Alf Nelson's blog

I am still asked on this site what is WoS wrestling. 'WoS' is just aficionados’ affectionate nickname for the old British pro wrestling, which was a popular sample of ‘World of Sport’. This television sport programme ran on British TV between 1965 and 1985. Wrestling was often shown between 4:00 – 4:45pm (or thereabouts) on Saturdays.

Alas, the British pro wrestling was on its steady decline shortly after the discontinuation of the above TV programme. But the popularity of pro wrestling was soon revived in the form of the then-known WWF. But these days wrestling is all about trash talk, acrobatics, and silly names and costumes; the art of technical wrestling (for which the likes of Johnny Saint became known) seems to have been sadly consigned to the distant past.

I hope this clears up this matter :-)

Last edited on 1/06/2024 4:34 PM by Alf Nelson; 5 comment(s)
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Wishing everyone here a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Safe wrestling (or whatever you do here).

Last edited on 12/18/2023 3:38 PM by Alf Nelson; 3 comment(s)
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If you are a fan of the old European pro wrestling, the following YouTube channel has plenty of bouts from the 80s in Europe:

Last edited on 11/05/2023 1:48 PM by Alf Nelson; 0 comment(s)
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The following match from the USA in 1942 is a real gem for fans of the old all-in wrestling.

The cameras are in close proximity of the wrestling action, which must be quite a rarity in those days, and which makes you feel as if you’re part of the bout.

One of the wrestlers, Mike Mazurki, would later appear in one of my favourite films, Some Like It Hot.

Last edited on 11/01/2023 7:25 AM by Alf Nelson; 7 comment(s)
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For true lovers of the old pro wrestling, I'd recommend Alessio's YouTube channel which shows fascinating clips of old bouts from Germany, South Korea, etc. The only downside is that these videos are 'snippets' lasting about a minute long, but very fascinating nevertheless:

Last edited on 10/18/2023 3:11 PM by Alf Nelson; 4 comment(s)
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