer either fancifully without going to extremes, gives me very few options. I wish I could experiment and make it come true one day.

But knowing that many cannot be tolerant of messages discourages me from talking to others and finding someone who shares the same tastes, fetishes or kinks.

I can see what a lot can be learned from each other and I am glad to know.

Greetings Dad.
