It was another night of lamenting how few matches I've had in the last few months when I saw this guy's profile for the umpteenth time. I did what I normally do and just check the profile pictures (pretty cool), the recommendations (lots of good ones), past opponents (some of you know this guy), and his location.... Canada.

Meh, well maybe with all the traveling he does, I'll run into him some time in the next 20 years. Maybe.

A few moments after leaving his page, I received a message on here and on globalfight from him. Something to the tune of, "Hey there! Thanks for visiting for the 15th time.... What's up?" After a bit of chuckling, I wrote back and it went from there.

After exchanging some information, we had a conversation on skype about likes, dislikes, experience, and so on. All of which were always fun and enjoyable. It became a ritual after a short while to talk a bit every day.

After a while of talking, we started planning for his visit to ATL. He was a bit hesitant at first, but I have good references. :) A week or so later, we talked dates and times and other logistics and everything got scheduled. I ordered some gear and he ordered plane tickets. This was already good.

The days came and went and, yes, we did start a countdown.


Last Friday, I got on the phone with my favorite people and arranged for a rental car. Today was the day I'd meet Marc at the airport. I drove up right after work... well, okay, I had to pack a bit... and headed up through rain and traffic blasting tunes. He texted and I simply told him to call me when I had the chance to text back.

I drove to one of the airport, realized he was at the other end, and drove there. After meeting, I took care of my main goal in having that visit: I gave him a hug. He was so much shorter than me. It was fun. I wanted to pick him up and run around.

Having accomplished this, we drove to the hotel to put away suitcases. Bottom floor room in a remote area of the building. This was experience, y'all. He was surprised by how warm it was, which amused me; it's always a bit warmer until mid-November here. After a bit of food and conversation, it was time for match one.


We changed into speedos for the evening and he set up a camera and tripod. It was set to take pictures every 30 seconds or so. Before we began, I asked him to let me do something and he nervously agreed. With that, I picked him up and walked around with him on my shoulders for a bit.

After that, we were ready to roll and roll we did. He placed me in some holds and I took time to return the favor where I could. Some I requested - a spladle in this case - and he obliged. In fact, he obliged quite a few times. :)

After a bit, while enjoying a moment where he had an advantage, he started to grind on me. I simply looked up at him and wondered if this was the fight he wanted. Playing his role of heel to the hilt, he asked what I'd do about it. I smiled....

...and then reversed the move and returned the favor. He was very much a fan of smack talk which led to me politely covering his mouth while grinding until he called me master. He couldn't get away, but he held out admirably. Ultimately, I won that match and we took a shower. Afterward, I passed out while he tried to talk to me later in the evening.


The morning started with a few greetings, brushing my teeth, and Marc challenging me to more matches. I had to remind him again of why grinding on me was a dangerous idea. We punched each other some. It was nice to do that and not worry about the consequences. Nothing too hard, but we did that.

After lunch, we met up with Kyo. He and Marc paired off and I ended up napping for a bit, comfortable in a nearby chair. Marc dominated this guy and was enjoying the spoils. Afterward, it was my turn. This match was a bit shorter, but decisive. After a few taps, I asked what I got for winning. My answer came in short order.

About an hour after Kyo left, this wrester showed up. This person was as pure a jobber as could be, so we had fun with that. Marc first, followed by my joining. It was a fun learning experience and probably generated a ton more pictures.

At this point, I lamented Marc and his having to process all of this later.

A bit over an hour later, our new friend went home with goodbyes and thank yous. I picked him up and spun around for fun. The reaction was priceless.

Following this, we went to dinner at the Waffle House where hilarity ensued. I don't know if the situation itself was funny or if the situation, plus having to translate it, plus having to explain related memes was funnier. I ended up tipping half our order for the entertainment.

We returned to the hotel and met wrestlerbro. It reminded me of Anth a bit. So much laughter and fun. He wrestled with Marc a bit and then it was my turn. I passed out water and towels to keep everyone refreshed. After they were finished, it was my turn which I handled pretty well, I'd say. Those armbars the guys taught me came in handy as I landed a couple.

After this, there was water and cookies and bed. I was actually very energetic, but needed to sleep, so that was that until the next day... well, except for the before-bed wrestling match.

Marc started more trouble that I had to finish. I kept a count of how many times I made him call me "Master" before I let him go.

Three, by the way.


This was to be my final day for a number of interesting reasons. The main one being work the following day. The morning began as every morning does: a bit of a fight, a bit of roaring, and food.

Upon our return, I took some pictures for instagram and enjoyment, then we got ready for this guy to arrive. He explained what he was looking for (he's a competive-ish jobber) and I let he and Marc go at it. After a while, I went at it with him for a bit. He liked slams and I liked picking him up and throwing him around a bit.

Eventually, Marc and I ended up double-teaming this guy and that was fun, too. Afterward, we talked for an hour until his cab arrived. I headed home shortly after. I didn't want to, but it was a necessary evil. It ended up working out okay in the end, I suppose.

Marc and I texted a ton after that, each of us thankful that the other came. I hope I get some of those pictures so I can post them here... well, some.... ;)


I am still on a relative high after that match and am already planning to visit Toronto next year to make sure there's more wrestling and more fun with Marc and others that may be in the area.

This weekend and playing with everyone left me wondering if I have a deeper dominant streak than I give myself credit for. While I'm figuring that out, though, just know I'm harmless. A delicate flower. Couldn't hurt anyone. :)

Last edited on 11/13/2015 6:01 AM by synxiec



edscissors (30 )

5/13/2016 2:37 PM

It sounds as if a meeting with Synxiec would be a great experience with lots of consideration given to the respective hopes of each participant, some really good, interesting talk amongst the various holds applied ... and a lot of laughter. So when are you next in London?
