The Singaporean Slugger

A Coach's Battle in the Shadows of Betrayal

In the panoramic landscape of boxing, fighters often occupy the limelight, embodying tales of strength, resilience, and indomitable will. Yet, lurking in the peripheries is the coach's corner—a sanctuary of knowledge and a crucible of untold struggles. As I stand in this uncelebrated space, my journey unfolds not just as a tale of punches and footwork but also as a labyrinth of thwarted ambitions, emotional turmoil, and a glaring void of support.

Just yesterday, my fighter suffered a defeat. Each second of the referee's count ripped through months of meticulous training like a blade through silk. As our eyes met, his heavy with disappointment, mine heavy with a shared but unique burden, an unsettling reality settled in. I, too, am haunted by a sense of loss—stemming from the sabotage of my own amateur boxing ambitions by a business partner. The veto from someone who was supposed to be my support system has made stepping back into the ring myself an emotionally fraught proposition.

Coaching is not simply about fine-tuning techniques or improving physical condition; it's also about navigating the emotional and psychological complexities that come with shaping another human's aspirations, especially when your own has been brutally undercut. Each decision I make, each strategy I employ, is coloured by my own stalled aspirations and the disheartening absence of a supportive ecosystem.

And then there are the secrets we keep. While I stand as a pillar for my fighters, where does that pillar find its own ground? Particularly when the ground has been unsettled by betrayal from within my own camp? Such unspoken narratives add another layer to an already intricate emotional tapestry. Coaches are expected to be founts of strength, unyielding and unflappable. But what happens when our emotional armour is cracked, not by the rigours of the job but by the very people who were supposed to reinforce it? The facade becomes increasingly harder to maintain.

Like the boxers I train, my internal struggle finds avenues for expression through alternative forms, offering a modicum of solace in a passion like writing. It's a grim irony that the sport we both love can bring such disparate forms of both joy and sorrow. Finding equilibrium can be a Herculean task for coaches, especially when the floor beneath is shaky. It requires a delicate balance of handling your unresolved issues and the burgeoning dreams of your fighters. This balance becomes even more precarious in the absence of a nurturing environment.

Despite the crushing weight of unfulfilled dreams and fractured partnerships, what calls us back to that corner, day in and day out? The same unspoken code defines boxing itself—a relentless pursuit of betterment, not just for ourselves but for those whose dreams we help shape. Even in the direst of circumstances, hope and resilience remain our cornerstones.

In this multifaceted journey, my pen and gloves serve dual roles—tools of transformation and mirrors reflecting my complex realities. As I navigate this path, shackled by past betrayals yet emboldened by enduring passion, I find solace in the one indisputable truth: the ring is unforgiving, but it is also redemptive. Even in this other corner, my corner, there exists a space where, despite betrayals and setbacks, I remain resolute, ever hopeful, and perpetually in love with the beautiful, brutal art that is boxing.

Last edited on 8/27/2023 5:19 PM by sgboxingboy



pinfallwizard (36 )

8/28/2023 7:07 AM

Always your words touch me deeply. Once your wounds are less raw, you will surely step out again into the square of honour and fight your way to your dreams. In the meantime, your dedication will surely inspire your pupils as it inspires me. Always believe and always believe that you have support and love from your friends here in this forum. Your journey is not alone; at least one person is always with you in spirit.


Mars1978 (5)

8/27/2023 6:32 PM

Your Words are so perfect as your body and boxing. 👍🥊🙏
Keep on with both


sgboxingboy (7 )

8/28/2023 4:31 AM

(In reply to this)

Thank you for the generous compliment; your words genuinely humbled me. Boxing and writing are two channels through which I express my physical strength and my internal world. One offers a canvas of words, while the other is a ring of discipline, strategy, and willpower. Both require an intricate balance of art and science, emotion and logic.


Stmbt797 (2)

8/27/2023 6:15 PM

Beautifully written . . our lives and emotions are so well aligned with our sport we love . . almost interchangeable in every area. .


sgboxingboy (7 )

8/28/2023 4:32 AM

(In reply to this)

Thank you for recognizing the deep connection between sport and life. Boxing has taught me lessons that transcend the ring, enriching my self-awareness and life choices. It's a constant cycle of learning and self-improvement, mirrored both in boxing and life's various arenas. Your insight resonates deeply with me.
