wildwooly's blog

Record new menbers

Wow over 270 people joined so far today, more then 10 Pages.
What was the record for new people to this site? A lot are in Brazil.

Last edited on 9/16/2019 1:03 AM by wildwooly



mcic (153)

9/16/2019 1:49 AM

It looks like half of Brazil just signed up today


BamaJDon41 (10 )

9/16/2019 3:18 AM

Only natural since jiu-jitsu is so popular in Rio and Sao Paolo


Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)

9/16/2019 7:15 AM

The reason is because meetfighters.com was news on the most popular brazilian internet portal (UOL). They made a great article talking about this website. Overall, Brazil has a relative (very) low number of users. Now, i hope things will improve a little. It was embarassing having almost 14x less users than USA (until yesterday) on a country only 35% less populated.


mcic (153)

9/16/2019 12:17 PM

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Makes sense! Welcome to the site and happy fighting!


DaniKrul (14)

9/16/2019 5:35 PM

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Con razón que hay tantos brasileiros inscriptos de repente. Bemvindos, companheiros lutadores!


bigchicago (68)

1/19/2020 11:04 PM

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Do you have a link to the article?


scottimike (26 )

9/16/2019 12:35 PM

Hm. A catholic country burning the Amazon rain forest, the lungs of the word , so it was a salacious , distraction I guess .It was not such a great article when translated into English , there was even a link to gay conversion therapy , banned in many countries..Quite a tabloid or soap opera piece , still it might get some real fighters joining????? Not as bad or poor perhaps as the UK 'Vice TV' channel piece of the "fetish' site as seen in youtube...????

Fighter Site Has Males Who Challenge Each Other For Erotic Melee... - Veja mais em https://paulosampaio.blogosfera.uol.com.br/?cmpid=copiaecola

"It's a male thing that likes a male . Much of the fighters gathered at the Meetfighters 'dating' site, which brings together nearly 20,000 members in nine countries, are looking for clashes that eventually evolve into so-called 'broderagem' ? (slutty brotherhood ). After the match, a meeting is scheduled. Wearing swim trunks, Greco-Roman swimsuits, or underwear, the most enthusiastic combatants come to the end of the breathless scrape and roll without any garments...."

- Veja mais em https://paulosampaio.blogosfera.uol.com.br/?cmpid=copiaecola


Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)

9/16/2019 12:50 PM

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That was a rude and unnecessarily response. The article gets better as you scroll further. The link you talked about is available because it is a news website, focused on lgbt+ audience. They are not agreeing with said practice, which is a much more common thing in countries like USA, as seen in i am Michael movie. Said practice is actually forbidden in Brazil, yet the article talks about an isolated case.


scottimike (26 )

9/16/2019 1:02 PM

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C'mon hardly at all , critiques go both ways !

As a realistic or assertive member for some time it was not me that was so strange or 'rude' perhaps check the GLB writer or gay obsessed writer from the blog.? I see you are thinking more of whether you get some opponents I do get that, if only a member for a day.
What are you going on about " said practice" you mean the 'gay conversation' therapy link? The blogger seems to have written a few stranger tabloid gay/bi stories?


Jiuliano-Jitsu (4)

9/16/2019 1:37 PM

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This is a highly pro lgbt+ cause website, so i dunno why you are so picky about it. Also go learn actual Portuguese before crucifying websites due to machine based translations, that may contain non adequate words not originally intended by the author.

Besides, your response came out of nowhere and was completely unrelated to the subject.


scottimike (26 )

9/16/2019 1:44 PM

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Some arrogance , you are new , grow a little , don't take things so personal or nationalistically ,as if, you wrote the blog . Why so defensive keep it for a fighting .sport A stupid response when the article can be translated.My response is about the article not about you or a reporter /blogger.

ha , get over it and see if you can enjoy the site ?


mcic (153)

9/16/2019 1:40 PM

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Regardless of the actual content of the article or anyone’s opinion on it, it brought attention to the site. That in itself is a good thing. More users means more opportunities for everyone to find matches either in their area or when traveling.


scottimike (26 )

9/16/2019 1:53 PM

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Yadda , yadda . So the reactive curiosity is ok , maybe it would be good if sustained after 2 months, perhaps the content can and is challenged..since when can a newbie or blogger understand this culture beyond his own needs? Crikey.
The UK vice tv attention rationale / defense was quite similar at the time .We can be mature too and agree to disagree. Ethics aside .This is enough opinion as I've made valid points.


FerrelFighter (41 )

9/16/2019 4:54 PM

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Agreed. Rude and ignorant. Why chase away all these new members by trashing an entire nation with issues unrelated to wrestling and MeetFighters?


scottimike (26 )

9/16/2019 11:20 PM

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Yes the article was curious , mis-informeed or rude about MF.
C'mon now, 'chase away new members' ha, how do you draw such a long bow or assume anyone is 'trashing a whole country', all countries have problems..were you hiding under a rock ?
The site does not lack a political lens or democratic discussion.
You can't separate every thing out, the meta issues like democratic leadership, brexit or climate change.

Note : I have and did welcome most new members , though not entirely uncritically.
Bemvindos, companheiros lutadores!


scottimike (26 )

9/16/2019 2:01 PM

Well 'members' the Truta guy has needed to block me already , fine if he's that sensitive or can handle the heat. Countered.


scottimike (26 )

9/16/2019 2:15 PM

Welcome to the many Brazilians and others who joined on that day : )


edscissors (30 )

9/16/2019 3:29 PM

Not sure what all this was about but Brazilians continue to sign up apace. That's great! I hope they'll all feel really welcome and enjoy our friendly, tolerant site. Have fun!


surrey71 (21 )

9/16/2019 9:04 PM

I think it’s great that to many new members have signed up - but I genuinely do wonder how many are genuine and how many just wang to have a glimpse then go dormant.
Welcome to the genuine fighters and let’s all request - through here - that thx curious ones, those that just signed up to get unlimited access, in the hope there is some dirty little fetish section, please leave and keep the site as it was created - for fighters not for sex!


FerrelFighter (41 )

9/16/2019 10:20 PM

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Salient points.


scottimike (26 )

9/16/2019 11:23 PM

(In reply to this)

Well said , you get it .


scottimike (26 )

9/17/2019 3:06 AM

From an admin. "As far as we are currently aware this sudden influx of new members is as a direct result of a news article posted in Brazil.

https://www.uol.com.br (one of the biggest local sites)

We were not involved in this article.

If a profile stays idle it will get automatically removed. We assume a bigger drop of members again in 1-2 months.

But we should welcome everyone who likes to stay!

Best regards,
Admin "
